Does anyone know a good detangler spray I can use?


Well-Known Member
I have very thick coarse hair. After when I finish washing my hair it seem to knot up on me. I use a wide tooth comb to detangle it. I notice a lot of hair out when I am done combing. (Especially when it starting to air dry out on me) Does anyone know a good detangling spray I can use on my hair?
Diluted conditioner works really well for me (I use Aubrey Organics White Camellia conditioner). Oils are great detanglers as well. Also, make sure to section off your hair instead of leaving it loose, that way the parts you're not working on won't dry out as much.

As far as the hair coming out, if it's shed hair then that's not a problem (hair with the white bulb at the end). If it's broken hair then make sure you're being gentle and your hair is well lubricated while you're detangling.

It is called Silken Child. I bought mine at Sally's

This is a great detangler and it smells so good! Try doing a search on detangling. There are so many methods on this board. :yep:
I wash in sections and that helps with tanglage. I use a creamy detangler so I can't really help you with that. It's also washed out while in sections too.