Anyone Use Photogenic Hair Care?

Any particular reasons why?

I can achieve the same results from other products. My hair doesn't turn out that way BECAUSE of photogenics. It's just the texture of my hair.

I do like it, mind you. It's just not the end all, be all.


eta; also when i had a concern about my order, their response was very "rolling neck and eyes" and unprofessional imho and I didn't like it.
Used this after cowashing tonight.

It’s curl defining but my hair looks grayish because of the Shea butter.

I will try this again after using bentonite clay because I feel a cleaner slate will work better.
The next day my hair is still damp. That’s to be expected though when you style your hair at 8 at night, lol.

My hair is softer than usual with a styler. It’s a slight hold to it. The hair isn’t as gray looking but there’s no subtle sheen either.

I didn’t condition or use a leave in conditioner after cowashing.

I’ll try it again soon but after a bentonite clay wash.


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I liked it well. I used it straight after rinsing my deep conditioner out. No leave in. No oil. Just the product. Hair finally dried and took a braid down

I like it. It has a subtle sheen to it and it’s soft.


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@january noir
Thank you!:giggle:

I thought your review in the other thread could help someone curious about this product or looking for an All in One Product.

Glad you are back on the "Hair Side" and hope you will stay and drop in more frequently.:gorgeous:

I'll post when I have good info. to share, for sure. I had put my hair care on the back burner for a while, but quarantine has helped re-ignite some low-key form of PJ-ism.

You should see the totes containers full of products I bought several years ago that have expired (some OK, some not OK) and never used. I shouldn't be buying anything.
Here is a pic of my hair (wash 'n go) from yesterday. Mind you all, that I have very fine, low to medium density natural hair. This is my second use of the product and the first wash 'n go.

I pre-treated my hair with my handmade aloe vera spritz, then washed and deep conditioned with Pattern Beauty shampoo and deep conditioned for 30 minutes with Pattern Beauty Heavy conditioner.

I sectioned my damp hair, generously applied the product to each section (as instructed on the jar), and air-dried. It stayed like this all day!


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Is it really unusual to find a one-product styler? Somebody clue me in on why this product is so special? I’m confused!:drunk:
So I went to the website, and watched a few demos... and... idk.
$30? Let alone $55 or $70...! What am I missing??:spinning:
Is it really unusual to find a one-product styler? Somebody clue me in on why this product is so special? I’m confused!:drunk:
So I went to the website, and watched a few demos... and... idk.
$30? Let alone $55 or $70...! What am I missing??:spinning:


There are a few products out there that you can use as a multi-use product; conditioner/deep conditioner/leave-in; you know us black folk use products made for one thing and use it for another thing; however we want. :lol:

I just started using Photogenic, so I don't have an answer for you why it's so special, other than I saw it, was curious, wanted to try it, and bought it; that simple.

Before purchasing, I watched all the YouTube videos I could find, followed their Instagram, and lurked their Facebook page. I saw enough to make me want to try it. Now, I've spent thousands, upon thousands of dollars on hair products since I joined LongHairCare Forum in 2006, and purchasing a 32 oz jar costing fifty-five bucks was a walk in the park for me. I've never shied away from anything because of the price.

Not only was I interested in the product as a styler, but many users talk about and show pics of the growth they experienced. The ingredients list includes some great stuff, like shea butter, coconut oil, Neem seed, avocado oil, hibiscus flower, carrot oil, vitamin E, etc.

Anyhow, I hope this answers some of your questions. I will continue to post my thoughts and if all goes well share some more pics.
It's been 6 days after my wash 'n go. I'm learning how to use this for my hair; incorporating tips from the Photogenic Hair team's videos and other users. This product is a styler gel that has conditioning, nourishing properties that coat the hair. It elongates your hair and the more you use, the more effective it is. You have to be very generous with it, which is why you get a 32 oz size jar

I've worn my wash 'n go all week (a first for me). Each morning, I spritz my hair to "activate" the product and apply a little more to stretch out my hair and tame my edges and I like the results. My strands are not as loose as the first day, but my hair has increased in volume and that's a huge win for me. I actually look like I have thicker hair than I actually do.

At night, I usually just go to bed (I have silk and satin pillowcases, of course) or put on a silk cap if it's not too hot, with a few strategically placed two-strand twists. or just pinned up. The curls/coils easily release with a spritz of liquid (I use water or my aloe vera gel water mix). I noticed the other day that when the gel dries, I am reminded that my hair strands are coated and not as soft, but not in a horrible way. I can still manipulate my hair easily. Oh, and I also noticed that my hair shed has decreased; not a lot of hair in my hands when I'm styling it for the day. Hooray!

Today, as it's Saturday, I used my PuffCuff to make a puff and smoothed the back and sides/edges with Photogenic and am carrying on with my day. So far, so good.

I plan to shampoo and deep condition tomorrow, but I'll see. I really don't need to.
I tried this product about a year or so ago when I first went natural. It helped me discover that I do have a curl pattern. After the first jar I repurchased, but for whatever reason stopped using. At the time it was $35 per jar. Well a couple days ago I figured I'd revisit since my hair has grown some and I have more length to style. I was liking the results (even though I get similar results with Ecostyler). Went to their website to repurchase and got my lil feelings hurt when I saw that they're now charging $70! (on sale for $55) Now I'm all for supporting black businesses but this angered me. The chemist in me (yes I'm a real life chemist) got pissed off and ordered everything on the ingredient list. I'll be playing around with my own version of the formulation (for personal use only). That's some serious greed and that markup is ridiculous.
Finally - here are pics of my daughter’s hair with photogenic. She is 4C
These are from a few months ago.
we still use it ( I buy it on sale only ).
I use it as well but I don’t have any pics.
I haven't used this product in months and have one full jar. It's OK, but not something I'd buy again (at least, for now).