I baggy my whole head 2-3x's per week & my hair is nice & moist in the AM. i use either herbal hair tonic spritz or some other natural oils. I would like to retain this moisture in the winter for sure. I anticipate some good results from this.
I had been using the leave in, but recently bought some of the lotion moisturizer and it is sooooooo great on my babies hair(she is natural) I might baggy my hair with it.
Does baggying make your hair wet or "too" moist, where it won't hold a curl? I'm curious. It sound like a good idea for naturals or for those who aren't wearing their hair straight.
Depends upon what you put on your hair. Last night I only used castor oil. My hair is already very moisturized so i didn't add any water based product. My ends feel great.
It is a wonderful thing for my hair. I used to baggy just my ends. Now I find myself baggying my entire head. I don't do it consistantly though I could do it 2 times this week 4 times the next and then not at all the next. I really need to get my life together.erplexed
I baggy my ends to protect them whenever I wrap my head (mostly on the weekends), I baggy whole headedly when my hair feels especially dry, or when I've oil rinsed and don't want to mess up my pillow!
I had good results so I will keep this up. I don't like baggying wet hair though, so I'll just add a little moisturiser, seal with oil and baggy just my ends.