Some things I have learned about God-He is NOT in a hurry. He doesn't rush. Just because you have a deadline set in your mind is not going to make Him "jump." Ask for discernment and that God makes Himself "clear" and wait for Him not only to respond but to confirm it. For example, I was considering applying for a job that had a short window to apply. I asked God immediately whether or not I should apply. He didn't answer for almost a week. Why? Because He was testing to see if I would get into "self mode/self reliance" and jump the gun. I will be honest that this is an area where God is growing me because I am so used to "handling it on my own" so every now and then He will allow me to wait for an answer to see if I will trust Him to answer or if I will try to "make it happen" on my own. I am not going to say that it is easy, but I have avoided some pitfalls by waiting.
Also, I agree, some times an opportunity or a relationship may appear on the surface to line up with what God intended or promised, but we must beware of the Ishmael. When we try to "force God's hand" He steps back and let's us do our thing and I can testify personally that the times I have done "my own thing" it has NEVER gone well. Oh, it may look promising at first, but eventually it disintegrates.
In the midst of confusion, I encourage you to speak aloud what you do know about God from His word. Speak that you are the sheep of His pasture and you clearly hear His voice and the voice of a stranger you will not follow. Thank Him that He knows the plans already that He has for you-plans to give you hope and a good future. He will not give you the desire to be a wife and mother with no intention of fulfilling that desire. Don't seek a relationship with anyone but Him. When you become a wife, you won't be able to make life-changing decisions without first consulting God and your husband so get in this practice right now. Do not make decisions without consulting God first. And give Him time to respond-He may not answer the second that you ask, but He will answer.
Last but not least-you are a new creature. Any past mistakes or failures God can make those work for your good and turn around in your favor. Don't beat yourself up about it.