Does daily rinsing work for relaxed hair


This may be a dumb question, but I had to ask. Daily rinsing worked on my natural hair. Would it work on relaxed hair too? Has anyone ever tried this with success? If not, what does work for you? Please share!:D
I wash my hair every couple of days but, I also generally get it wet in the shower daily.

Every other day was for me may mean either using regular shampoo or doing a co-wash, depending on what my hair may need and my workout schedule.

I follow that up with my moisterizing regimine right out of the shower, which seems to be key for my hair.

Everyone will be a little different though; so you have to do a bit of experimenting sometimes to find out what what can really work best for you.

I would say since the hair is chemically altered from its original structure, daily rinses would do nothing but put further stress and strain on hair already in an even more fragile state.
I believe that daily rinses would work so long as you werent using anything harsh to 1) rinse with and 2) dry with. What will be your method of drying? If you airdry, it should be okay.
blueabyss333 said:
I wouldn't daily rinse. Perhaps, every other or every two days would be better.
I agree with you...I tried daily co-washing/rinsing...once last summer...and my hair turned out over soft and mushy which lead to shedding and breakage. I'd stick with every other day or every 2-3 days.
Daily rinsing does fine on my hair as long as I use a conditioner that has a little bit of protein in it. If I don't use Mane 'N Tail (which has some protein) and use just a straight moisturizing conditioner, my hair does get mushy. The issue for me is that I get lazy and don't want to mess with it everyday. My hair is relaxed, but I am transitioning. Other ladies have no problem with it, like Simplycee, SouthernGirl, and a few others...but do what works for you, of course! :)
I rinse daily or every other day depending on how I am wearing my hair. I have never had any negative effects from it. As a matter of fact when I was wetting my hair and scalp daily I got increased growth.
I rinsed daily with no adverse effects. I found I usually leave it to several times a week if I just recently relaxed, then once my hair starts getting difficult with the new growth, the daily washing really helps!
I wouldn't want to go through all of that every day since I'd need to dry it too. Although I feel it might work very well on my relaxed hair, it would be way too time consuming for me. I wash every 3 days which is enough for me!

Many years ago (and I mentioned it on this board in the past) when I wasn't really into haircare, I did daily washing, not rinsing on my relaxed hair. My hair growth accelerated! I didn't continue this, however and wasn't even trying to grow my hair. So I know daily wetting or rinsing does have benefits. :yep:
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Thanks for the comments, guys. I airdry my hair, so I was wondering whether this would work or not. Anyhow, I wet my hair daily, so I think I'll stick with just wetting it for my lil bun.:lol:
I used to daily rinse and my hair flourished. Time contraints don't let me do that now. Also, be careful if you have hard water because you could be doing more harm than good.
I co-washed daily all summer and got lots of growth using MNT. I stopped doing it because I was having to relax much sooner than normal b/c of the excess growth.

Worked for me, but now I don't do it nearly as much.

What does a rinse really do? Is it made of up a lite conditioner? I never knew the purpose of rinses or what is really in them. Thanks for any info.;)
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Check to see if you have hard water before doing this daily. I live in a place where the water might as well be liquid Calcium. hard water really damages your hair.
SouthernGirl said:
I co-washed daily all summer and got lots of growth using MNT. I stopped doing it because I was having to relax much sooner than normal b/c of the excess growth.

Worked for me, but now I don't do it nearly as much.


Thanks, SG! Do you remember how soon you had to touch up? I think I may just do the daily CWing just to test out your regime.;) I'm going to try stretching my relaxers two months or more. If I get loads of growth, I can put my hair in a bun and let it rest til I touch up. I airdry my hair, so I am hoping this will be no problem.
DDtexlaxd said:
Thanks, SG! Do you remember how soon you had to touch up? I think I may just do the daily CWing just to test out your regime.;) I'm going to try stretching my relaxers two months or more. If I get loads of growth, I can put my hair in a bun and let it rest til I touch up. I airdry my hair, so I am hoping this will be no problem.

Hey Girlie,

I used to stretch my relaxers to 12 weeks. While I was co-washing, I couldn't go past 7 or 8 weeks. I hated breaking down to relax so soon, but it was shedding way too much. I also stopped doing protective styles regularly and using oils then. I think that if I had been using oil and wearing buns I may have been able to wait a little longer.

I encourage you - do whatever you have to do to extend if you can, even if it means buns. I think it's better for the hair to wait, as long as you are not losing too much when styling.

Fortunately, my hair didn't suffer. I'm careful when relaxing to not overlap (as much as I can avoid it). I also didn't process as long as I do when stretching. It's still healthy, and I'm very happy with all the added growth!


I do daily rinses everyday and my hair is fine. Ive been doing it for 3 years now. I do it in and out to extensions. I have tons of growth from doing this.
Thanks for the advice! I'll be doing the daily Cwing. My hubby and my true friends are encouraging me to transition back to natural.:lol: I hope my hair will love this as well.