Does God try to confuse us?


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Lately I've been reflecting on past decisions in my life where I feel I always went the wrong way out of confusion. I would pray for something and be placed in situations that forced me to choose just to obtain what I was praying for but always messed up. Things were never cut and dry and its pissing me off cause I know things should not be this hard. The more I think about things the more my heart hurts cause I either making the wrong decisions or things are coming my way at that wrong time and I just miss the bus completely and lose chances. I feel so misguided at times!
I felt this way this morning while taking a loooooong hot shower. My personal (love) life is the most confusing & many of my decisions I cannot tell who is doing the deciding; me or God. smh

I agree w/ you that sometimes I feel it shouldn't be hard but for some odd reason it just is. Sigh....
I felt this way this morning while taking a loooooong hot shower. My personal (love) life is the most confusing & many of my decisions I cannot tell who is doing the deciding; me or God. smh

I agree w/ you that sometimes I feel it shouldn't be hard but for some odd reason it just is. Sigh....

Yes this is mainly where most of the confusion stems from, relationships. Just a mess with decisions and honestly I'm a good person but but based off some actions and decisions I feel si ashamed and stupid. Looking back I know I always prayed but I always had some tough decisions to make and I always failed. Even finding a home church has been hard. I thought I did but that did not turn out well either.
Not to be rude of insensitive God and confusion don't know one another. Confusion is caused by satan and your decisions were yours even though you may have prayed it may not have been the will of God for you but since Satan knows what you like he put something that seemed like God in your mist esp since you prayed and it just seemed so great. Then it blows up. Fast and prayer and lean on the word not your understanding. It's hard,it's not easy but it will put you at peace with alot of things.

For instance recently I had a interview lined up in the right area,salary was good etc. However God's gentle probling made me cancel it as it wasn't what I truly needed and would put me in a worst place than before. Sometimes we want what we want which blinds us to God's gentle warnings. God will never do anything really over the top unless it's unusal but normally he is very gentle and it's your responsibilty to listen and take heed. It's a process and some times it's easy and sometimes it's really hard. Just pray,ask for forgiveness and move on. No need to be wrapped up in shame and stupidity.
Not to be rude of insensitive God and confusion don't know one another. Confusion is caused by satan and your decisions were yours even though you may have prayed it may not have been the will of God for you but since Satan knows what you like he put something that seemed like God in your mist esp since you prayed and it just seemed so great. Then it blows up. Fast and prayer and lean on the word not your understanding. It's hard,it's not easy but it will put you at peace with alot of things.

For instance recently I had a interview lined up in the right area,salary was good etc. However God's gentle probling made me cancel it as it wasn't what I truly needed and would put me in a worst place than before. Sometimes we want what we want which blinds us to God's gentle warnings. God will never do anything really over the top unless it's unusal but normally he is very gentle and it's your responsibilty to listen and take heed. It's a process and some times it's easy and sometimes it's really hard. Just pray,ask for forgiveness and move on. No need to be wrapped up in shame and stupidity.
So beautifully said! I agree with everything stated here.

And based on my direct experience, I would like to add when I am living with areas of known disobedience to God's Word / Will in my life, I find it messes up the way I receive / perceive God's instruction. It's like having static on a phone line, I can't hear what's coming through the line because sin clouds the line / connection with God.
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Lately I've been reflecting on past decisions in my life where I feel I always went the wrong way out of confusion. I would pray for something and be placed in situations that forced me to choose just to obtain what I was praying for but always messed up. Things were never cut and dry and its pissing me off cause I know things should not be this hard. The more I think about things the more my heart hurts cause I either making the wrong decisions or things are coming my way at that wrong time and I just miss the bus completely and lose chances. I feel so misguided at times!

Know that Satan is the author of confusion and the father of all lies.
Not to be rude of insensitive God and confusion don't know one another. Confusion is caused by satan and your decisions were yours even though you may have prayed it may not have been the will of God for you but since Satan knows what you like he put something that seemed like God in your mist esp since you prayed and it just seemed so great. Then it blows up. Fast and prayer and lean on the word not your understanding. It's hard,it's not easy but it will put you at peace with alot of things.

For instance recently I had a interview lined up in the right area,salary was good etc. However God's gentle probling made me cancel it as it wasn't what I truly needed and would put me in a worst place than before. Sometimes we want what we want which blinds us to God's gentle warnings. God will never do anything really over the top unless it's unusal but normally he is very gentle and it's your responsibilty to listen and take heed. It's a process and some times it's easy and sometimes it's really hard. Just pray,ask for forgiveness and move on. No need to be wrapped up in shame and stupidity.
Excellent post! :yay:
So beautifully said! I agree with everything stated here.

And based on my direct experience, I would like to add when I am living with areas of known disobedience to God's Word / Will in my life, I find it messes up the way I receive / perceive God's instruction. It's like having static on a phone line, I can't hear what's coming through the line because sin clouds the line / connection with God.

I understand this but I also understand the OP. There was something recently that I wanted and everything seemed to fall into place, I thanked God so many times because it just seemed that he was really having a place in making this thing happen and at the last minute it all fell apart.

I am still trying to figure out why this happened but that also involves not trying to figure out why it happened. Many times we just need to trust and watch how everything unfolds. There is never a loss without more gained in the end. I know this means he had something better in mind so I am just increasing my faith. I think many instances come down to faith and it isn't always that we are disobedient, its that God has a better plan than we could ever imagine for ourselves and "things going wrong" is him just insuring that the better scenario plays out, although we cannot see that at the time.
I understand this but I also understand the OP. There was something recently that I wanted and everything seemed to fall into place, I thanked God so many times because it just seemed that he was really having a place in making this thing happen and at the last minute it all fell apart.

I am still trying to figure out why this happened but that also involves not trying to figure out why it happened. Many times we just need to trust and watch how everything unfolds. There is never a loss without more gained in the end. I know this means he had something better in mind so I am just increasing my faith. I think many instances come down to faith and it isn't always that we are disobedient, its that God has a better plan than we could ever imagine for ourselves and "things going wrong" is him just insuring that the better scenario plays out, although we cannot see that at the time.

Like you I tell myself maybe God has something better in store for me and that's why xyz did not work out but when better does not come along I start to have doubts and blame myself for my mistakes. I'm grateful for what I have but I fall so short in other areas. Sometimes I feel like my life is at a standstill. Everyone around me is advancing in different arenas while I'm at the same spot as I was 5,6 years ago:(
God is not the author of confusion, the confusion comes from the enemy and us trying to figure out God's plan. Pray for His will to be done and not ours.
Like you I tell myself maybe God has something better in store for me and that's why xyz did not work out but when better does not come along I start to have doubts and blame myself for my mistakes. I'm grateful for what I have but I fall so short in other areas. Sometimes I feel like my life is at a standstill. Everyone around me is advancing in different arenas while I'm at the same spot as I was 5,6 years ago:(

I just want to encourage you that you're not alone. I think every believer goes through this one time or another. Like others have said, if you are confused, know immediately that it's the enemy. If it's God, you will have peace. We already have peace, it's up to us to guard our hearts, and KEEP the peace God has given us.

I understand you feel you're at a standstill in your life, and I know you may not want to hear this but, sometimes you just have to wait. God has a way of getting our attention, and sometimes he does that in a waiting period in our lives. He is drawing you closer to Him. There is power in the wait. Momentum is building, trust in God is building, faith is building, when God is ready to bless you, you will be ready. Also, be careful not to compare yourself with others, and focus on the wonderful plan God has in store for YOUR life. Your blessing could be just around the corner... keep standing in FAITH, and hold on.

one more thing...sometimes God has to mess up our plan because He knows it will lead us straight off the cliff! Try not to view your life as a life full of mistakes. Instead try viewing it through Romans 8:28, all things work together for GOOD to them that love God.
I used to feel like I was cursed with bad timing. But know I know that it's a trick of the enemy. I've learned that when I feel confused it's me avoiding decision. Seek His face and not His hand.

I learned how He speaks to me through disobedience. All major catastrophes in my life were after I'd dreamt it. God will reveal a bad outcome and I'd shake it off as if it were a coincidence.

The only way to hear His voice is to quiet your own. I learned He will not yell over my foolishness. Gods wisdom is infinite and we are not capable of fully understanding His choices for us.

Peace will come with surrendering.
Thank you ladies for your blessed words. I'm trying everyday to look on the brighter side and tell myself that God does not want you to suffer and hurt. I know he loves me but some things in my life are so unfortunate and I feel like I'm living a bad dream. Bad timing is something I've gotten too familiar with. It's like I'm always missing the bus and I let things pass me by. The reason why I'm confused is cause I wonder if I was suppose to miss that opportunity cause of Gods will or if it was just my wrong decision. This is a major question I ask myself in my love life. Am I still single due to my own wrong doings? I tread lightly in relationships cause I'm trying to be careful but that seems to only get me hurt in the end:(
Some things I have learned about God-He is NOT in a hurry. He doesn't rush. Just because you have a deadline set in your mind is not going to make Him "jump." Ask for discernment and that God makes Himself "clear" and wait for Him not only to respond but to confirm it. For example, I was considering applying for a job that had a short window to apply. I asked God immediately whether or not I should apply. He didn't answer for almost a week. Why? Because He was testing to see if I would get into "self mode/self reliance" and jump the gun. I will be honest that this is an area where God is growing me because I am so used to "handling it on my own" so every now and then He will allow me to wait for an answer to see if I will trust Him to answer or if I will try to "make it happen" on my own. I am not going to say that it is easy, but I have avoided some pitfalls by waiting.

Also, I agree, some times an opportunity or a relationship may appear on the surface to line up with what God intended or promised, but we must beware of the Ishmael. When we try to "force God's hand" He steps back and let's us do our thing and I can testify personally that the times I have done "my own thing" it has NEVER gone well. Oh, it may look promising at first, but eventually it disintegrates.

In the midst of confusion, I encourage you to speak aloud what you do know about God from His word. Speak that you are the sheep of His pasture and you clearly hear His voice and the voice of a stranger you will not follow. Thank Him that He knows the plans already that He has for you-plans to give you hope and a good future. He will not give you the desire to be a wife and mother with no intention of fulfilling that desire. Don't seek a relationship with anyone but Him. When you become a wife, you won't be able to make life-changing decisions without first consulting God and your husband so get in this practice right now. Do not make decisions without consulting God first. And give Him time to respond-He may not answer the second that you ask, but He will answer.

Last but not least-you are a new creature. Any past mistakes or failures God can make those work for your good and turn around in your favor. Don't beat yourself up about it. :kiss:
Some things I have learned about God-He is NOT in a hurry. He doesn't rush. Just because you have a deadline set in your mind is not going to make Him "jump." Ask for discernment and that God makes Himself "clear" and wait for Him not only to respond but to confirm it. For example, I was considering applying for a job that had a short window to apply. I asked God immediately whether or not I should apply. He didn't answer for almost a week. Why? Because He was testing to see if I would get into "self mode/self reliance" and jump the gun. I will be honest that this is an area where God is growing me because I am so used to "handling it on my own" so every now and then He will allow me to wait for an answer to see if I will trust Him to answer or if I will try to "make it happen" on my own. I am not going to say that it is easy, but I have avoided some pitfalls by waiting.

Also, I agree, some times an opportunity or a relationship may appear on the surface to line up with what God intended or promised, but we must beware of the Ishmael. When we try to "force God's hand" He steps back and let's us do our thing and I can testify personally that the times I have done "my own thing" it has NEVER gone well. Oh, it may look promising at first, but eventually it disintegrates.

In the midst of confusion, I encourage you to speak aloud what you do know about God from His word. Speak that you are the sheep of His pasture and you clearly hear His voice and the voice of a stranger you will not follow. Thank Him that He knows the plans already that He has for you-plans to give you hope and a good future. He will not give you the desire to be a wife and mother with no intention of fulfilling that desire. Don't seek a relationship with anyone but Him. When you become a wife, you won't be able to make life-changing decisions without first consulting God and your husband so get in this practice right now. Do not make decisions without consulting God first. And give Him time to respond-He may not answer the second that you ask, but He will answer.

Last but not least-you are a new creature. Any past mistakes or failures God can make those work for your good and turn around in your favor. Don't beat yourself up about it. :kiss:

Thank you. Do u know where in the bible it states that God can turn around past mistakes and turn them into good in my favor? I want to read such passage. I always blame myself for my past.
There are probably many verses that speak to God turning around past mistakes and using them for our good/turning them around in our favor, but here are the ones that I am most familiar with:

Deuteronomy 23:5
However, the LORD your God would not listen to Balaam BUT TURNED THE CURSE INTO A BLESSING FOR YOU, because the LORD your God loves you.

Romans 8:28
And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.

Why should you stop beating yourself up about past mistakes? Jesus paid a HUGE price for you to walk in freedom. Romans 8:1: Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus, because through Christ Jesus the law of the Spirit who gives life has set you free from the law of sin and death.

God doesn’t beat you up-that is the enemy talking to you. You need to tell him to shut up. Satan is the one who throws your past back in your face. God says for our sakes He will forget our transgressions. We are the ones who have a hard time forgetting and forgiving our pasts. Satan knows that if he can make you feel guilty and condemned that you will not strive for better and God’s best for your life. Cast down those thoughts of guilt and condemnation. Open your mouth (don’t just think it in your head) but open up your mouth and you come into agreement with your Father. “There is no condemnation….”, “I am the righteousness of God…”(II Corinthians 5:21)-keep speaking it out loud until it gets from your head into your heart.

At any point you can heed God’s voice and start making better choices and turn your life around. Rahab was a prostitute, yet she blessed the men of God. As a result, not only was she and her family protected, but God blessed her that Jesus Christ came through her lineage.

David committed adultery with Bathsheba which led to a second sin, murdering her husband. This union certainly seemed cursed, especially when their baby died. Despite that, the union produced King Solomon who went on to build the temple and is known as one of the wisest kings. God didn’t snatch the kingdom away from David-there were consequences as a result of his sinful acts, but yet God still blessed him and his family. God can use anyone.

For New Testament evidence, Jesus came to the defense of a woman who was caught in the act of adultery. He told the accusing crowd that whoever was without sin and blameless should cast the first stone. The only person in the crowd who was blameless was Jesus and did He throw a stone at her? Nope. He told her that He didn’t accuse her and to go and sin no more.

Beloved, His sacrifice was enough. If we were perfect and were naturally capable of reaching the right decisions 100% of the time, then there would be no need for salvation and grace. His promise to us is that “He will perfect that which concerns you”(Psalm 138:8) which suggests that He was aware from the womb that you were not going to be perfect and the situations and circumstances that you encounter would not all be ideal and perfect either. He knew you would make mistakes. He knew that there would be times where you would rely on your own understanding. There would be times where you would forsake Him. There would be times where you would hear His words but not heed them. And guess what? He is still absolutely in love with you. I am talking, head over heels in love with you. I mean He is so in love that at this very moment He could tell you exactly how many hairs that there are sitting on your head right now, how many tears that you have cried, what you ate for breakfast on March 28, 2009, how many breaths you have taken, and out of all the voices in the world, He immediately recognizes your voice when He hears it. That is love beyond comprehension. Why else would Satan work so hard to feed lies into your head to convince you otherwise? He is the author of lies and he hates you because he sees how much God adores you. How do you hurt a parent? Hurt their child; pick on their baby. You are God’s baby girl… you see the connection now?
Thank you. Do u know where in the bible it states that God can turn around past mistakes and turn them into good in my favor? I want to read such passage. I always blame myself for my past.

Romans 8:28 - (NASB)
28 And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose.​

I actually wanted to look this Scripture up for myself today! This is such a great promise and I have seen this promise come true in my life so many times over the years. Hind sight gives such a great perspective in the long run.