Does he have to say I love you back EVERY time??


Well-Known Member
When I tell my man I love him I usually want to hear him tell me right back!!!! We had an argument bout it the other day...How do ladies feel about this??
I mean I know just cuz he does not tell me he loves me back every single time doesn't mean he doesn't love me but I still find it a bit annoying and when he tells, me I always say the ''love u too'' so???
IDK... it depends i guess. Like if we're on the phone I want him to say it. Cuz, if he doesnt say anything or if he's like "me too" I'm automatically who's there that you can't say it back (If no one is around you, say baby I Love You, LOL). BUt, if he just doesn't say it all the time, when we're together it probably wouldn't bother as much, because guys are not perceptive like that. They figure they don't have to say it all the time to mean it. But, if you let him know how you feel, then hopefully he tries harder. :)

Not always, it depends. I'm usually not the first to say it anyway, I'll let them but when I do, it's because I'm in a 'moment' and it just feels right and I want to let him know it and I'm not saying "I Love You" with the purpose of hearing him say it to me.
He should say it every time (and he should want to). It's like saying "Hello" to someone and they just stand there and stare at you. If you are saying it on the phone and he isn't replying, it is usually because someone is present that he does not want to hear his declaration of love. Not trying to be a killjoy but watch out for that.
When I tell my man I love him I usually want to hear him tell me right back!!!! We had an argument bout it the other day...How do ladies feel about this?? I mean I know just cuz he does not tell me he loves me back every single time doesn't mean he doesn't love me but I still find it a bit annoying and when he tells, me I always say the ''love u too'' so???
I wouldn't waste energy arguing about it because it is just words. I think action speak louder. If you tell him you love him fine. If he says it back fine if he doesn't fine. If he treats you better than precious gems then he love you and nothing has to be said. If he is patient with you then he loves you. If doen't say hurtful things to you that make you cry then he loves you. If he doesn't provoke you then he loves you. If he accepts you regardless of all of your character flaws then he loves you. If he love you then he will never fail you. If he is doing all of these thing and more, why is it important for him to say it? If its just to hear him say it then tell in a loving way how it make you feel when he tell you "I love you". Good luck in your relationship.
I guess it depends but we say it so often throughout the day, like he or I will just say it out of nowhere so I guess I never noticed.
To me... yes.

Thinking back, I don't recall it not being said back. I mean... do you say "I love you" and he says "ok"? If my bf said "ok", I'd be like "OK??? WTF!!" But I'm kinda dramatic... :grin:
I do not mind if my SO did not say it back to me, but he always does.

However, my SO gets upset when I don't say it back to him. I'm like you already know I love you, I don't need to say it all the time. Actions speak louder then words, and mine mirror my love for you.
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When I don't say I Love You back to DH, it's because I'm being passive aggressive. It's to let him know that I'm still pissed about something.

When I don't say it back to my biological mother, it's because I really don't love her, so I don't say it.

Otherwise, I always say it back to whoever says it to me if it's the truth.
Of course he doesn't. Neither do you. Doesn't mean anything. As a matter of fact, i don't care if he ever says it. This is about me and how i feel and being able to express myself - i'm really not interested in his feelings. He just better treat me like i'm the best thing on the planet - whether he loves me or not. No compromise on that.
My SO shows it through his actions. However I still like to hear it. Call me mushy but I am the type to hear someone say something sweet on tv then turn to him with googly eyes, lol. I don't argue with him, he says it when he wants too. Most of the time I say it and he will say it back but if he doesn't, I let it go.
We always respond with "I love YOU." Funny, neither of us ever say "I love you TOO."

And the times when the response isn't "I love YOU" (from either of us), it's either "I know," "I love you more," or "you better!" Sometimes my response is: "mmmmmm hmmmm" with an eyeroll. LOL

But there is always A response.
Not a big deal to me. But I was never big on the three letter word anyways. He tells me more than I do him. I dont always say it back...he doesnt complain. We're good.
OP...Are you saying "I love you" just to hear him say it, or are you saying it because it's really in your heart. If it's the latter of the two, and he shows that he loves you, then I don't see the big deal in him saying it every...single...time. Just like you like to hear your man profess his love to you, men sometimes like just hearing those three words.

If this really makes you uncomfortable then communicate this to him. If he truly loves you, he will make an effort in saying "I love you...too"