Does anyone have hair that's not photogenic?


Well-Known Member
Does anyone on here have hair that does not photograph well? My hair is kinda like that. When I want to take pics to update my fotki I have to take so many pics of my hair to get a good shot. I have to try like all the settings on my camera (flash, no flash, macro, self-portrait, indoor lighting, etc.).

Anyone else's hair like this? I think my hair looks much better in person than in photos most times. I know we've talked about this before but I just felt like bringing this topic back up. :look:
I feel the same exact way. I feel my hair looks way better in person. I sometimes feel like that camera is lying to me or (God forbid it's telling me the truth...:lachen:...If you know what I mean!)
I don't think its your hair, I think its your camera. Meaning, we tend to want to our photographs to look like what we see when we look in the mirror, but in order for that to happen you have to have your camera on the perfect settings. Especially if you have photography camera, slr, there are so many settings. You have experiment, in door settings, then you have to set your camera up based on what light you are photographing in, daylight, tungsten, halogen, etc. Sometimes auto focus, auto lighting, auto iso, auto aperture can work, sometimes you have to play around with your camera.

I wouldn't say its your hair, though. Just like me. I am only photogenic when I take my pictures. I know the lighting, the settings, and the angles I look best in, when other photograph me I look a mess.....

but that's just what I think lol
I feel the same way, but hopefully it was b/c my camera sucked. When my stylist takes the pictures they come out nice, so I am pretty sure the care is the problem. I have a new one now so I will see if I get better results with it the next time I do updates.
I think it's just my camera. It looks pretty in person, but when I snap a picture it just looks horrible.They always come out dark and dull. That is why I have had the same avatar picture forever.
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I don't think its your hair, I think its your camera. Meaning, we tend to want to our photographs to look like what we see when we look in the mirror, but in order for that to happen you have to have your camera on the perfect settings. Especially if you have photography camera, slr, there are so many settings. You have experiment, in door settings, then you have to set your camera up based on what light you are photographing in, daylight, tungsten, halogen, etc. Sometimes auto focus, auto lighting, auto iso, auto aperture can work, sometimes you have to play around with your camera.

I wouldn't say its your hair, though. Just like me. I am only photogenic when I take my pictures. I know the lighting, the settings, and the angles I look best in, when other photograph me I look a mess.....

but that's just what I think lol
That's a good explanation. I've noticed that my curls often show up better in photos with good lighting and no flash. With the flash on my hair kinda looks like one frizzy mass with a few curls coming out of it. For example:



When I use the flash, my hair looks black blue, which could be because the black dye I used had a blue base, and the flash is bringing the blue out, then the flash makes my hair look greasy and dirty.

But if I use a flash on my hair and I have ample lighting in the background, I'm getting technical but If sit in front of the light (not directly) and flash the camera at me with the flash towards the light I will not get the greasy look. Its a technical thing that I can't really explain. But I have to take a lot of pictures with different settings to get the pictures I approve of.
Does anyone on here have hair that does not photograph well? My hair is kinda like that. When I want to take pics to update my fotki I have to take so many pics of my hair to get a good shot. I have to try like all the settings on my camera (flash, no flash, macro, self-portrait, indoor lighting, etc.).

Anyone else's hair like this? I think my hair looks much better in person than in photos most times. I know we've talked about this before but I just felt like bringing this topic back up. :look:

If your hair looks more beautiful in person than in your pics...then you don't want to meet me...cuz I am bagging it and RUNNING....:bud:

Call me the OFFICIAL are one of the first on my list..:lick:
If your hair looks more beautiful in person than in your pics...then you don't want to meet me...cuz I am bagging it and RUNNING....:bud:

Call me the OFFICIAL are one of the first on my list..:lick:

Hmm....If times ever get hard I could sell my hair for human hair weaves. :thought: Or maybe not. :lachen:
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Hmm....If times ever get hard I could sell my hair for human hair weaves. :thought: Or maybe not. :lachen:

:lachen::lachen::lachen:...but no joke...when I was natural, I went into a per ounce hair store to price some hair for my SIL who is a hairdresser and the lady behind the counter asked me where I got my hair from. When I told her that it was all mine so offered to buy it from me and showed me her pricelist saying people buy my type of hair for $65 per ounce...if I were smarter I would have continued the conversation and asked her how much she would pay me...the next week all of my hair was melted off trying to relax overcolored hair...:wallbash::nono::nono:, but your hair is beautiful so don't give that up rapunzel (unless they are trading you diamonds).
I think that my hair's not photogenic either. But I'll reserve judgement until I get myself an actual camera. I've taken all my photos with the camera built into my laptop; I'm such a cheapskate!
LOL...good topic OP

My issue is the exact opposite. My hair looks more impressive in pics than it does in real me:ohwell:
Yeah this is me too. I have to take so many pics at once to show what I see in the mirror. It's getting better, but I very rarely take straight hair pics much anymore--you can't see the body/movement/volume in the pics. Gotta mess with the settings some more I guess :ohwell:
LOL...good topic OP

My issue is the exact opposite. My hair looks more impressive in pics than it does in real me:ohwell:

WHEW! I thought I was the only one. Some pics make my hair look really curly, long and thick. Then some pics make it look short and dry. The pics in my siggy is what it REALLY looks like in the mirror. I've had people look at my pics and look at my hair and tell me if it looks like the pic. They always say yeah, so maybe it's our eyes and what we want/don't want to see...
Wow i thought i was the only one my hair is thick and in pics it looks kinda thin and lifeless i dont know why. I have to take 5 to 6 shots for me to be somewhat satisfied. Im not sure why it looks like this but i know as of lately its not that bad anymore hmmmmmm......
:lachen::lachen::lachen:...but no joke...when I was natural, I went into a per ounce hair store to price some hair for my SIL who is a hairdresser and the lady behind the counter asked me where I got my hair from. When I told her that it was all mine so offered to buy it from me and showed me her pricelist saying people buy my type of hair for $65 per ounce...if I were smarter I would have continued the conversation and asked her how much she would pay me...the next week all of my hair was melted off trying to relax overcolored hair...:wallbash::nono::nono:, but your hair is beautiful so don't give that up rapunzel (unless they are trading you diamonds).

$65 per ounce? :look: I'll keep this in mind. J/k. I don't think I could ever sell my hair. I'm a bit too paranoid. I'd be afraid of someone using the strands for some weird voodoo ritual or something. :spinning: I once thought about whether I would donate my hair to Locks Of Luv for people who get wigs made for them when they have cancer. But I heard that a lot of the hair that gets donated isn't used and that a lot that is ends up being used in wigs that they sell for profit.

But I wonder how they proposition people to give up their hair. Somehow I imagine them doing this more in India than America. Your hair must be flyy if the lady tried to recruit you. :yep:

On another note I can understand those who think pics make there hair look better. I think it depends on the camera. And a lot of times flash will make hair look shinier than it really is. I think you can see that in the pics I posted above.
But I wonder how they proposition people to give up their hair. Somehow I imagine them doing this more in India than America. Your hair must be flyy if the lady tried to recruit you. :yep:

Nah I think the price was so high b/c you don't get a lot of black women selling their hair so it is a rarity.

I love my natural hair b/c it is a weird combo..always used to hear people say that when I was a little kid. It took a really long time to find a beautician willing to relax it. It is kinky curly but with a lot of natural sheen if you wash it and go (kinda like Kelis when she wore her hair natural, but with more shine), but if you want to take the curl out of it all you have to do is run a comb and a brush through it (no blowdrying necessary) and it still keeps the sheen. I actually should speak in past tense about it because I have REALLY ruined my hair by taking it for granted the last 20something years....:wallbash:

...but your hair is beautiful with its big luscious curls...:grin: