Do u ever get depressed about your hair?

Yes, and now i'm even more depressed after seeing Taurus Angel, Cichelle, Muffin, et al - just to name a few that responded...all of you have beautiful hair.
Hey my dear. Sorry you've been feeling down. I agree with what others said about stepping back. It's important to have balance in ones life. How about developing some of your other hobbies- or try something new in November. Spend time with family and friends doing activities that keep your mind entertained- movies, plays, a new novel, volunteering. When thinking about your hair you can only compare yourself now with where you were not with anyone else and I'm positive that your hair is better off now in someway than it was a year ago. Create realistic small hair goals- called micromovements that you know can be accomplished in a short period of time. For example "I will spritz my hair twice a week for two weeks." Completing them will give you more satisfaction about your hair progress in general. I hope you feel better soon.
Lately I have been because (1) I have SO many new greys coming in :wallbash: and everyone keeps on pointing them out to me :rolleyes: so I offiicially am at a point where I need to regularly color my hair but don't like coloring :ohwell:...and (2) my growth has been stunted for a minute now and I can't seem to figure out why :perplexed

But I am trying to keep a positive outlook on it and enjoy my hair for now by trying new things with it. :yep:
:perplexed I think you should take a hair break :)

Lately I get a little annoyed and impatient with how long it's taking me to get to BSL, but not depressed. Definitely not depressed! :nono: As long as you have hair on your hair on your head you should be thankful. I think a lot about my hair (otherwise would I really be on this forum?) but I know how to check myself and remember that it's JUST hair. It can be cut and grow back. Whatever the case may be. Skin and hair are my two "things" but there is only so much I can do. Or care to deal with.

I agree with this entire response. You probably need a hair break- maybe a protective style. I was getting way too into my hair & I am in law school so I can't afford to stress over it, so I am bunning now & I only allow myself to log in when I have done all of my studying & chores, etc.

Also, try googling "hair problems" and you will see that so many people are suffering from severe hair loss, patches falling out, alopecia, hair loss due to chemotherapy, etc. Just try to be happy for now with what you have and believe that with time your hair will grow.
I'm just so depressed right now guys :(
(((((((HUG))))))), You are not alone. This, too shall pass.
I feel like this hole hair thing is just really getting to me, thats ALL I ever talk about, my hair this and my hair that, I can't think about anything else, I spend hours watching hair on youtube, and I just feel like everone is so at peace with their hair and know what they are doing, but I just dont know what I want, one day I want it relaxed the next natural, Im so confused :( Sometimes it helps to take a break from hair-related thoughts and images. It sometimes makes me feel anxious to get my hair to my butt, like yesterday. But know that it is a process, everyone had to wait it out, even with the best growth aids, it is a process. But you will get the hair you've hoped for, just stay patient and keep your eye on the prize.

I dont even know why I am writing this but I just hope that somehow someone can say something to make me feel better.

Also I wanted to go to a hair salon, but then my friend said, they might say my hair is so damaged that they need to cut it :nono:
Sometimes that is the worst place to be, because they tend to make you feel horrible. Stay away and try to manage your haircare on your own until you feel confident you can handle criticism, because they love to dish it out, but not take it.
I am getting that way now. It seems everytime I get APL hair, my growing rate slows down.

All I want for Christmas is BSL hair, I'm getting kinda upset because it doesn't look like its happening fast enough.
I can't say that I ever get depressed about my hair now but I used to before I found here. It will get better as long as you keep doing whatever you are doing to get the type of hair health (and length) you want. It is a process but if you are in it for the long haul, you'll begin to feel less and less depressed as you see more and more results.
I am depressed about my hair for a different reason. I had gastric bypass surgery 8 months ago and unfortunately one of the effects is hair loss. Because I started with insanely thick hair no one can really tell but it's more than apparent to me. I only comb about once a week but when I do the shedding is so abundant that I just cry. I don't know when it will start to thicken again but I'm just praying and trying to work with what I have. Something that I'm thankful for is that I don't have any bald spots like a lot of women who go thru the same procedure have. Just waiting for the thickness to return. :ohwell:
I wouldn't say that I am depressed, but I am more disappointed than anything with this set back that I am currently having. My hair started shedding and breaking like crazy. I think it's due to this product that I was using and the fact that I wasn't using it the right way, especially since my hair already gets dry and can't take a lot of protein.

When I went to the salon to get my relaxer on Sat., I found that my hair had broken off a lot on the left side of my hair. I did have a lot of new growth, but the damage was already done and the new growth didn't make a difference for me. I had too much protein in my hair and although I moisturized, the protein overpowered the moisture. :wallbash:

Just when I was making some progress I went and flucked it up. To make matters worse, I had to get a trim so now it's shorter than usual. :nono:
Sending you a :hug3:

My hair is a LONG ways from where I would like it to be, so I definitely am not one who is content with how it is now. I am currently experiencing some breakage in the kitchen and a small patch on the side, plus it has been shedding like crazy! :wallbash: As I always whine, I am forever stuck at shoulder-length. I get very disappointed over these setbacks. :(
Ladies, I can agree with you about the hair obsessions. I am slowly regaining my self esteem, but I cried a lot in the beginning. I wouldn't look at it in the mirror. I just didn't want to see my hair at all. I thought about chopping it off and going natural, but then I was depressed about that. My hair is all I talk about and I know my friends are sick of hearing it. Of course they have their own hair issues to deal with and I am really only trying to encourage them because a lot of you ladies have encouraged me. LHCF has done so much for me outside of turning me into a product junkie(lol), it has empowered me to understand my hair, learn all that I can about my hair, but not just my hair, but my body, and my skin as well. It has helped me to love me all the more from my head to my toe. I get tired a lot, but this site keeps me encouraged and it helps me to deal with the hair issues. I never would have poured EVOO on my hair, or tried MT, or even known about the damage that has been self inflicted unless I found this site. Thank you ladies for all of your advice. I believe my hair can grow.
Aww don't be depressed

Its a big overwhelming to see people at the goal you want to be at. At the same time its good to look at pictures and know that can be you one day.

I don't get depressed over my hair. I've always been hair obsessed probably since the age of 8. I'm more impatient. I have been on this hair journey for two years now. I did the transitioning phase, then the BC, now I'm at the growing out stage... going natural is almost like a 3 year sacrifice for me. I wish it wasn't so long. But it is, so I have to suck it up.

Take a break from the boards or go read some blogs :-)
the internet in my apartment complex got disconnected for a month and a half, so whenever i wanted to get online i had to go to the computer lab. this was right around the time the semester started, so needless to say hair/LHCF were the least of my

but seriously, if you remove yourself from it for a while and just focus on your current situation instead of where everyone else is and where you wanna be it'll get better. i was soooo worried about making APL till i couldn't get online and see all this droolworthy hair. after that my focus became making my hair look good every day and trying out what worked for ME. you'll be depressed a lot less :)

You know this is the truth. My hair grew the best when I stayed out of LHCF or just in the ENT forum. But I live in an area where there are many drooling hair from black women which makes it even harder.
I frequently feel depressed over my hair. I am now trying to digest all of this info I have learned over the past few months and nail down my staples or what works for me. I am slowly learning what works and what doesn't. I feel horrible when my hair feels like straw or is very dry. I look at a lot of avatars, siggys, and fotkis on this forum and wondered why, oh why my hair can't look like that. I see my co-worker's hair and want to ask her to swap our hair for a week or so. I know patience is a virtue and consistency (with the right products) is the key, but my God, when will I see results? :wallbash:

I'm okay now. Just needed to get that out.
I don't get depressed about my hair don't get me wrong I love being on my way to having healthy hair. But at the same time the only reason why I would not I think about women with alopecia or other hair loss diseases. And once I think about what I have instead of have nots I cheer up real quick.