Does anyone PRESS their own hair at home?


Well-Known Member
I still thinking about transitioning again. And this time w/o the BC and w/o braids. So, since I still have a short haircut w/ a tapered back, I had planned to keep those beediebees in check w/ a pressing comb.

Anyone do this? What type of comb do you use. More than likely, I'll use one w/ an electrical port instead of the oldschool stove ones :lol:
itismehmmkay said:
I still thinking about transitioning again. And this time w/o the BC and w/o braids. So, since I still have a short haircut w/ a tapered back, I had planned to keep those beediebees in check w/ a pressing comb.

Anyone do this? What type of comb do you use. More than likely, I'll use one w/ an electrical port instead of the oldschool stove ones :lol:

Yes, I press my hair occassionally, alot of work. Usually takes me about 2 hours. You may want to check out Nay and Irresistible fotki albums. Irresistible put instructions on what she does when she presses her hair and I think she also includes pics of the kind of straightening comb she uses. Hope this helps!
My mom does and she uses the old skool pressing comb. It only takes her 30 minutes!!! I told her if I knew it would only take that long, I would have never gotten a perm (didn't get a perm until I went to college and the only reason I did was because I didn't think beauty shops still even did presses) and would be enjoying the benefits of being natural to this day!!

About 15 years ago, she got a perm after being natural for 35 years and then the very first time when she washed and had trouble rolling it on the magnetic rollers, she said it was for the birds and then just let the perm grow out....never did the BC, just kept her hair very moisturized and would gently press the new growth to manage it and would clip a few ends every month as the NG came in....when she presses it, her hair looks as good as someone with a perm!
I have done it, now I just use a flat iron. I used to always press my hair because I could get the roots better, now I just have a smaller flat iron. I used the old school stove kind
I used to, but I would do the old fashion way over the stove. I had an electric one once and burned a piece of my hair out, so I went back to using the stove..
And I was over here laughing at the old school ones :lol: and it seems as if everyone uses them. Well, I ended up getting a Hot and Gold one. We'll see how it turns out.
i used the pressing comb you use on the stove. and all i know is that i lost 3 inches. that was a year ago and it still has not grown back. so whenever i want to press my hair ill be going to the salons.
I "press" my hair with an FHI ceramic flat iron. I blowdry it straight first with a denman brush. I love the FHI because it gets my hair straight and I'm confident that I will never burn myself or my hair (I use it at 370 degrees).
My godsister who is currently visiting for the holiday has always pressed her hair. I don't know much about her routine, but she was touching up her edges this morning and she used the kind of comb you heat on the stove. She just sprayed the front of her hair with that isoplus oil sheen in the blue can before using the comb. It only took her a couple minutes to go over the front, but she has past brastrap length hair and I don't know how long it takes her to do her whole head from scratch.
i warm press my hair at home i use the "stove method" to st8en out my roots since i'm approachin 6mos post relaxer. i set my hair and let it air dry since i dnt want to overload with heat then i warm press the roots with a very fine tooth pressing comb