Does God Get Lonely?


Well-Known Member
I just thought of this. As it says in the bible, we were made in His image. I'm starting to think that means in every way.

I know that as people we go through periods of loneliness (even if we have many people around us). I often wonder, does God get lonely too? I mean, it must be really tough being omnipotent and perfect surrounded by those that aren't. Although I know God's not sitting there waiting to condemn us, I just had to ask the question. What do you all think?
I believe He is lonely for our face to face companionship. He created us, His children, to be with Him. Then sin came and cut us off from that face to face relationship. I know HE can't wait to bring us home. He's just giving as many of His children a chance to come to him. I know HE just can't wait to throw His loving arms around us at last.
cocoberry10 said:
I just thought of this. As it says in the bible, we were made in His image. I'm starting to think that means in every way.

I know that as people we go through periods of loneliness (even if we have many people around us). I often wonder, does God get lonely too? I mean, it must be really tough being omnipotent and perfect surrounded by those that aren't. Although I know God's not sitting there waiting to condemn us, I just had to ask the question. What do you all think?

I don't think He does. If God needed anything then He wouldn't be God because He is all sufficient. Now does He want us to fellowship with Him? Yes. He doesn't need it, though.
Nah he's got 6 billion bad asses to watch over. :lol: With folks maiming, killing, nuking, and taking his name in vain, not to mention all of those prayers :lol: I'm sure he has more than enough to do.
StrawberryQueen said:
Nah he's got 6 billion bad asses to watch over. :lol: With folks maiming, killing, nuking, and taking his name in vain, not to mention all of those prayers :lol: I'm sure he has more than enough to do.

Girl, you are are crazy!!!!:lachen:
alexstin said:
I don't think He does. If God needed anything then He wouldn't be God because He is all sufficient. Now does He want us to fellowship with Him? Yes. He doesn't need it, though.

I don't think lonliness would prohibit him from being all sufficient. He is Love. If you love someone and cannot connect with them, you would miss and want their company. I do not think of this as a weakness.
dicapr said:
I don't think lonliness would prohibit him from being all sufficient. He is Love. If you love someone and cannot connect with them, you would miss and want their company. I do not think of this as a weakness.

I agree that He wants our company. He doesn't need it though. I believe if He needed it than that would have been His purpose for making man. Man wasn't made because God was lonely.
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