Does Anyone Have a Bee Mine Update ?


Well-Known Member
I noticed that a lot of ladies were raving about Bee Mine growth serum and I just wanted to know if anyone has any updates about the growth they have received from this product.

I received my Bee Mine strawberry kiwi last week, started using it the same day and a week later I do feel some new growth :drunk: !

Any one else care to share ?
I'll be posting mine soon. Please wait for me!:lachen: I use the original, but I can tell you that Bee Mine has made me and my hair very happy...and it gives my hair blinging shine too. I love it!
I am waiting on the mailman to deliver my scented bottles of Bee Mine. I will post results and progress pics as time goes along. I am going to dedicate three months to using this product daily.
I just started 2 days ago and so far i like it...I dab it on with a cotton ball and it doesnt leave my hair super oily which is good.
I have been using it since early Oct, too be honest I dont see any miraculous growth. I am still getting .5 inch per month, which is my usual. I like it because I my hair loves oil.
I apply every other day
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I haven't used it consistently yet. I just put it on when I remember. My mother is currently using it on my brother's hair and she says it has done a LOT to cure his dandruff. Growth? I don't know.
I just got my 3 bottles this week and I'll be applying it every other day. I was debating between this and re-uppin on BT and decided to give Bee Mine a try..I am feeling a little buyers remorse for 2 reasons.

One is the smell, I got the Strawberry Kiwi and it smells very medicinal to me. I went to work and my boss was like "It smells like Strawberry lip gloss, is that you?" and I reluctantly nodded. BT's green tea scent is really heavenly to me and it went really well with my signature lotion/fragrance. Whenever I used both in combination random people any and everywhere when they were near me were like "You smell GOOD!"

Second is the consistency of the oil, it's super oily and I'm sure thats because of the heavy dose of EVOO in the mixture. The consistency of BT was better to work with IMO because the majority of the oil was coconut, BT also made my hair feel better than the Bee Mine. I apply both only to my scalp but if a little of the BT got on my hair I didn't mind. With Bee Mine on the second night I applied I was trying desperately to only get it on my scalp.

I have just started so I can't comment on the growth. I really do want to give it a chance to prove itself in that area and I wanted to use it continually through my stretch (not relaxing until May). But knowing without a doubt that BT really did give my hair growth a boost and I didn't have ANY of the issues above, it's gonna be hard. I'm feeling the temptation to order BT and give the Bee Mine away. Even if I do continue to use it and it gives me extra growth, if I still want to use a topical growth aide I wouldn't order it again.

I'll keep you guys posted either way.