Does anyone find the maxiglide hard to maneuver?


New Member
I like the Maxi, don't get me wrong but it is really big. And I think that is the reason that I don't use it as much. And when i do it takes me so long. :( I find myself using the mini glide more. The problem with that is that it takes longer, because I have to use smaller pieces of hair.

Has anyone had this problem with the Maxiglide? And did you get used to it.....

I'm starting to feel mad that I bought it. (can't beat the pins tho!)

Also, can anyone recommend a flatiron that is just as good and is smaller?

PittGirl06 said:
it takes some getting ued to, but I don't find it difficult to handle.

I guess I have to keep practicing....I hate that I can't get at my roots like I want sometime....:ohwell: I paid good $$ for it and I don't want to waste it.....
yes. and i discovered that using the steam burst makes it worse! because you have to keep your hand on the steam while moving the iron through your hair.
i plan to continue and i hope i get better with practice cos its the shiznit :)
Yep! I bought it about a year ago when I was transitioning. After trying it one time, I sold it because it was so big and bulky and hard to maneuver. :down:
I think he needs to downsize it and keep the pins....I've never used the steam burst so I don't care about that.....
Alright now, no bad talk about my beloved maxiglide! :) It was a little bulky for me at the beginning. I switched to using the smooth plates until I got used to it and then went right to the plates with teeth. When I want to get close to the new growth I pull my hair straight up and then I can get the new growth. Takes a little practice but once you get the hang of it its worth every penny.
It can be a bit bulky but I have no problems at all with it. Actually the size of the iron helps me straighten my hair faster because I can take bigger sections. I do like simplycee does, when I want to get the roots good I take the section and pull it straight up our straight out from my head, making sure it is pulled taught. It works really good even for that difficult section right above your ear, ya know what I'm talking about?
I'm going to keep practicing....I've only used it three times so far. I find that I gravitate toward my Miniglide. I like its performance, but the handling is an annoyance right now...