Does anyone think cowashing makes their hair thinner?


Well-Known Member
I tried cowashing for a while with suave and it seemed like it was making my new growth thinner or making the strands finer. I don't think my hair has completely recovered and I've had a relaxer and everything. Has anyone else had this experience?
interested to know others views on this. i personally have only experiencing my strands staying thicker after co-washing but my hair is natural. maybe the you were not getting enough moisturizing properties?
I've only been cowashing now for little over a month and it hasn't done that to mine. Of course I already have thin hair. :lol: I've been overnighting with Amla and Vatika Oil before cowashing which is supposed to strengthen the hair.

I think Suave is a moisturizing conditioner right? Perhaps a light protein every other cowash would help.

I think I agree...I've been co washing after I work out and lately my hair has looked thinner than ever. I never had thin hair before now.
I've been using VO5.
I can't use Suave! All of them have not done anything good to my hair. Some people love it. All I can say is try a different brand. I use Infusium most of the time. And make sure you are gentle with your hair.
I've also thought that maybe it's just build up or something weighing down my hair...making it appear flatter and thinner.
I never had that problem and I've been daily co-washing since April...Suave Humectant is one of the conditioners I use in my daily leave mixture.
I guess I should hair hasn't changed, it's still thick but the new growth since has been coming in thinner...its hard to describe how it feels it weird though. It feels thin, not like damaged thin hair but like my hair is naturally that way, stripped, my newgrowth doesn't come in curly anymore, and it looks "ashy":confused::lol:
AlexB7 said:
I've also thought that maybe it's just build up or something weighing down my hair...making it appear flatter and thinner.

Yeah I was thinking it might have something to do with -cones, but I've never had a problem with -cones before. I used the suave lavender and lilac to cowash.
I guess it could if you're doing it daily or regularly. The hair is the weakest when it's wet and you do have to do some combing to smooth it out. That's just my 2 cents.
rinygirl6 said:
I guess I should hair hasn't changed, it's still thick but the new growth since has been coming in thinner...its hard to describe how it feels it weird though. It feels thin, not like damaged thin hair but like my hair is naturally that way, stripped, my newgrowth doesn't come in curly anymore, and it looks "ashy":confused::lol:

Oh, I see. Try a clarifying wash. Nexxus Aloe rid (or the generic brand) is a good one!
I think cowashing made my hair thinner. My hair was always very thick until now. It doesn't feel damaged. It actually feels very healthy but the strands are now much finer than they used to be.
FlyyGyrl said:
I think cowashing made my hair thinner. My hair was always very thick until now. It doesn't feel damaged. It actually feels very healthy but the strands are now much finer than they used to be.

Yeah, mine too and I've always had thick hair. Are you still cowashing and if you aren't have your stands gotten thicker?
i definitely have issues with thin hair. i didnt notice increased thinness from cowashing, but it did seem so make my hair limpy and mushier. i had to start doing protein prepoos before cowashing and i cut down on the amount of cowashing. that help my hair have more structural integrity so that it didn't appear so limp and thin. maybe i was doing a little too much manipulation with my cowashes though.
I've been conditioner washing multiple times a week for over a year now. Fortunately, I haven't experienced thining or ill effects.
Hmm, do you guys think maybe finer hair types don't react well to the CO washing and it causes the hair to get too soft and mushy causing breakage?
I agree with Metalkitty: My hair does not like cowashing at all. It responds by looking thin, limp, and whispy whispy. bonjour
When I was relaxed it did seem to look thinner. That much manipulation was not good for me. It was not good the first 6 months of my transition either.

After month 8 of the transition it was sooooooo beneficial and my hair felt great. I am 53 weeks npe ( 1 year and a week) and co-washing does not seem to have the ill effects that it had when I was relaxed.
Co washing doesn't work for me. In my case I just think my hair can't stand the trauma of being washed that often, to much manipulation.
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I think that it may appear to be thinner because your hair may be more moisturized and weighed down by the moisture. But if it seems mushy then you should try a protein treatment.
chica_canella said:
I think that it may appear to be thinner because your hair may be more moisturized and weighed down by the moisture. But if it seems mushy then you should try a protein treatment.

ITA. I think I went overboard with moisture when I first joined. I was doing 2 cowashes per week, and moisturizing twice daily - all with protein-free products. My hair started breaking off at the tips. I've reduced my cowashes to 1x per week (and I try not to manipulate my hair as much while washing), and I've incorporated protein conditioners/moisturizers into my routine. I think cowashing is fine for most people, but you still have to clarify on occasion and watch your moisture/protein balance.
preciousjewel76 said:
ITA. I think I went overboard with moisture when I first joined. I was doing 2 cowashes per week, and moisturizing twice daily - all with protein-free products. My hair started breaking off at the tips. I've reduced my cowashes to 1x per week (and I try not to manipulate my hair as much while washing), and I've incorporated protein conditioners/moisturizers into my routine. I think cowashing is fine for most people, but you still have to clarify on occasion and watch your moisture/protein balance.

Oh, and what also helps is if your hair is detangled before washing and put into braids. You can still wash your hair but it won't get terribly tangled as oppose to how tangled it can get when wet.
metalkitty said:
Hmm, do you guys think maybe finer hair types don't react well to the CO washing and it causes the hair to get too soft and mushy causing breakage?
With my limited experience I would answer yes to his question.
I've been co washing for a year, and it's been very beneficial to my dry strands. It's made it healthier if anything.
I don't think co-washing per se is enough to make hair thin. If your hair appears to be thinning since regular co-washing, it may be due to what you're doing to your hair after co-washing. For example, smoothing it into a ponytail or puff, especially a tight one.
ha, I wish it did make this bush thinner! Have you clarified lately, or maybe it's the Suave...some ppl like it but it makes my hair feel like crap.
Co-washing did nothing but made my hair thicker. My suave conditioners do not have cones in them. In fact, i just used the Strawberry one today :lick: I agree with the other ladies about what you're doing after co-washing :yep: Buena Suerte!
I only CW when i'm starting on 4 wks post relaxer. I find my hair around this time needs extra moisture and this has being working fine for me with ill effects like thin hair.