Does Anyone Leave Their Bun In For A Few Days?


New Member
I have a donut bun in, and I don't feel like taking it down till wash day. I wash my hair once a week. Has anyone ever done this? Or should I take it down to moisturize nightly?
i do. When i bun i use my own hair and not the donut sock anymore (sucks up all the oil and moisturizer out my hair). I put enough oil and moisturizer on my ends so that when i bun it the ends are still moist/damp on the inside tucked by my goodie bands (like my own baggy method without the bag lol). I leave my bun in for like 2-3 days max and tie it up everynight and use a applicator bottle to oil my scalp when needed.

Also when i bun when i put my ponytail in first I tilt my head up til the back of my head touches the back nape area, i tilt my head down til my chin touches my chest and side to side max. If at any time i can fill my hair pull in any of those directions its to tight. I adjust until i can't even feel my hair in a pony. if its tight when wet it will be super duper tight when it dries (buns shrink to). I haven't had any problems with over night bunning. No breakage from it! but thats me some might have an issue with it?
i do. When i bun i use my own hair and not the donut sock anymore (sucks up all the oil and moisturizer out my hair). I put enough oil and moisturizer on my ends so that when i bun it the ends are still moist/damp on the inside tucked by my goodie bands (like my own baggy method without the bag lol). I leave my bun in for like 2-3 days max and tie it up everynight and use a applicator bottle to oil my scalp when needed.

Also when i bun when i put my ponytail in first I tilt my head up til the back of my head touches the back nape area, i tilt my head down til my chin touches my chest and side to side max. If at any time i can fill my hair pull in any of those directions its to tight. I adjust until i can't even feel my hair in a pony. if its tight when wet it will be super duper tight when it dries (buns shrink to). I haven't had any problems with over night bunning. No breakage from it! but thats me some might have an issue with it?

Ok. I thought that it may not be normal to do this. It seems like everytime I touch my hair I end up with alot of hair in my hands. So I just wanted to leave it in a bun for a while to keep my hands out of it. This is my first time using a sock bun. I hope it doesn't suck out all of my moisture.
I would like to try this too! I cowashed moisturized, sealed, and bunned last night. My hair still feels really soft and I would love to not bother with it for a couple more days! I plan on washing and dcing Friday so I think I'll leave it alone until then and see how it feels.
So it doesn't get messy? Do you just tie around the perimeter? How do you tie it so that the entire head above and below the bun are covered at night? Two scarves?
I leave it up for at least a day,from when I wash my hair, before I take it down and moisturize it. Cause my hair is usally still a little damp. Therefore its still moisturize.
I have a donut bun in, and I don't feel like taking it down till wash day. I wash my hair once a week. Has anyone ever done this? Or should I take it down to moisturize nightly?
I have and still do at times. I love doing it because it can save me a lot of time when I'm getting ready for work in the morning. Just make sure your hair is well moisturized (especially the ends), and you should be fine and tie up at night with a satin / silk scarf.
I also used to wear the same puff for days and just tie it with a scarf at night. Now I've spoiled my scalp so much that I hate sleeping with my hair secured tightly. It's like sleeping with a bra on for me. I got to release it. Besides, these days there are frequently sticks involved so I can't sleep with those in.
I also used to wear the same puff for days and just tie it with a scarf at night. Now I've spoiled my scalp so much that I hate sleeping with my hair secured tightly. It's like sleeping with a bra on for me. I got to release it. Besides, these days there are frequently sticks involved so I can't sleep with those in.

I know! :lol: I don't know how I'm gonna do it, because I like my hair FREE!
Whenever I leave in it for a few days, I have crazy amounts of shed hairs. I guess from no manipulation the daily shed hairs are stuck there and then all come out once the bun comes down.... anyone experience the same thing?
When I first started my hair journey and began building a regimen, I bunned for about a year. I washed, dc'ed, moisturized well and bunned each Sunday. Each day as soon as I got home, I put on my scarf to preserve the style. No fuzz, no excessive shedding or breakage, no problems.
Yes!!! Thats me! I took my sock bun out this morning to fix, it had only been in one day, and I had tons of hairs around the donut. So of course my anal self examined the strands, and noticed they were mostly shed hairs. I only had the bun in for one day! but it was a ball of hair that came out. I was soo puzzled!

Whenever I leave in it for a few days, I have crazy amounts of shed hairs. I guess from no manipulation the daily shed hairs are stuck there and then all come out once the bun comes down.... anyone experience the same thing?
So it doesn't get messy? Do you just tie around the perimeter? How do you tie it so that the entire head above and below the bun are covered at night? Two scarves?

OK, so I was so perplexed by this leaving the bun in overnight when I wrote this question. But, my only experience bunning has been then, when I was 16+ weeks post and those buns HAD to be redone every day or else....

Anyway, now that I had a fresh relaxer done a week ago, I started bunning again on Monday, and low and behold, it stays neat all day, and I've tied the silk scarf around for the past two nights and it's been neat again in the morning. What a golden nugget I've found here. Thanks ladies for sharing the knowledge!!! I know I'm on my way!
I used to leave my bun in for 3-4 days at a time, but lately I have gotten into a cowash love affair, and I am cowashing like every other day. I just sometimes become annoyed by the second day with my bun and end up wanting to fix it or wash my hair and redo my whole bun. I do sometimes, though, when I'm busy during a week, leave it in sometimes. I am finding it more and more difficult to leave it alone in my sock bun, though, as my hair gets curlier and curlier because then the bun to me stops looking so polished and sleek and I feel compelled to wash it and fix it and stuff, lol. -___________-'