Does hair grow more quickly and/or retain length more easily in hotter climates?

Hi. I've been thinking about doing a long term trip around Australia next year, and although I am currently saving up money for it, I do often get a bit too scared to do it. But then I keep reminding myself of the many reasons why it would be a good idea.

So I recently thought of something I remembered reading somewhere, it might have been on LHCF, about how some people claim that hair grows more quickly in the summer. Now if that's really true, then I think that is reason enough to get out of the UK - yeah it gets sunny sometimes but most of the year is just cold and wet, even sometimes in our summers :look:. Whereas Oz is on average a lot warmer, or so I hear.

Really though, I've so been struggling to grow my hair long in the past few years I've been on my HHJ, and I think at this point I'd pretty much do anything to increase the chances of that happening. Not that that would be my only reason to go to Oz, just one of many :p

Anyway, yeah, basically the question is, do you think your hair grows more quickly in hotter weather and climates? Do you retain length better? Why or why not? Thanks :)
I think its true that hair grows quicker in warmer climates because as you said hair growth slows down in the winter though I'm not sure why, hopefully someone can explain! However in direct sunlight I think you have to be careful that the sun doesn't dry out the hair making it brittle, so keeping it moisturised is key!!

I am also from the UK and planning to go to Australia next year!! You should definitely do it. The weather here is depressing, we hardly had any summer to speak of this year! DO IT!! :yep:
I think its true that hair grows quicker in warmer climates because as you said hair growth slows down in the winter though I'm not sure why, hopefully someone can explain! However in direct sunlight I think you have to be careful that the sun doesn't dry out the hair making it brittle, so keeping it moisturised is key!!

I am also from the UK and planning to go to Australia next year!! You should definitely do it. The weather here is depressing, we hardly had any summer to speak of this year! DO IT!! :yep:

Ah, that's cool. What for and how long for?

I'm gonna do a working holiday there. From what I've read about other people doing it, it hopefully shall be lots of fun :D
Growth and retention are two separate things. I do believe I get more growth in the summer months but I didn't retain most of it due to how I treated my hair not the environment I'm in . Finding what helps you retain length is more important to me than what helps your hair grow faster. I could get 3 inches a month, not retain it, and all that miraculous growth wouldn't mean a thing.
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Growth and retention are two separate things. I do believe I get more growth in the summer months but I didn't retain most of it due to how I treated my hair not the environment I'm in . Finding what helps you retain length is more important to me than what helps your hair grow faster. I could get 3 inches a month, not retain it, and all that miraculous growth wouldn't mean a thing.

Yeah, I know well the differences, don't worry. I just need to work on both really, and though I think I'm getting the hang of retaining my length, a little extra growth spurt wouldn't hurt :spinning:
Being here in chicago and struggling with really dry breakage prone hair myself; I sometimes wonder the same thing.....I wish i could just pick up and move to somewhere hot. I dont think your hair grows faster in the summer but i do think it has less to "deal" with in the summer, very little windy days, no poluted rain and snow, and even though summer is drying nowhere NEAR as drying as harsh winter air....i say move if you can :lol:
Yeah, I know well the differences, don't worry. I just need to work on both really, and though I think I'm getting the hang of retaining my length, a little extra growth spurt wouldn't hurt :spinning:

I am sure everyone knows that here but I only started my post that way to make my point. All I'm saying is (in my opinion) whatever extra growth anyone gets doesn't matter half as much as retention. My hair could grow only 3in a year and I could retain all of that and be better off than what I did this year which was grow over 6in and only retain maybe an inch or less. I hope you get my point and see I'm not coming at you in any kind of way.
When I'm in the Caribbean my hair grows like crazy. ALL of my hair - legs, eyebrows, head, etc. Like I was away for two weeks in August and I had to shave/pluck way more often than I do when i'm at home. That's always how it is for me when I go down there.
Warmer weather and humidity usually go hand in hand. That extra moisture is vital for growth(scalp) and retention (strands)

Plus people are more active, which contributes to increased blood flow to scalp. I think there's potential to help with both.
When I'm in the Caribbean my hair grows like crazy. ALL of my hair - legs, eyebrows, head, etc. Like I was away for two weeks in August and I had to shave/pluck way more often than I do when i'm at home. That's always how it is for me when I go down there.

Ooh, yeah. I guess this is a reminder not to forget to take some hair removal cream for my legs and armpits :yep:

Thanks to everyone for their input :)
I spent about a 15mos in the desert and the only benefit I got was being able to cowash a whole lot more to counter the dryness. I went thru a lot of scurl trying to keep the moisture in. I can see how being near the beach would be more moisturizing for the hair.
I think humid climates are good for the hair with increased moisture in the air, bad for most hairstyles tho.
CherryCherryBoomBoom said:
Ah, that's cool. What for and how long for?

I'm gonna do a working holiday there. From what I've read about other people doing it, it hopefully shall be lots of fun :D

I'm going to do a working holiday too, planning to go for a year but may stay for a second year. Yeah most people love it, I can't wait! Planning to go away is what made me get my arse in gear to take care of my hair!! I want long flowing locks when I'm on the beach!!

i don't think its soley cause its hot or hot& humid.

there are several factors as to why i get more growth in summer months:
more physical activity
i'm outside more
i eat better...more raw fruits/veggies, smoothies, juices, salads
i tend to do detoxes more during the summer months
many fruits and veggies are in season during the warm weather, so more variety in your diet equals more nutrients/antioxidants
i drink more water
I believe is depends on the hair. I've lived in the south all my life. But when I moved from Georgia to Louisiana, my hair broke to bits and became overwhelmingly brittle.
Warmer weather and humidity usually go hand in hand. That extra moisture is vital for growth(scalp) and retention (strands)

Plus people are more active, which contributes to increased blood flow to scalp. I think there's potential to help with both.


More activity and heat = Increased blood flow to scalp = More and faster cell reproduction = Growth of new protein cells = Longer hair.

Its the Long Hair Equation :grin:
I think, based on the people i know who have/have had long hair (africans) that hot on it's own means nothing, that hot and humid is the trick. I know several people who had apl & longer hair who moved from central africa to southern africa, much of which is drier, though just as hot. Most of them now have trouble retaining length.
I'm sharing this as an anecdote, not as a scientific statement of fact.

Also, might be OT, but the only black people i see around me (southern africa) who have hair longer than collar-bone length all have dreadlocks. I haven't seen any really long hair that wasn't locked. Not saying it cant be done, just saying i havent seen it.
Also, there is a distinct difference here between black&coloured and i'm not talking about coloured people. Don't stone me, it is what it is.
I've heard that hair grows faster in the winter because "it stands on end in the cold weather". Not exactly sure what that means or where I heard it.

i don't think its soley cause its hot or hot& humid.

there are several factors as to why i get more growth in summer months:
more physical activity
i'm outside more
i eat better...more raw fruits/veggies, smoothies, juices, salads
i tend to do detoxes more during the summer months
many fruits and veggies are in season during the warm weather, so more variety in your diet equals more nutrients/antioxidants
i drink more water

When I lived in California one summer I got up every morning and ran on the beach. I ate fresh fruits and veggies more often as they were cheaper and more plentiful than in NYC. I ate them daily. I co-washed more than I ever had in my life because of the saltwater and sand from the beach. My hair was the best it ever looked in my entire life. I didn't know it was possible; the growth, the thickness. Maybe the warm weather had something do do with it, but there was a big lifestyle shift from my summers spent in NYC.
All the reasons listed as to why you grow and retain more in the summer can be replicated in any season :yep:

Running increases blood flow to the scalp - join a gym.

Summer fruits and berries - buy frozen. The flash freeze method they use retains most of the nutrients.

Detox - once a month

Water - drink a gallon everyday.

Sun- if possible, plan a one week vacation in the sun, once a year.

Warm & humid/ moist hair - baggy your entire head while you sleep or under your wig while your awake.
I don't know if it grows but I do believe that your scalp may be healthier. Think about when we steam our hair. When I regularly steam I have less scalp issues ( no random soreness, no dandruff and LESS SHEDDING). Now the retention is totally a person by person thing but I am a firm believer that starting at the scalp is the best way to get hair growth.
I believe is depends on the hair. I've lived in the south all my life. But when I moved from Georgia to Louisiana, my hair broke to bits and became overwhelmingly brittle.

Which state is hotter and more humid, Georgia or Louisana?

I'm British so I don't have extensive knowledge of US weather :look:

I think, based on the people i know who have/have had long hair (africans) that hot on it's own means nothing, that hot and humid is the trick. I know several people who had apl & longer hair who moved from central africa to southern africa, much of which is drier, though just as hot. Most of them now have trouble retaining length.
I'm sharing this as an anecdote, not as a scientific statement of fact.

Also, might be OT, but the only black people i see around me (southern africa) who have hair longer than collar-bone length all have dreadlocks. I haven't seen any really long hair that wasn't locked. Not saying it cant be done, just saying i havent seen it.
Also, there is a distinct difference here between black&coloured and i'm not talking about coloured people. Don't stone me, it is what it is.

Are you talking about when South Africans refer to mixed race people as "coloured"?
I lived in India for a year and my fair didn't grow any faster or slower. It was exactly the same as back home.

But as usual, every ones hair is different

I'm not illiterate. It's my phones auto correct
Which state is hotter and more humid, Georgia or Louisana?

I'm British so I don't have extensive knowledge of US weather :look:

Are you talking about when South Africans refer to mixed race people as "coloured"?

Yes. When filling in forms that require race the options are: black, white, indian, coloured and sometimes (rarely) chinese is an option. I know chinese also benefited from affirmative action so i think they tick black when chinese isnt on the list. I could be wrong though.

Anyhoo, i just mentioned that to make a distinction between black and coloured hair - coloured hair is mixed race hair and it's different from ethinically black hair. I realise, with all the race issues in the US (we have our own) that all of this might seem a bit off...but there it is.
Fyi, no, not everyone is mixed race, despite that being largely true of people of african descent living off the continent.
hair grows in cycles... so yea it does grow faster & then slower sometimes....

the key to "retaining length" is knowing when its growing slower then handling it w care...

some people cut in the winter it grows back by summer......
All the reasons listed as to why you grow and retain more in the summer can be replicated in any season :yep:

Running increases blood flow to the scalp - join a gym.

Summer fruits and berries - buy frozen. The flash freeze method they use retains most of the nutrients.

Detox - once a month

Water - drink a gallon everyday.

Sun- if possible, plan a one week vacation in the sun, once a year.

Warm & humid/ moist hair - baggy your entire head while you sleep or under your wig while your awake.

This is my plan to stay on track this winter :yep:
I think it does for me. In summer, I co washed daily and my hair retained due to moisture. In winter, it is harder for me to retain moisture. The cold sucks moisture right out. Since I am twa stage, it is super hard because I can't do protective styles yet.:ohwell:
I live in Florida and feel my hair grows at its normal rate regardless of climate. The heat can be very drying and impact retention. However, the same can be said for those in colder climates in the winter.