Does anyone own this KombBrush?Is this a good idea?


Well-Known Member
Or does it look like it will rip some hair out?

African American or black hair is distinctive and very different from that of Europeans and Asians. But, for the most part, we use tools designed for European and Asian hair types. The Kakakiki KombBrush is a unique, patented product created especially to detangle African hair. It can be used by men, women and children.

The Kakakiki comb/brush was designed by an African-American engineering firm especially for people of African descent. That company is owned by Ed Howard.

The Kakakiki KombBrush is designed with a matrix formation of the individual tine-like bristles. Unlike a comb which has one row of teeth, this brush shaped device can untangle more hair at once. Unlike traditional brushes, the tines are smooth and round so they won't catch and break fragile and kinky African hair. The patented design detangles kinky, wooly, wavy, curly, coarse and thick hair without excessive pulling and breakage. Also a therapeutic effect is induced which stimulates the scalp. The Kakakiki KombBrush is designed to prepare the hair for styling by detangling while massaging. The brush is also great for use on permed or pressed hair.

Prevents hair loss:

By using this brush instead of or before using a traditional comb or brush, you detangle your hair without breaking it giving you longer, healthier hair.

If hair is tightly coiled or tangled:

First moisten hair with any hair product of your choice. If your hair is coiled, curly, wavy, woolly, kinky or thick, place comb/brush on top of ends of hair and slide with no force, slow and easy- you will feel the tangles slowly and gently being coaxed out. Continue until you have detangled your hair with the Kakakiki KombBrush. Do not dig down into your hair like you do with traditional hair combs and brushes. After detangling, you can use the Kakakiki KombBrush as a brush, always stroking slow and easy.

The Kakakiki KombBrush tines (teeth) are designed to break if too much force is used. The prevents damaged hair, loss of hair and you gain more hair growth with the use of the Kakakiki KombBrush. If your hair is straight, you may penetrate your hair but still brush slowly and easily. Feel the smooth, soothing and massaging benefits. Remember to use the Index Finger hole for leverage.

To clean the Kakakiki KombBrush, use warm running water. If needed use a hair brush with warm water.

Contribute a Testimonial

Your products are amazing! I usually dreaded washing my hair because it's long, curly/kinky and I could never clear it out afterwards. I would get so frustrated that I'd think of cutting it! I just used the Treasured Locks Shea Butter detangling conditioner and the Kakakiki KombBrush and I cleared my hair in 10 minutes! I couldn't believe it!
Joni M.- Tulsa, OK

Your brush is very impressive. I learned about this brush through a beautician that was shampooing my hair and swore that I would find one.I will be placing my order with your company shortly and will be looking forward to an ongoing relationship with you.

I used your comb/brush on my three girls’ hair and they loved it. Ican’t believe how easy it combed their hair. I know this comb/brush will be successful.

Please send additional brochures for friends and family. Love the komb it really works – this is my 3rd order. Thank you.
Sayyida (New York)

Being an Asian, I thought you would like to know that the soothing feeling I get from the Kakakiki KombBrush is wonderful.
Liu(New York)

I took my braids out and was getting all prepared to cry as I combed my hair. Then, I remembered this message you sent and went and bought the comb. I can’t believe it. I DO NOT have hair like yours. If I had to, I could scrub a skillet by twirling it on top of my head! That comb combed right through my hair. You have to keep your hair a little wet, but what a difference. This person who invented this is a “genius.”

Your Kakakiki KombBrush works perfect for my beard and short natural. Where have you been all my live (sic)?

I felt obligated to let you know how impressed I am with the Kakakiki comb. I love the feeling.

I am Caucasian and I love the Kakakiki KombBrush

Testimonials were provided by the Kakakiki Company

Whaddaya ladies know/think about this?
Thanks in advance:yep:
That brush is the devil. No matter how you use it your hair hooks under the tips :wallbash:and if you are not careful you will get breakage.

I ordered it from and I tried to use it once in my hair. I blamed my attempt failure to having natural hair but then I tried to use it on my sister's relaxed head and it was the same results.

Don't get's so not worth it!
It is awesome for detangling wet hair that has tangles in it. This is NOT a regular brush to be used for brushing the hair. It should be used for detangling and for knots in the hair. One must GENTLY detangle very lightly from bottom to top until all tangles are gone. I am texlaxed and tangles are a problem for me the longer that I stretch. With the combrush I get only a timble full of hair after detangling with this brush. I will NEVER be without and I only use it on my wash hair day.
Oh man! Two different responses.

Any one else know anything else abou this?

I reeeaaalllllyyyy wanna try it,but if it is jacking people up then i dunno.

@winderstar88, i noticed the hooks too and that is the part that worries me.
On another forum (natural hair) there was someone who bought and used it saying it was good for detangling. I'm going to stay away, because people say the same thing about the Denman and I hate that thing.
I have mine just sitting there and everytime I go to wash my hair I strupes my teeth at the money wasted. I don't want to throw it away........who knows maybe I'll file off the tips:perplexed.

I followed the directions thoroughly, used it on wet hair full of conditioner. Don't even try and make the mistake to lift it off your hair without sliding it all the way through:nono:.
I bought this to mostly support the brother. I enjoy others peoples vision. But it honestly wasnt good for me either. There was some breakage and I'm Tex with mostly 4b. Maybe I wasnt using it right. Dunno.:nono::ohwell:
I have all the other combs and brushes from HoneyFig and LOVE them!!

I bought that brush from them thinking it would be a good brush to use on my daughters 3b hair. NOT!!! Her hair is fine and soft and it was still snagging and snarling in her hair. I tried using oil with it (which made it pull out less) and a detangler spray, but after the second use, I decided to use it as a brush for my poodle. :lachen: It just wasn't pulling the knots out and seemed to make them worse. The detangler seamless comb is working much better for her and me.
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Are those little hooks on the end of each bristle? :pullhair:My hair is far too delicate for that. But I could see someone with really coarse hair needing that.

I wouldn't mind checking out their other combs & brushes. Which is your fav?
I bought this from also back in November before I did the BC and I like it. That's probably because I only have 3 1/4 inches of hair. It may depend on the length. You do have to to use it with some type of moisturizer. I just dip it in my tub of shea butter and detangle.

It works better on my niece's hair I think. She has waist-length, tightly curled 4a/4b hair and she does not shed a tear when I use this on her. Her hair is more coarse than mine. I may just give it to my sister to use on her because I just detangle my hair with my fingers.

You can't just grab the brush and start raking your hair. You still have to comb in sections starting at the ends and making your way up to the roots. It'll probably get more difficult to comb as my hair grows longer, but for now it works. If anything it trains you how to take the time to properly comb your hair :rolleyes: