Does hair still grow after 40??


natural for good
I've only been on my healthy hair journey for a few months. I found LHCF in April 2008, and subsequently the K.I.S.S. forum a few months after. I was 39 when I found LHCF, and in October of 2008, I turned 40, I know that this is the age when some womens' bodies, hormones, etc....begin to change. I am determined to grow my hair to healthy, blunt BSL.....but am I too late?? Should I still continue to entertain ideas about growing my hair that long at this age.....even with pristine hair growing techniques???? :perplexedI consider myself to be in good shape, active. I eat right :wink: and excercise regularly. Cannot even THINK about going a day without at least a gallon of water.......

Where are my 40-and-up longer-haired sisters???
I've only been on my healthy hair journey for a few months. I found LHCF in April 2008, and subsequently the K.I.S.S. forum a few months after. I was 39 when I found LHCF, and in October of 2008, I turned 40, I know that this is the age when some womens' bodies, hormones, etc....begin to change. I am determined to grow my hair to healthy, blunt BSL.....but am I too late?? Should I still continue to entertain ideas about growing my hair that long at this age.....even with pristine hair growing techniques???? :perplexedI consider myself to be in good shape, active. I eat right :wink: and excercise regularly. Cannot even THINK about going a day without at least a gallon of water.......

Where are my 40-and-up longer-haired sisters???

I think a lot of it depends on your genes combined with hair care practices.

I am healthy; exercise, eat right, etc. and my hair just naturally thinned out more and takes longer to grow as I age. I don't take hormones or any medication except for nutritional supplements and no matter what I do, my hair just takes longer to grow. I'm 50 by the way.

Some people get great growth and length up until their 80s - just not me I see. :ohwell:
It's not too late! :)
I don't think there are any drastic changes until after and during Menopause.
Of course we all have different growth, but I'm 38 in a few days and my hair is still growing :D
i'm 41 and i'm getting mad growth spurts.

as long as you take care of your body, your hair will grow :yep:

ETA -- I am going through menopause -- I hit early menopause because of this toxic medication i was on. Thank God it hasn't affected my hair
My mom is in her seventies. She always wears her hair short. Well she's been so busy of late that she totally neglected her hair. She "stretched" her relaxer for many months. I think she got it washed a couple of times (maybe). Anyway she was hospitalized and I brought her a comb. She started combing her hair an it was way past SL! I've never seen her hair that long ever. When she finally got the relaxer it was almost APL. I begged her to grow it out, but she says at her age long hair is a hinderance more than a help. She couldn't wait to get it chopped off.
My Grand had ear length heavily pressed hair for... ever! LOL Her hair had not been even shoulder length since she was a girl. Since April 2006, she stopped pressing so often and started wearing her hair in braids except for special occasions. She washes her hair in braids and everything. She reached APL in 18 months!

I say this to say, if she's growing at 80+ then you will grow girl! Also, our hair and nails continue to grow even after we leave this earth.

She is lightly pressed in this pic. Such an inspiration to me. :)


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I'm 43 and I have had no problems its true it start thining our. The top of my hair is very thin, so my puffs won't stay up high as I like so I stopped wearing them but other then that my hair is steady growing. I wish I knew about this site 20 years ago. I would have been a very happy 23 year old rocking some long hair.
I'm not 40 but my mom is 64 and for the longest time she kept her hair less than 4 inches and grew it out to BSL in around 18 months so I don't think its too late
Hi there

I'm 42 and my hair is healthy and growing quite well. I will try to upload a pic...I tried to upload the other day but I must be doing something wrong. But my hair is shoulder length and growing with no problems. My reggie is pretty simple, I roller set and sometimes I wear a bun.

HTH :)
my mum is in her late 40's and she BCed back in august and her hair is growing like a weed. her reggy is simple all she does is co-wash daily and moisturse with what ever conditioner and maybe use some gel and slap on a hair band.
it's never to late
Yes. I am not 40, but my mom is 64 and her hair is BSL stretched and SL unstretched. It grows faster than mine, believe me. (BTW, I'm 31).
thanks, *sniff* !! You ladies are such an inspiration! i am goig to keep up my regimen, and by hook-or-crook i am determined to reach my healthy hair goals . YAY!!!

i'll ask my mom. she's in her 80s, had her head shaved for brain surgery about 3 yrs ago and she's mbl. she only uses soap & water to shampoo her natural hair.
I am still growing, after some fits and stops and then starts. I had to get my hormones in check however and change my lifestyle a great deal.

Now working out, eating healthy, getting enough iron and protein has made a world of difference for me. I plan over 2009 to continue to improve my lifestyle habits. Drinking plenty of water, getting enough sleep, cutting out necessary stress, etc.

All those things for me = a healthy head of hair....I'll be 47 in July.
I'm 40 and my hair is still growing and it's not thinning either. I know my diet and exercise lifestyle has plenty to do with it though. I do think as we age, we have to be even more mindful of our health to receive the benefits that we want over all.
Hi Baddison

I am 43 and a very slow grower. I think it varies, but healthy hair practices and persistence can pay off.

Looks like you're already on your way:yep:.
I'm 43 and I've never had trouble with my hair not growing. In fact it has always grown really fast, I get new growth within the first week after I relax. No thinning here either. I'm APL from not moisturizing before I came to LHCF. And I also cut it 2 inches before I found this forum.
I am 48 and I have no problems with thinning or growing. My hair is in the best shape of its life and the longest it has been since I was 14 (before relaxing). I had a bit of a problem with length retention last year, but I had a great trim in October and have pretty much recovered (grown and retained) all that was trimmed. Right now I am either in the midst of a growth spurt or my daily consumption of four to eight ounces of my super juice is just giving me some phenomenal growth.