Does Anyone Moisturize On Dry Hair Instead Of Wet?


Well-Known Member
So a braid in my nape slipped out so while it was dry I put moisturizer and oil on it and just twisted it up. It came undone later on so I was about to retwist it and I noticed how perfectly defined the twist made my hair look. A nice chunky curl. And my hair felt moisturized. Usually there's always a film of oil that never goes away no matter how light of an oil I use but there was not even a drop of film. Just moisturized hair.

Also I was surprised how easy it was to spread the moisturizer. I always assumed on dry hair you'd need to add half the bottle on each section but not all

Is this a thing and I'm just late to the game?
I always moisturize on dry hair... Every morning before work. Anytime my hair is wet I never moisturize because I feel like the water is already moisturizing enough. I sometimes seal after a wash, condition, and leave-in but I never moisturize wet hair. Seems like a waste of product to me.