Does Henna have "softening" properties on hair?


Well-Known Member
Does Henna have \"softening\" properties on hair?

Just curious, those of you who have used Henna based products does it makes hair softer and more manageable, especially the new growth? Thanks in advance.
Re: Does Henna have \"softening\" properties on hair?

I henna my hair every now and then, and no, I would not say it makes my hair softer. However, the brand I use is mixed with cocoa butter so my hair does comes out soft afterwards. But I don't think it's because of the henna, it's because of the cocoa butter. If anything, henna can be a little drying. Try to mix it with olive oil or jojoba oil to prevent it from making your hair too dry.
Henna is a great strengthener, though.
Re: Does Henna have \"softening\" properties on hair?

My hair doesn't seem soft right after I use henna. Honestly it feels a little stiff... I always follow up with a real slippery moisturizing conditioner. And the next time I wet my hair--Wooo ooo weee!!!! It's like butter. I don't know why this happens.
Re: Does Henna have \"softening\" properties on hair?

I've never used henna (I plan too) but I've tried researching a lot about it before I do use it. The lady from Everyday Henna explained to me that it doesn't have softening properties and it's suggested you follow up with a moisturizing conditioner afterwards. I do, however, have a concoction of cocobutter, shea butter, goats milk, and and coconut oil I use on my hair and cover with a shower cap. When I rinse it out, it makes detangling my hair a breeze (I'm transitioning). So, if you're looking for something to make your hair soft look for moisturizers, if you're looking for something to strengthen and condition your roots, then henna is best.
Re: Does Henna have \"softening\" properties on hair?

I agree with the other ladies. You have got to learn how to "spike" your henna well to produce real gloss and lustre!

Re: Does Henna have \"softening\" properties on hair?

Thanks for your responses, well i ordered Henne Mild Henna colouring creme from


Product information

Henna colouring cream enhances and highlights the natural colour of your hair whilst softening and giving extra volume and shine.

Suitable for permed and coloured hair,it also blends away initial greying.It will not lighten or permanently change your natural shade. Made from plant extract and perfumed with lavender essence,Henna Colour respects the natural structure of your hair.

It will shampoo out after 4 or 5 washes.Henna Colour comes in a ready to use bottle with applicator top.

I think i'm safe with this, but to be certain i'll do strand tests first.