Does hair hold negative energy?


New Member
I have heard that hair can harbor negative energy from past experiences. The last 5 years of my life have included a failed marriage, being cheated on, and failed relationships. My hair, now BSL, has endured it all. But I almost feel as though it has been a heavy burden for me to carry and I am strongly considering cutting it to release the negative energy. Can anyone out there feel what I am saying?

yea ...i think i went natural after having a ton of bad stuff happen was very freeing
I am a strong believer in hair holding energy period. Whether good or bad. I've bc'd many times and I felt very "free" after each and every one. I feel sometimes it's just necessary just like shedding negative energy in your life that come in the form of things or people. That doesn't mean that everything bad that happens to you stays in your hair. Some folks have others ways of releasing their energy. Me... I swear mine sticks to my hair like glue LOL
I think hair holds energy, but so does every other cell in our bodies. If you really want to cut your hair, then do it...however, you could just change the energy of your hair. Every cell of our bodies is alive and responds to the thoughts we think and the words we speak. Just think and speak different words.

good luck
I think it can. I always try to switch up my hair styles (which happens quite often) to get rid of negative energy.
One of my friends did that. Her hair was bra length and she cut it up to her ears. She said that she felt free. She too had broken up with her boyfriend. If you feel like cutting it, then cut it, it grows back :yep:. I hope that you being to feel better. When you cut it donate it to the locks of love so that they can make wigs for those who are ill.
I think hair holds energy, but so does every other cell in our bodies. If you really want to cut your hair, then do it...however, you could just change the energy of your hair. Every cell of our bodies is alive and responds to the thoughts we think and the words we speak. Just think and speak different words.
good luck

I agree with this. Just like your life, maybe your hair needs a change - but it doesn't mean that it needs to be cut away. Honor your hair as a symbol that you were there before this, through this, and you will still be there after this...... acknowledge that even through those bad times, there was some good, and your hair was part of the good.

Of course, sometimes you just gotta cut it off. :lol:
I agree with this. Just like your life, maybe your hair needs a change - but it doesn't mean that it needs to be cut away. Honor your hair as a symbol that you were there before this, through this, and you will still be there after this...... acknowledge that even through those bad times, there was some good, and your hair was part of the good.

Of course, sometimes you just gotta cut it off. :lol:

I like this view!

But, OP, do whatever you feel is best, and good luck!! :yep:
I'm kind of "magical mystery tour" about hair. Yup...I believe it CAN hold negative energy, but it can also hold strength and your story. It's like tree rings. The fuzz use it to see if you do dope, so even science backs me a bit here.

Just a relevant FYI...Lenny Kravitz cut his locks because he felt they held too much energy and were sapping his strength.
You know, I think there's something to that. I've heard of MANY locers talk about how they cut their locs because of bad energy.
I personally think that BC feels so good at/after times of stress because it is something dramatic that you can control when it feels like a lot of other things are happening that you are unable to control...just my $0.02
I beleieve that every cell in and of our bodies has the ability to influence and communicate with every other cell. That being said. I will change MY overall negative energy before chopping my hair off. Chopping is my very last option.

My BC felt good because I had chopped off the part of hair that (in my mind) never truly belonged to me in the 1st place. The chemicalized hair just couldn't compete with the REAL. :yep:
As a once short hair wearer, I can say I kinda agree with this! Everytime I got my hair newly cut, it felt liberating and free. I swear when I had a bad time period, when I went to the salon to cut it, I felt free of any negative evergy. That's not to tie energy with hair all the time. But, I do think that cleansing one self of an obvious source of attachment can be liberating. Now, I am not saying to cut your hair:look:, but change may make one feel better!
I'm kind of "magical mystery tour" about hair. Yup...I believe it CAN hold negative energy, but it can also hold strength and your story. It's like tree rings. The fuzz use it to see if you do dope, so even science backs me a bit here.

Just a relevant FYI...Lenny Kravitz cut his locks because he felt they held too much energy and were sapping his strength.

Yeah, Lenny Kravitz was the first person that came to mind. :yep:

I agree with the ladies. I cannot see how something that sits on your head, as does a crown, cannot have some sort of energy, whether positive or negative. Its when we learn how to gain complete synergy with your hair and entire body, it can be used as a physical manisfestation of your positivity, as well as creativity, image, and expression.

:lol: You had me laughing at "the Fuzz".
One of my friends did that. Her hair was bra length and she cut it up to her ears. She said that she felt free. She too had broken up with her boyfriend. If you feel like cutting it, then cut it, it grows back :yep:. I hope that you being to feel better. When you cut it donate it to the locks of love so that they can make wigs for those who are ill.

I had a friend do the same BSL and went to a Halle Berry doo with color. She had ended a relationship and said she felt free too. Then a couple months later she said she would never cut her hair again and started growing it back out.

I think when we feel this way its best to switch up the style before doing anything you may later regret. Or focus your attention on something else.
I agree with this. Just like your life, maybe your hair needs a change - but it doesn't mean that it needs to be cut away. Honor your hair as a symbol that you were there before this, through this, and you will still be there after this...... acknowledge that even through those bad times, there was some good, and your hair was part of the good.

Of course, sometimes you just gotta cut it off. :lol:

Perfectly said.

If I feel a "heaviness" after concluding an event in my life I fast and pray.

I pray all goes well for you here and on....
I have heard of it but truly feel our hair holds no more negative energy than our other body parts so really we have to focus on removing the negative from our heart and mind HTH!
I know that your hair can be either stronger or weaker depending on what circumstances you go through. For instance, if a person's undergone a stressful/traumatic situation, it will interfere with the health and growth of their nails, skin, and hair. A person's hair will probably grow more slowly during this time and whatever hair that it does grow will probably be more fragile (due to the stress your cells are undergoing). But if you're happy your hair, skin, and nails thrive. That's why some people say "You look radiant" or "You glow" when a person is happy.