Does hair still grow after 40??

no , i dont think there is a set age that hair stops growing . however i am aware that hair goes through three stages of growth , resting and shedding i think tahts the basics. i wouldnt give up . i would just try to switch up your regimen a llittle bit .
I turn 42 on the 18th and my hair is still growing fine...a little thin on the top but otherwise no issues.
yep look at me:lachen::lachen::lachen:i am 50+ and still growing didnt start to take care of my hair until my late 40s:wallbash:but my temple are thin:blush:but i am trying to take bettter care of them:yep:
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thanks, *sniff* !! You ladies are such an inspiration! i am goig to keep up my regimen, and by hook-or-crook i am determined to reach my healthy hair goals . YAY!!!

Congrats on your weight loss! Your new hair growth will be the perfect compliment. If you believe you can grow and commit to a reggie, you will see progress. Good luck!
Hair is always growing it is maintaining length that has been so elusive for women of color.

Yes I can tell you that hair grows after 40 I am knocking on the door of the next big number and my hair is growing just fine.
I'm encouraged by this thread (and yet had no reason to think otherwise) as I have just crossed over into this decade 4 days ago....
:huh: Samanthajones67...will you please put down the bottle. The question was, "Does hair still grow after 40???" What do you mean "I sure hope not."? Had enough have you? :spinning:

OK - I meant that I hope it does not STOP growing after 40.....

Sign of OLD AGE....

This great inspiration. I'm not 40 yet, but I know I can look forward to years of growing. Thanks for sharing, ladies.
for ladies that have thinning issues, what are you doing to thicken it? my mommy's hair is really starting to thin and i want to help her out.
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my mother was in her mid fifties when she started her sisterlocks on hair that was about 6" inches long. 9 years later, her sisterlocks are tailbone length. So, yes, hair continues to grow after 40.
My mom's hair is quite lovely. Even though she's 70++ her hair is shiny and raven black, naturally. She has about 15 silver strands that glisten in the light. My grandmother who had very dark hair as well wore a grey wig so the church ladies who stop talking about her "lying about not dyeing her hair"- behind her back. I know thats it's a bit off topic. But all my aunts hair grew until they left us for that cabin in the sky.
In my 40's and my hair is steadily growing and patient with the mistakes and missteps I make while stilllearning how to best care for it. My mom's hair was at its longest in the few years before she passed, almost bsl and gorgeous. This was after almost 40 years of very harsh perms every 6-8 weeks. She switched formulas and went from 8 - 12 weeks, and it was like BOING!:lachen:
I am almost 42 and my hair is the longest it has ever been (recently big-trimmed to BSL but was mid-back)
My hair is growing very well at age 48. In fact, my hair is longer and thicker than it has EVER been in my life. I eat healthy (mostly), exercise regularly, get adequate sleep and avoid stress...I think these things are huge contributors to healthy hair.

I expect to reach full WL this year and HL by age 50.:yep:
Yep, I'm in the over 50 gang, well 50 on the dot. My hair grows very well, even though I have a chronic illness. Although hair may change with hormonal variation, it will not stop growing. My paternal granny left this world at 100 years old with a beautiful silver TBL braid swinging down her back. My maternal granny had past WL hair, and lived to 108. Both of my grannies were my inspirations, and I hope to have at least TBL hair when I take my sunset as well.

Keep it growing my wise, and mature sisters.:yep::yep:
Oh thank you Baddison for starting this thread and to all my 40+ and 50+ ladies for chiming in.

I was a little bummed earlier looking at yet another youngun on here talking about Lisa Raye looking good (for her age) :nono: :nono:!!

I was wondering do I really belong here.

And I have recently suffered a setback with my own hair going from APL to breakage and scraggly ends. I see my self as one of those mature ladies with long hair , so I was beginning to wonder if I'm fighting a losing battle.

Reading this thread was just what I needed to stay in the fight. You ladies Rock!!

Even at our age!! :yep: :blush: :yep: :blush:
Hell yeah! My Mom is in her 40's and she has been natural for at least the past 4 years and her hair is long and continuing to grow!
It is definitely not too late. My mom is over 50 and her hair is mid-back length. My aunt had breast cancer and the chemo made her completely bald. In less than three years her hair is at bra strap . . . unstretched (she's natural). She's a few years older than my mom. So keep growing, don't give up!
I am 58 and my hair grew from what you see in my avatar to what you see in my signatrue picture. It hasn't started thinning and it's still growing.
Yes!!! I'm 44 and before I cut my hair a few months ago, I was on a journey to growing my hair out and it actually got a little past BSL in about 2-3 years. It was as long as my hair had ever been in it's life. I cut because I got tired of doing it and wanted something easy for a little while. I will be growing out again, until I'm 50, then I'll cut again. LOL!!!
My mother is 45 and her hair grows EVERYDAY it grows like weeds, my mother cuts her hair everyday I tell you, everday to keep it in the short hair style she has. And as much as she cuts it, it just keeps on growing right back. LOL so I say YES your hair can grow after 40, I believe it keeps growing up until death.
Hey Baddison! I started my hair journey in 2006 at 39. I had a lot of thinning in the front. I had a widow's peak and my temples were just about bare. I assumed it was hereditary because my Dad's and brother's hair is like that, and unlike some of these ladies, no one in my lineage has had hair past their shoulders that I have seen or know about. When I learned about how to care for my hair, I developed a whole new hair line that is at least an inch further down on my forehead. It still just trips me out. The journey takes a lot of time and effort, but it is definitely doable. My hair is the longest and healthiest it's ever been in my life, and so far, it just keeps getting better. PTL!!!
Yes, of course. Hair & nails still grow for a while even after death - which freaked me out completely on a school field trip to a medical center.