Does anyone know where the Favorites are located now???


New Member
I am just able to log in & view this new layout for the first time. I've clicked & searched every option, & I don't know where my list of Favorites are located in this new layout! Someone please help! I'm going crazy! I also saw a thread I wanted to add to my favorites & noticed we don't have that option anymore or am I missing something?
I posted about this and I was informed that the moderators are working on this. The favorites didn't come over when they made the switch.
I'm a bit confused. I used to have a list of threads bookmarked, I thought they were called subcribed threads but maybe they were favorites. Either way they are not there in the contol panel. I hope they are able to transfer them over.
I'm still wondering. No updates, huh? I log in weekly just to check that very thing! I miss my favorites so much. I meant to print them out, but I was unaware that a new format was coming & didn't do it in time.
No more subscribing for me. From now on I'll just print out what I want to keep or save it in MS Word.
Can someone respond regarding whether we are ever going to get our old favorites back? Is this issue still being worked on or should be just forget it?
Anyone? I'd just like to know what's going on. The last time I asked about this was like in January. I miss my favorites. I had valuable info saved. Has there been any progress with the transfer?
Thanks. Nikos sent me an update for those of us who desperately miss the info we'd saved in our favorites. There may still be even a little hope, who knows. I've learned that printing out my info or saving it elsewhere on my pc is vital.

He said and I quote:

"Hi Ebony,

Unfortunately we haven't had much progress in that department. We do have all the information stored but the current forum software doesn't provide the relevant functionality so we have to write some sort of code to facilitate this.

It will take some time but we haven't forgotten about this."

I'd pay a fee to get my favorites info back.
If you want to keep certain threads under review or as reference all you need is to subscribe to those threads (functionality located in your User CP). This will give you a Favorites list which you can easily access.