Does anyone here consider themselves Quiverfull?

and while I'm certain there are those who practice QF with that 'goal' in mind, I choose to believe that there are many more who do so solely and fully due to their faith and trust in God and their submission to God's Will.

:hiya: Hi Just Kiya
good post :)
I didn't follow all the nuances,glad any "misunderstandings" cleared up quickly..becauese I knew you were sincerely asking for wisdom and infomation and no other reason :) not only from your post..
but ..OT..your posts are always thought provoking and honest
whether I agree with them or not sorry abt any static or confusion you might temporarily have encountered:yep:

I'm unfamiliar with QF, but my immediate understanding was that in its purest form it is totally reliance/faith on God..with birth and birth control
and in terms of cult notion ..or misuse..that can be....for any issue is always the danger of misuse

this seems in concept..a very pure and beautiful idea except I believe
God does gives us means...even very sophisticated scientific means...
this QF.. to me is the same as refusing medical support when someone is gravely ill trusting on the Word and "waiting" on God
when science to me is created by God to take care of us

I know a 55 year old woman who gave birth to twins...via medical support
she and her husband are so happy and blessed
I wonder how is God NOT in the middle of that joy and blessing
because of course HE is ....
I don't believe for a minute that birth as QF is any less blessed than
a birth as my friend..all creation comes from HIM....
Faith and reliance on God is always a given
but I'm thinking thisparticular methodology...of faith might have some
challenges.... while I can certainly appreciate the spirit of it

wondering if the forest is missed by the trees
if miracles are being sidestepped because they don't look like...
a therefore not valid?
my sister wants another baby and is trying to conceive again and anther friend
and they both are relying solely on natural means of God ....
no medical..
whereas another friend is defintely prepping for heavy medical intervention
who is right...who is wrong...

my humble opinion as single lady and devoted imperfect Christian
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:hiya: Hi Just Kiya
good post :)
I didn't follow all the nuances,glad any "misunderstandings" cleared up quickly..becauese I knew you were sincerely asking for wisdom and infomation and no other reason :) not only from your post..
but ..OT..your posts are always thought provoking and honest
whether I agree with them or not sorry abt any static or confusion you might temporarily have encountered:yep:

I'm unfamiliar with QF, but my immediate understanding was that in its purest form it is totally reliance/faith on God..with birth and birth control
and in terms of cult notion ..or misuse..that can be....for any issue is always the danger of misuse

this seems in concept..a very pure and beautiful idea except I believe
God does gives us means...even very sophisticated scientific means...
this QF.. to me is the same as refusing medical support when someone is gravely ill trusting on the Word and "waiting" on God
when science to me is created by God to take care of us

I know a 55 year old woman who gave birth to twins...via medical support
she and her husband are so happy and blessed
I wonder how is God NOT in the middle of that joy and blessing
because of course HE is ....
I don't believe for a minute that birth as QF is any less blessed than
a birth as my friend..all creation comes from HIM....
Faith and reliance on God is always a given
but I'm thinking thisparticular methodology...of faith might have some
challenges.... while I can certainly appreciate the spirit of it

wondering if the forest is missed by the trees
if miracles are being sidestepped because they don't look like...
a therefore not valid?
my sister wants another baby and is trying to conceive again and anther friend
and they both are relying solely on natural means of God ....
no medical..
whereas another friend is defintely prepping for heavy medical intervention
who is right...who is wrong...

my humble opinion as single lady and devoted imperfect Christian

The bolded is one of the main things that I pulled from the thread that I linked - while, I'm not sure how I personally feel about it - but perhaps, if I was a Christian, this sort of conviction might be laid upon me, because even from a non-Christian perspective - it draws to me. That might just be a side-effect of my personal fertility issues, though. :lol:

So, reading of these ladies faith and trust really struck a sort of chord in me - it did feel very beauteous and pure, somehow.

I don't think that anyone is right/wrong in the way that they choose to conceive - medical means or strictly natural. And even those who are QF don't look down on those who choose medical means, or chose to use birth control, or even choose to be sterilized - but they simply don't consider them QF. And that's not a bad thing, as it's a huge choice to make/conviction to have - and they respect that not everyone is going to be willing to do that.
I thank you as well. I'm glad your provided the links and blogs; this will answer a lot. :yep:

When I mentioned summoning, I mean it from the discourse of the loa (laws of attraction). There has been a misuse of scripture in this respect and labeled as Christian. I'm not saying that the QF is this, but the words, opening and closing made it appear as such. Hope that makes sense.

Did you get a chance to read the links & etc? Any additional thoughts?
So - if I'm not being too forward (I'm truly curious!) may I ask?

1) Are you QF? :yep:

1a) If so, what led to to such a decision? After reading scripture and seeing the importance God places on families and raising children, then who am I to stop what He wills? Our bodies are not our own. They belong to Him. Also, my husband's and my families are depleted right now because people are not open to having children.

1b) If not, had you heard of it before, and what (if anything!) led you away from such a choice? n/a

2) Does your family/friends/church siblings know of your conviction? :yep: I'm considered different anyway because I have dreadlocs, I'm picky about my diet and I'm a SAH/ homeschooling mom. Why not add having a bunch of babies to the list???

2a) If yes, How have they handled it/what has been their reactions? We have only explained ourselves to our parents and grandparents. They were all supportive because they have so few grandchildren. They think I'm wasting my degree by homeschooling but that's another thread.

2b) If no, why do you choose to not share it with them? n/a

3) If you are QF, how many children do you have? We have 1 right now, but if we don't have anymore within the next 5 years, we plan to adopt.

After going back and reading some of the posts before mine I think I need to explain some things. I must admit, I've been laughing at a few things...

Quiverful refers to the scripture Shimmie posted. While there maybe some "cultish" mentalities for some groups who choose to be quiverful, this is not always the case. My husband and I have no problem with having a dr, midwife or any medication during child birth. As far as asking God to open and shut the womb, that is not our goal(mine and my husband's). Whenever He sees fit to bless us with more, then so be it. In the meantime, we focus on teaching our child the Word so she will be prepared for adulthood.

As far as whether or not I (as the wife have a choice) in when we concieve- it's not an issue. We enjoy one another and if/when a child is the result of our joy then we'll birth it. If there are any problems in that birth, then we'll make the needed decisions at that time.

Adopting children is just as great a joys as birthing them so we'll look in that direction when we are led to.

As far as a submissive mindset, I guess I fit into that category. My husband makes the final decision about most household things, but he has yet to make them without my input. We both trust God therefore I have no doubt that my hubby loves and protects me just as he does his own body. That is what he is called to do.

My bestfriend is also QF and she's been blessed with 5 handsome sons. She and her husband are 26 yo. I am so thankful because women complain about there being few good men, but I know these young men will grow up to be strong, loving husbands one day.

I hope this explains some things.
interesting topic. not married yet, and don't have kids yet, but when i do get married, i won't be messing with BC or anything. even though, ideally, i'd love to have 1 set of fraternal twins, i'll be happy with however many babies He gives me, if He decides to give me any :)

personally, i don't agree with BC at all. i understand taking it to regulate your cycle, but i wouldn't want to mess up the natural thing God set up within me.
Originally Posted by Shimmie
You know what Sis? I'm watching several of these incoming thread topics.....

There is definitely a 'spirit' behind them.

Originally Posted by Shimmie British Woman Marries Pet Dolphin.

just jokin Sister Shimmie...
carry on...