Does damaged hair ever get better?


New Member
I dont want to spend any time or money on buying products to make damaged hair look better

Is there any way that I can improve hair for good?
Hey Plenty!
I use Aphogee products for prevention of damaged hair and it is also good for damaged hair. Two products I would use is the Aphogee Treatment for Damaged Hair (use as directed) and in between use of the Aphogee Treatment for Damaged Hair, I would use Aphogee Keratin Reconstrutor with a plastic cap (use as directed) and follow up with either their moisture treatment. Sometimes instead of the moisture treatment I just use Lekairs Cholesterol and put in the Aphogee EFA oil or Kemi oyl (It's just as good). The purpose of the moisture treatment or the deep conditioner with Lekairs and oil is to counter the drying effects protein can have on the hair. Protein is very important in rebuilding the hair strands of damaged hair and to prevent the wear and tear of daily maintanence. HTH

PS. IM when you can and post me on where you decided to go.

Also, your other option to save time and money for hair you definitely know is damaged is to cut it off. I know I see that face :eek: . :lol: Well you said you wanted to save time and money.
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Yes ! With time, patience and the right products damaged hair can improve. My hair was a highlighted / colored damaged mess in October / November 2004. I took over control of my hair in early November. I found hair boards in December 2004. Now my hair is vibrant, thick, shiny healthy and has crazy volume. Depending on what type of damaged hair it is, (jojoba oil) hot oil treatments, carrot oil or olive oil for strength , deep conditioning, babying your hair and a daily moisturizer can start healthy hair back on its way. For me it took me about 7 months and 2 "trims" to get it where it is now. I did not give up... there is hope for damaged hair. I followed dontspeakdefeat's information for newcomer's and I took note of Lorraine & Sylver 2's regimen. Keep working towards your goal---

also I want to add sometimes what our hair needs is strength and products that fortify. A key product in my regimen was Biolage Fortifying Leave-In Treatment (wet formula). I also took time to find a good fortifying / strengthening shampoo that I use before I lather up with my moisturizing shampoo.
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Like Taraglam2 said it depends on the damage. Nothing can replace stripped cuticles which make up a large % of the hair shaft. If you have a medulla core and it is destroyed it can not be replaced. But the good news is that your hair is growing daily. Make stronger hair by eating right. Treat dry hair with moisture and then protect it with topical applications to seal in the moisture you add. Be gental with semi damaged hair and it will last and be less prone to breakage. And evaluate your treatment of your hair to figure out what did you do or not do that damaged it. Time, new knowledge, and care will give you the best condition your hair can achieve. And it does not have to cost you a fortune in products. Learn what is needed and then know the product before you apply it.
Yes, you can cut it off, and start again. You do have the right idea, that dmg hair never gets "better" so to speak. The products only mask the real issue for a short time, then it comes back even worse!:eek: Believe me I know, unfortunately. The only real solution that worked was to gradually cut it off. I was, and still am unwilling to cut it all off at once. I cut off .5-1inch every 2-3 months, so it makes it a little more bearable. My hair is really thanking me for it too. I am not trying to tell you what to do or anything, I just wanted to let you know what worked for me. Good luck to you.
Yes it does get better. It may take 2 to 6 months depending on how damaged it is. The way I handle damaged hair is get a good cut or trim, then less manipulation, and a good haircare regimen. Drinking lots of water, and a multivitamin helps too.
Stormy said:
Yes it does get better. It may take 2 to 6 months depending on how damaged it is. The way I handle damaged hair is get a good cut or trim, then less manipulation, and a good haircare regimen. Drinking lots of water, and a multivitamin helps too.

Yes--this is exactly what I did. The multivitamin is another key factor. :)
Yes.. with time and patience. Spend the money on products that state for damaged/ dry hair. Moisturizers were the key for repairing the minor damage done to my hair from overprocessing/ flat ironing and hot curling. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE DONT cut off your hair and start over. A little bit of patience and depending on what type of damage your hair has endured... you will have your hair "feeling better" in no time!
I think it can get better but I don't think it can totally recover. I have been nursing my over damaged hair since May and it's ok now but it's not a 100%. I"m going to get my trims and just wait for new growth.
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