Does Fenugreek (methi) powder strengthen your hair?


New Member
Does anyone use fenugreek powder as a protein treatment to strengthen their hair? I was thinking about using mine this way.
I'm thinking about doing a fenugreek hair paste every two or so weeks as a protein treatment. I know it's very good for your hair, and it is a high source of protein. Aggie, where you at? :grin:
Found this online

"Fenugreek is a natural herb with extremely potent seeds, which have a medicinal effect to reduce balding, hair fall, and hair thinning. For hair fall and dandruff, the crushed or boiled seeds alone have been found to restore the hair shaft. The seeds contain hormone precursors that replenish hair growth. Additionally, fenugreek seeds are a good source of nicotinic acid and protein. Protein is highly important in rebuilding and strengthening the hair shaft. In fact, protein balanced diets are emphasized to reduce hair loss and stimulating hair growth. The amount of protein in fenugreek alone may explain its restorative ability on damaged or falling hair."
Girl, i could hug you for this fact i will {{{BIG HUG}}}. I will get this on the weekend...
Found this online

"Fenugreek is a natural herb with extremely potent seeds, which have a medicinal effect to reduce balding, hair fall, and hair thinning. For hair fall and dandruff, the crushed or boiled seeds alone have been found to restore the hair shaft. The seeds contain hormone precursors that replenish hair growth. Additionally, fenugreek seeds are a good source of nicotinic acid and protein. Protein is highly important in rebuilding and strengthening the hair shaft. In fact, protein balanced diets are emphasized to reduce hair loss and stimulating hair growth. The amount of protein in fenugreek alone may explain its restorative ability on damaged or falling hair."
Thanks bunches, ladies ^^^. I thought this info was worth posting as well...

Doctors and herbalists have also indicated that fenugreek contains a large amount of lecithin, a natural emollient known to strengthen and moisturize hair. By being packed with such powerful nutrients, many natural herbalists, and even Western Asia beauticians, use fenugreek in hair care products to promote growth, luster, health, and shine.

You can purchase fenugreek seeds from your local herb store. To create a hair growth tonic, boil the fenugreek seeds and allow them to soak in extra virgin coconut oil overnight. In the morning, sift the seeds out and apply the coconut oil mixture to your scalp. Massage the oil into your hair and scalp for 5-10 minutes. Do this consistently for 3 months to see results. <<<<Y'all know i'm gonna try this, right?

If you are not familiar or feel uncomfortable about using natural herbs yourself, as you should exercise extreme caution and safety, many companies are now opting to provide natural hair growth products that contain herbs, such as fenugreek. The most popular and reputable supplier is Beauty 4 Ashes Christian Health & Beauty. Beauty 4 Ashes ® provides an array of natural hair growth products that contain fenugreek, amla, coconut oil, and a host of other proven natural herbs for hair growth. Their products are available for purchase online at wwwdiscoverb4acom.
Found this online

"Fenugreek is a natural herb with extremely potent seeds, which have a medicinal effect to reduce balding, hair fall, and hair thinning. For hair fall and dandruff, the crushed or boiled seeds alone have been found to restore the hair shaft. The seeds contain hormone precursors that replenish hair growth. Additionally, fenugreek seeds are a good source of nicotinic acid and protein. Protein is highly important in rebuilding and strengthening the hair shaft. In fact, protein balanced diets are emphasized to reduce hair loss and stimulating hair growth. The amount of protein in fenugreek alone may explain its restorative ability on damaged or falling hair."

Thanks for this. I read this online as well, but I wanted to get a second opinion from my LHCF sisters before I began. I think I will experiment with it. I've used fenugreek before, but never by itself. I've never had a problem with grittiness, but then again I do mix all my powder mixtures with boiling hot water (makes the mix less lumpy). I'll let you guys know how it turns out. I'm probably going to try it Thursday.

P.S. Fair warning: You will smell like curry after using fenugreek, lol, but the benefits are probably worth it.
Your fenugreek smells like curry? Mine smells just like maple syrup. Are there different types?

I actually have fenugreek seed tea where the seeds are chopped up. Should I boil them and them soak them in the coconut oil or is this just for whole seeds?
I use Fengureek powder every week in my Ayurveda tea mix. I will say to me it is more moisturizing than strengthening and it does provide great slip. I still do weekly protein/moisture DC's. As far as the grittiness, I never have a problem rinsing it from my hair. My Fenugreek smells like maple syrup too.

ETA: I haven't used Fenugreek alone. I always used it mixed with my other powders. I also use it in a tea spritz daily to every other day. So far I really like it and it has made a big difference in my Ayurveda mixes.
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I used fenugreek (teas and supplements)when I was breastfeeding because it stimulated milk production. I didn't know it could be used for hair growth/health as well.

When I used it, it smelled like maple and one of the side-effects that I would read about it was that it can make your urine/sweat smell like maple as well (didn't have that effect on me).

I might add it back to my arsenal.
Great questions...I have more...LOL!
Flowinlocks, how does your mix work? Are you seeing results? How long have you used it?

The oil makes my hair really soft. As far as using it in my tea rinses I love it. However I'm not using it alone either. It's usually mixed with other Ayurvedic herbs. I also have the organic Alcohol from Vitamin Shoppe. It's suppose to be taken orally but I sometimes put a few drops in my cond. or apply it directly to the scalp.
Your fenugreek smells like curry? Mine smells just like maple syrup. Are there different types?

I have fenugreek powder from an Indian market and it definitely smells like maple. I can't wait to mix it with my other powders and try it out in my hair.
Your fenugreek smells like curry? Mine smells just like maple syrup. Are there different types?

I actually have fenugreek seed tea where the seeds are chopped up. Should I boil them and them soak them in the coconut oil or is this just for whole seeds?

Now that you mention it, it does smell like maple syrup as well. It has a sweet, yet spicy aroma. When I smell it it reminds me of certain curry dishes I've had.
interesting. i used fenugreek to increase my milk supply while nursing. it really worked. come to think of it, my hair grew well at that point. i hated the smell though.
Does anyone use fenugreek powder as a protein treatment to strengthen their hair? I was thinking about using mine this way.

Ooops, sorry I'm so late Muffin. I totally missed this thread. Anyway, yes I like fenugreek seed powder mostly for the moisturizing benefits it adds to my hair but it has way more benefits than just moisturizing.

It encourages growth, lustre, health and shine of hair and a well nourished scalp as well. The seeds contain about 30% protein that promotes hair growth and reduces male pattern baldness.

The seeds of Fenugreek are extremely potent and as a result have a medicinal effect to reduce balding, hair fall, and hair thinning. For hair fall and dandruff, the crushed or boiled seeds alone have been found to restore the hair shaft. The seeds also contain hormone precursors that replenish hair growth.

A natural emollient lecithin, known to strengthen and moisturize hair, is present in abundance in fenugreek seed. The high content of protein in Fenugreek explains how it is able to restore damaged and falling hair.

I will always have this herb in my regimen for as long as I can find it. I have not used the whole seeds yet, only the ground ones. I was thinking of getting the whole seeds next from though. The good thing about this herb is that you really don't need a lot of it to make a rinse. I use only about a tablespoon or 2 to make a 24-30 oz size rinse for my hair. The slip is simply amazing.

The only thing I would not recommend is leaving it in your hair for days, etc, because it sometimes smell like maple syrup and sometimes like curry:lol:. I get both these comments from my family and friends when I have it in my hair around them:giggle:.

I use it for 30 minutes to 3 hours in my hair then wash it out or add it to my henna treatments. I never go out with it in my hair as a rinse anymore:nono:.
Ooops, sorry I'm so late Muffin. I totally missed this thread. Anyway, yes I like fenugreek seed powder mostly for the moisturizing benefits it adds to my hair but it has way more benefits than just moisturizing.

It encourages growth, lustre, health and shine of hair and a well nourished scalp as well. The seeds contain about 30% protein that promotes hair growth and reduces male pattern baldness.

The seeds of Fenugreek are extremely potent and as a result have a medicinal effect to reduce balding, hair fall, and hair thinning. For hair fall and dandruff, the crushed or boiled seeds alone have been found to restore the hair shaft. The seeds also contain hormone precursors that replenish hair growth.

A natural emollient lecithin, known to strengthen and moisturize hair, is present in abundance in fenugreek seed. The high content of protein in Fenugreek explains how it is able to restore damaged and falling hair.

I will always have this herb in my regimen for as long as I can find it. I have not used the whole seeds yet, only the ground ones. I was thinking of getting the whole seeds next from though. The good thing about this herb is that you really don't need a lot of it to make a rinse. I use only about a tablespoon or 2 to make a 24-30 oz size rinse for my hair. The slip is simply amazing.

The only thing I would not recommend is leaving it in your hair for days, etc, because it sometimes smell like maple syrup and sometimes like curry:lol:. I get both these comments from my family and friends when I have it in my hair around them:giggle:.

I use it for 30 minutes to 3 hours in my hair then wash it out or add it to my henna treatments. I never go out with it in my hair as a rinse anymore:nono:.

Thanks so much for your insight. Does fenugreek make your hair curlier or puffier? The last time I used it I believe it made my NG puffier/kinkier. And you're right. It has really good slip :yep:.

Oh yeah, and thanks for adding the info about the curry thing. I thought there was something wrong with my nose for a sec. When I open the bag and smell the methi powder it initially smells sweet like maple syrup. But after I've used it my hair ends up smelling like curry, or the room smells like curry. IDK, I have a weird sense of smell.
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Gather 'round, ladies, cuz I've got a wonderful story to tell you! Today I did my fenugreek treatment. I mixed it with boiling hot nettle tea and allowed it to sit for about 5-10 minutes. Then I applied it to dry, unwashed hair and let it stay on for about an hour. At first I was like "Yuck, it looks like grits. How the heck is this going to come out of my hair?", but fortunately it went on very smooth and easy. It also washed out more easily than expected. I used a sulfate-free cleanser to wash it out, then used Giovanni SAS to help detangle. My hair felt heavy after this and looked very shiny. Then I followed up by DC'ing with AOWC mixed with coconut oil and honey for 30 minutes with heat. Let me tell you, my hair feels SOOO smooth and it's so elastic! I did a strand test while wet, and it stretched for a long while, and then made a snapping noise. It's definitely stronger. Did I mention how smooth my hair feels? Sorry to rave, ladies, but my hair hasn't been feeling up to par lately, and it feels so awesome I can't believe it. After washing out the DC I used Alba Organics Leave-in conditioner and sealed with a tiny bit of coconut oil mixed with avocado oil. Hope you enjoy the treatment as much as I did, ladies. Please, keep me posted on your results ;).
NO...fenugreek doesn't seem to have an effect on texture (ie make the curl pattern tighter or looser) least for me.

You're right. This time around it didn't make my hair feel any looser or any tighter than before, just softer.
I was gonna mix methi with nettle tea, too!!! Glad to know it worked so well. I also add honey to my dc's - so I can really appreciate your post.

Hopefully i'll get some and use it this weekend.

Toodles and thanks again Muffin!