Does anyone rollerset and then flat iron?


New Member
I figure since I'm gonna let my hair air dry anyway, I may as well do it in rollers and have some bounce, plus I think it would make my flat iron turn out extra silky (I just cannot get a silkly set with rollers and wrap, the wrap messes it up and if I don't wrap, the rollers are set in a freaky 50's style although every curl is very straight, if I don't do something to straighten it)
Has anyone tried rollersetting and then flat ironing?
I do this, but don't do it as much because I'm on a heat diet. What about the wrap messes it up? Maybe someone can help with that part, or finding an alternative for the flat iron. When I rollerset instead of doing a regular wrap, I part my hair the middle or where ever I want the part to be like I were making two ponytails then I comb one section and smooth it around to the other side and pin in place and do the same with the other side. When I get up my rollerset is pretty straight with a little bounch on the ends. Making sure you tie it down with a scarf when you're finished to make sure it smoothes out and to protect your hair. If you continue to use a flat iron I would recommend a ceramic flat iron because I noticed that I only had to apply the iron to each section once instead of 2x with a regular flat iron and I didn't have to hold it over each section as long.
I may try that method of wrapping because it seems more reasonable to me and easier too. I'll see if that works. Thanks!
After I roller set my hair, I wrap it. When I flat iron my hair, I do so after air drying. IMO, roller setting and then flat ironing would be way too much work for my hair.