Does anyone watch Judge Joe Brown?


New Member
He had a hair episode on last week.

A woman was suing A stylist for cutting off all her hair.

The woman had worn a weave for 3 years to grow out her short hair.

I guess she decided her natural hair was long enough to wear so she went to this stylist and requested a relaxer and a trim.

Well, the stylist told her that her hair was severely damaged from overprocessing.

Okay, not knowing much about weaves, but I thought one of the main reasons for wearing a weave was that it protects your hair.

Anyway, the stylist recommended cutting off all the dead hair and when she was done cutting, the woman was damn near bald again.

I almost cried for her. In fact, I think she was about to cry telling her story to Rev. Brown.

The worst part was the woman's BOYFRIEND! Emphasis on BOY! He had made the woman feel ugly by telling her her hair was short. Rev. Brown verbally BEAT him for that, of course.

An interesting point that the stylist brought up, however... she says that the average head only grows 6 inches a year. Is that true? :eek:

If so, I can see why it's taking many of us to reach our goals.
Blossssom said:
He had a hair episode on last week.

A woman was suing A stylist for cutting off all her hair.

The woman had worn a weave for 3 years to grow out her short hair.

I guess she decided her natural hair was long enough to wear so she went to this stylist and requested a relaxer and a trim.

Well, the stylist told her that her hair was severely damaged from overprocessing.

Okay, not knowing much about weaves, but I thought one of the main reasons for wearing a weave was that it protects your hair.

Anyway, the stylist recommended cutting off all the dead hair and when she was done cutting, the woman was damn near bald again.

I almost cried for her. In fact, I think she was about to cry telling her story to Rev. Brown.

The worst part was the woman's BOYFRIEND! Emphasis on BOY! He had made the woman feel ugly by telling her her hair was short. Rev. Brown verbally BEAT him for that, of course.

An interesting point that the stylist brought up, however... she says that the average head only grows 6 inches a year. Is that true? :eek:

If so, I can see why it's taking many of us to reach our goals.

That's what they say. But I am below average. I only grow about 4 inches a year, if that :ohwell:
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Wasn't there a thread not too long ago where the question was asked about hair growing 12 inches a year?

And if hair grows 12 inches a year, what's the (blank) delay?

I felt bad when I heard it was 6 inches!
ALL hair is technically "dead". Like your fingernails. Otherwise, it would hurt like hell to cut it!

So I am wary of stylists who advise to cut off all the "dead" hair. Shouldn't a stylist know better? Maybe she meant damaged.

I'm still sorry for the woman described. Power is a funny thing, and stylists who push too hard should be banned from the profession.

And, hair grows between 1/2 and in to 1 inch per month.

aileendq said:
ALL hair is technically "dead". Like your fingernails. Otherwise, it would hurt like hell to cut it!

So I am wary of stylists who advise to cut off all the "dead" hair. Shouldn't a stylist know better? Maybe she meant damaged.

I'm still sorry for the woman described. Power is a funny thing, and stylists who push too hard should be banned from the profession.

And, hair grows between 1/2 and in to 1 inch per month.


Yea, I didn't understand that part, either...

I can only assume the stylist was referring to the damaged hair as "dead" hair.

And the stylist also said something like "the woman's hair wouldn't grow because it was damaged". Huh? So, hair that's damaged affects hair that's inside her head that hasn't grown?

Interesting episode. I always thought hair grew 1 inch a month as well... not according to this stylist and Judge Joe Brown.
I saw that show.....that woman's hair looked like it needed to be cut some more! It was still dry and brittle looking.....I'm sure she didn't cut more than was needed:)
indefinite said:
I saw that show.....that woman's hair looked like it needed to be cut some more! It was still dry and brittle looking.....I'm sure she didn't cut more than was needed:)


But did you see the STYLE that her hair was in after the cut? That was so ugly!

And what was up with the boyfriend's head...? And his daddy's suit? These shows tickle me to DEATH! :lol:
I saw that episode. The weave lady had too many issues.

Anyways, I've always heard the average was 6 inches. I initially read that in Cathy Howse's book.
Did she have any before pics of what her hair looked like BC (b4 chop)?

I have read lots of places that 6 inches/year is average growth for humans... Before MTG and biotion I was probably only getting an inch every 6 weeks. Which is less than 6/year. So I think that number is indeed the average growth per year. So this is why I know patience above all else is a good thing to have when trying to grow hair...

Also what was the verdict:p
Hey i saw that episode,and i got the impression the weaved lady,wore weaves to grow out here hair,but i wonder if she properly took care of her hair throughout the three years w/ the weaves.I kept saying damn..........i'd like to get in touch w/this woman and bring hur azzzzzzz up in here,cause she need it bad.I seriously think the weave lady was also clueless when it came knowledge about her hair.The hair salon lady wanted to give her roots a touch up and cut all her damaged ends off.The boyfriend well,......:mad: ........he was no help at all,what a freaken a-hole!!!!!!!!!!
pink_flower said:
I saw that episode. The weave lady had too many issues.

Anyways, I've always heard the average was 6 inches. I initially read that in Cathy Howse's book.

I think the woman had been told by the boyfriend that she was ugly with short hair. This wasn't directly said, but the inference was surely there.

Isn't Cathy Howse the one who said it took her 14 years to grow her hair out?
carmend said:
Did she have any before pics of what her hair looked like BC (b4 chop)?

I have read lots of places that 6 inches/year is average growth for humans... Before MTG and biotion I was probably only getting an inch every 6 weeks. Which is less than 6/year. So I think that number is indeed the average growth per year. So this is why I know patience above all else is a good thing to have when trying to grow hair...

Also what was the verdict:p

She lost! The judge consoled her, however, and told her she was beautiful (something like that). That was nice of him. It made her feel good, the audience and the viewers.

The boyfriend should have felt like manure!

No, she didn't have any pictures of her hair after the weave, but before the "trim" :look:

She had one picture, which looked like a driver's license, of her hair with the weave. Two more pictures were of her hair after the butcher.
beadedgirl said:
Hey i saw that episode,and i got the impression the weaved lady,wore weaves to grow out here hair,but i wonder if she properly took care of her hair throughout the three years w/ the weaves.I kept saying damn..........i'd like to get in touch w/this woman and bring hur azzzzzzz up in here,cause she need it bad.I seriously think the weave lady was also clueless when it came knowledge about her hair.The hair salon lady wanted to give her roots a touch up and cut all her damaged ends off.The boyfriend well,......:mad: ........he was no help at all,what a freaken a-hole!!!!!!!!!!

That's what I wasn't understanding, either, Bead... how did her hair get so irreparably damaged if she had a weave? What kind of weave was that?

One more thing about the "boyfriend"... I still marvel at what women allow to be inserted in them. So many men are just too tow up for me to even look at them, much less sleep with them :look:
Blossssom said:
I think the woman had been told by the boyfriend that she was ugly with short hair. This wasn't directly said, but the inference was surely there.

Isn't Cathy Howse the one who said it took her 14 years to grow her hair out?

No, it didn't take Ms. Howse 14 years to grow out her hair, she documented her hair over a period of 14 years. If you go to her site, you'll see all the growth process that she went through. She states in her book that hair grows 6-8 inches per year. Quite a few ladies on this site have used her methods and have great results with them.
Alli77 said:
She states in her book that hair grows 6-8 inches per year.

6-8 inches, huh? That's nothing! :(

Does this apply to other races or just us because I look at other races, especially Latinos, and there is no way their hair is only growing 6-8 inches!
Blossssom said:
6-8 inches, huh? That's nothing! :(

Does this apply to other races or just us because I look at other races, especially Latinos, and there is no way their hair is only growing 6-8 inches!

This applies to other races (at least the research I've done). To me it seems pretty accurate, there are a few odd balls that I've seen who have a really fast growth rate but a SOLID 6-8 seems reasonable for the average. It's all about retention in my opinion. Our hair is so fragile that sometimes its breaking just as fast as its growing outta our scalp. So we very well may have a growth rate of 6-8 per year but are only retaining 3 or 4.
carmend said:
Did she have any before pics of what her hair looked like BC (b4 chop)?

I have read lots of places that 6 inches/year is average growth for humans... Before MTG and biotion I was probably only getting an inch every 6 weeks. Which is less than 6/year. So I think that number is indeed the average growth per year. So this is why I know patience above all else is a good thing to have when trying to grow hair...

Also what was the verdict:p

Hey, you are actually getting more than average! 1 year has 52 weeks. So if you get 1 inch per 6 weeks, then you average about 8.7 inches a year!!!!:grin:
pink_flower said:
This applies to other races (at least the research I've done). To me it seems pretty accurate, there are a few odd balls that I've seen who have a really fast growth rate but a SOLID 6-8 seems reasonable for the average. It's all about retention in my opinion. Our hair is so fragile that sometimes its breaking just as fast as its growing outta our scalp. So we very well may have a growth rate of 6-8 per year but are only retaining 3 or 4.

And that is one of the reasons I'm thinking of going natural... not to wear my hair natural, but to stop weakening my hair through relaxing, which makes a head full of already fragile hair even more so.

Honestly, I don't think our hair is as fragile as we have been led to believe, either. When I was semi-natural, my hair was very strong. It's only now that I've gone full blown with the relaxer and flat ironing that my hair seems weaker.

I plan to get the same results with the flat iron without chemicals, and I'll be saying "Look at me now" like the woman in the MetaLife commercial :lol:
Blossssom said:
An interesting point that the stylist brought up, however... she says that the average head only grows 6 inches a year. Is that true? :eek:

Hell, that's good speed.
I just watched this on Sunday (I tivo it during the week) and was like this lady (the plaintiff) must be crazy. I think her and her boyfriend was who btw had hair past his shoulder talking about he liked her with long hair.
I watched the show..and when she came on i was like these are the most hardest cases to prove..because most of the time you would need to have the before and after pics..and some witenesses that were there when the person got their hair done...and then what got me is why would she book another appointment with the hairdresser to come back...i think what happened is that she was pleased with her hair when she left the shop but she got home to her arrogant and stupid boyfriend and he told her how he didnt like her with that short of she started complaining about it and was like yeah your right it is too short...
bluediamond0829 said:
i think what happened is that she was pleased with her hair when she left the shop but she got home to her arrogant and stupid boyfriend and he told her how he didnt like her with that short of she started complaining about it and was like yeah your right it is too short...

Yea, that's exactly what happened! She needs to dump that monkey-boy!

Her hair looked fine in court...
Anyone catch Judge Joe Brown yesterday (Friday, 2/2)?

There is this black chick who is always in the audience. I've also seen her on the Judge Judge show. I've always wondered is she an attorney or perhaps a law student because she is always there.

Anyway, yesterday I got to see a great deal of her because she was sitting in the front row right behind the defendant. I had a clear view of her.

This woman is FINE! I know she wears a wig because one day she made the mistake of not wearing to Judy's, but her hair is always on point (Tyra needs her number); her clothes are nice. Nice body. Got to see her walk out of the courtroom. Great eyes, cheekbones and lips. She's cocoa complexioned. They kept showing her yesterday, and I wonder if it was done purposely.

Has anyone else ever seen this chick? She is SO gorgeous.
Blossssom said:
Yea, that's exactly what happened! She needs to dump that monkey-boy!

Her hair looked fine in court...

you are too funny!!:grin: :grin: and that avater is out of control.. I love it :lachen: . looks like me in the morning and MY boyfriend doesn't say a damn thing (out loud anyway:look: ).

BTW, I'm sorta relieved that hair grows 6-8 in/yr because I'm reading peoples posts about getting 1-1/2 'in per month and I look at my growth rate and it's only 1/4in and its been a month already. Thats with MSM & MTG.
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seraphinelle said:
Hey Blossom!

Is that you in your avatar? :grin:

Everytime I look at it, it looks like my aunt. hairstyle and all.


No, darlin', it's not me... I found this woman's picture at Yahoo! a few years back.

She was in "trouble with the law" and the cops worked her over. Haha!

I'm sure your aunt is a nice lady... Teva is not.

It's the expression on Teva's face that does it for me :lol: moreso than her hair.