Does anyone else notice a sense of compeition when your hair starts growing??

I can so relate to what you are saying, for me it was my uncle of all ppl. He is always making back handed comments about my hair practice to his wife. Now some how his wife and I are in an official hair growing contest that I knew nothing about.
I'm in secret competition with a few people. Before I came here I had 0 (ZERO) knowledge on proper hair care.

I used to ask this one chick (she was blunt SL) about her regi. It seemed as though her hair was so thick and pretty and it grew sooo fast. She cut her hair a few months before I cut my damaged ends off so she had the lead on me when I cut my hair last May. I caught up with her and passed her. Her hair doesn't look so healthy compared to the heads around here.

There is this one other BSL chick I'm in silent competition with and I can't wait to catch her and pass her as well. My hair is much thicker than hers and it's going to be awesome to meet and beat her. She's a snob!
My s-n-l got upset with me because I jumped out of the chair and told her not to comb my hair with a rat tail comb!:nono: She then said, you dont play about your hair huh??? Sure dont, and she's wondering why her hair wont grow and breaking. Relaxing at the very sight of new growth will certainly lead to breakage!:rolleyes:
I don't blame you. My hair has grown famously since I don't let "anyone" touch it! :yep:
How can I call taking proper care of my hair competition? I'm not worried about it. I know that my hair is growing.
Yup - that's exactly why I didn't tell them initially - I didn't feel like hearing the smart commments. I just got tired of trying to explain why I kept my hair in a bun, and why I wasn't pressing it so often and why this and why that - finally I broke down and told them. Then they called me crazy :drunk:. So I just said forget it.

See, this is why I don't tell anyone about LHCF or what I do to keep my hair healthy and growing. But to answer the OPs question, no I don't notice a competition because I don't put it out there like I'm competing. However, I do have my own secret personal competitions with long-haired girls who cut their hair. I see if I can get my hair to grow at the same rate that theirs is growing back.

my thought exactly, i've tried mentioning some things to a few friends, but they all gave me the side eye. Soooooo now i just keep it to myself.
I'm kind of in competition with my ex-coworker/associate. she has hair a little past shoulder length..full and healthy..she told me that my a hair couldnt grow:perplexed so yeah..when I get past that I will politely call her up for a girls night out...just too show off ofcourse.:yep:
I'm don't feel any competition YET since my hair is still shorter than the longest its ever been. But once I hit full APL, then things might change. I actually started my HHJ because me friend's hair hit BSL. We've been friends since middle school and always had about the same length hair. So when she did it, I knew I could. She said she stopped cutting her hair, but I didn't get any other specifics from her. I thought I could just stop cutting my hair, but I didn't know anything about actually products and protective styling. Needless to say my hair went BISERK over the next year. So I ended up BCing in March and found several hair care sites to help me. I think i'll be able to catch up to her, unless she decides to keep growing, lol.
I am so not competitive. I believe in doing me and focusing on my hair. I am more of an admirer than competitor. The choir director at my church has that is has the swang, shine, and length. My hair will get there one day.

My sis on the other hand always thought we were in comp before my HHJ. I kept my hair at SL and she would revel in passing me. When my hair starting taking off and I finally revealed it. You should have then that jaw drop. Then I BC. She was hot. Now my hair is catching up again. Thing is I want her hair long and healthy too.
I didn't know I was in a silent competition at work until I got booted from it a few weeks ago. I haven't had a relaxer since mid-Feb so of course my lil curlie-q's and waves are showing. Well my hair is now touching APL in the back and everyone says "O well you have a different grade of hair than me that's why yours grows." Not really....But before when I was praising co-washing and natural oils and butters they told me my hair was going to rot from mildew. Now I have a "different texture"? Whatever....
I didn't know I was in a silent competition at work until I got booted from it a few weeks ago. I haven't had a relaxer since mid-Feb so of course my lil curlie-q's and waves are showing. Well my hair is now touching APL in the back and everyone says "O well you have a different grade of hair than me that's why yours grows." Not really....But before when I was praising co-washing and natural oils and butters they told me my hair was going to rot from mildew. Now I have a "different texture"? Whatever....

:nono: people these days...
I'm kind of in competition with my ex-coworker/associate. she has hair a little past shoulder length..full and healthy..she told me that my a hair couldnt grow:perplexed so yeah..when I get past that I will politely call her up for a girls night out...just too show off ofcourse.:yep:

She told you your type of hair couldn't grow?:rolleyes: I hate when people say crap like that. I wonder what her reaction will be when your hair grows.
Thats why I dont tell people anything about my hair. I dont have any competition. My friends think I have bad hair anyway so I'll just keep doing me.
I don't know about competition necessarily, but I have noticed family/friends/acquaintences stepping up their hair game when they see mine doing well. They never say anything, but their actions tell it all. For example, my mom has always had what we call "long hair" in my family (which is shoulder length~ little did I know before this board that all women can achieve great lengths~ not just mixed or white people).She has noticed and commented on how mine has thickened up and has been growing well over the last few months, so now I notice that she is oiling and moisturizing hers up in sections religiously every Glad I could influence someone. I do not tell friends or "frenemies" about LHCF. Its my little secret....*shhh* If they ask me what I do with my hair, I say relax at salon every 15- 16 weeks, trim when needed, water & vitamins, and shampoo & deep condition weekly.
No competition.I've tried telling some friends abt lhcf and its funny that the one who's hair is the most in need couldn't careless, but my friend with the longest,healthiest hair is always asking for tips. I was hopingto convince my friend who lives I weaves, to start wearing her natural hair out, but this chick went and relaxed the leave out hair!! Smh
My mom has started healthy hair practices though, so that makes me happy!
no competition but my ex asked me one time, "how come your hair dont grow" well that was almost 3 years ago when my hair was shoulder length. last time i saw him was long time. if he could only see my almost wl hair now!! he would not believe it untill he touched my scalp......i know him.
hahah yup! I have an aquaintance who thinks her hair is long....but its just past SL im like ooooookay

So she bout a new chi and goes on to brag about her hair and how thick it is blah blah whatever. I blew out my hair 4 her Xmas party (its APLish). Most ppl gave compliments because I told ppl about my HHJ and they remember my chop

But she was like "oh i need to braid my hair so i can grow mines out too" claiming her BF wont let her "wear weaves like me to grow her hair" like its your hair do what cha want!

I just laughed...guess were in a growth competition now...

I cant wait to win! hahahaaha

But seriously why couldnt she just compliment me.... I compliment her when it looks nice

wow, thats a dag-gon shame, theres alot of blk women like this.

hahah yup! I have an aquaintance who thinks her hair is long....but its just past SL im like ooooookay

i know a lady who thinks her hair is long becuase is touches a little past shoulders by a few strands. and im like ooooooookay, its stick straight and see through looking, thin ends. and im looking at her thinking to self "are you fricken serious? your hair looks like you need a DC and a trim" but i wont tell her that, shes too stuck in her ways to listen.
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I'm in a secret competition with a co-worker. She (white female) has thick bsl hair. She's not conceited about her length, but she's always asking me why I don't wear my hair down (I bun everday). I'm waiting until I'm full bsl with no layers before I do a reveal. Hopefully next winter.
I don't even talk about my hair growth with far as anyone knows I shaved my head (I had about 3 inches of hair) and I've been wearing wigs.

I live with my sister and she has always been the one with long hair. I can't wait until I PASS her.
I'm not competing but I am being competed with. I pretty much damaged my hair and edges a lot before LHCF and am now transitioning and trying to grow my hair back. I don't talk about my hair to female family members because I doubt I could ever be considered and authority considering past history. But yes I have heard it all - you use white products, you wash your hair too much, do you think you;re a white girl to wash your weave all the time. My sister also constantly looks at my broken edges when she talks to me and recently bought me two large tubs of grease laden with mineral oil. I have being trying to get rid of that sh*t for ages. Meanwhile this is the same sister with broken edges also and who takes out weaves and puts in a relaxer straight away trying to give me hair advice.

Anyways 2010 will be my year and I will have the last word by the end of 2011 when I am full natural BSL with my edges back:rolleyes:
Oh yes... One of my best friends actually(yea i know:rolleyes:). Shes actually a cosmetologist, and when i first went natrual she was supportive. But now that i dont have a twa any more i think she feels my hair as competition... she is constantly saying "I think i mite go natrual...". Just because she think her hair will magically grow with no effort. She always gives me the side eye when some one mite say "omg your hair is growing". Every single time we meet up with some of your guy friends, the whole day they just cant keep their hands out of my hair for some reason and she gets really jealous but wont say a word. But i can see it in her eyes.:ohwell:
I am not competing however, I have a friend who constantly compares her hair to mine and says things like "Well my hair is not as thick as yours" or come up with weird reasons as things that slow down her growth. The fact that she responds the way she does when I disucss my hair and product use leads me to believe that she must feel I am "showing off" On the contrary, I am always encouraging her to share the joy in hair care with me, esp since I am starting over, but I guess to each his own..
Oh yes... One of my best friends actually(yea i know:rolleyes:). Shes actually a cosmetologist, and when i first went natrual she was supportive. But now that i dont have a twa any more i think she feels my hair as competition... she is constantly saying "I think i mite go natrual...". Just because she think her hair will magically grow with no effort. She always gives me the side eye when some one mite say "omg your hair is growing". Every single time we meet up with some of your guy friends, the whole day they just cant keep their hands out of my hair for some reason and she gets really jealous but wont say a word. But i can see it in her eyes.:ohwell:

SMH :nono: This is sad...
I'm not in competition but I've always had a competitior. My entire life my older cousin has competed with me in every aspect. When I started my HHJ, I told her about my goals, the websites and asked her to do it with me. She told me that she has "better hair than me" and her hair doesn't need all of the extra work. :perplexed She's a 4b too! She has thick dense hair that was a little past SL at it's longest. She will remove braids/weave then relax and dye all in the same day. Her hair has suffered from abuse but she doesn't care. In her own words she can "go buy a pack of hair" and voila, her problem is solved.:nono: Anyways right now her very trendy, very stylish, EL bright red hair is shedding really badly and she's having trouble hiding her tracks :nono: whereas I am the longest I've ever been on my way to BSL. Last night I told her to get some JBCO, stretch her relaxers and stop letting people glue tracks to her scalp. She said "That's okay, I'm taking my tracks out right now and I'm going to get some micros tomorrow" SMH :nono:
i've only had hair competitions with my younger cousin. we have always been the two with long hair in the family. its funny cuz our hair grows at the same rate, with her bunning and dc'ing every week, and me flatironing and not so much dc'ing. we always have the end up with the same length when we compete.

i don't believe anyone else competes with me. i don't think they'd be able to hang anyway. ♥
No... I've never felt any competition. I keep my hair under wraps so tight that even my own family hadn't seen it in years when I did my Big Reveal on Christmas. MOST of my family had balled up faces when I BCed but they said nothing. This year most of them were :shocked: but again, said nothing. I did get a few supportive comments though.

My one SIL who's a white hair stylist, came and gave me a big hug and told me I was doing the right thing by going natural... that was 3 years ago. I made sure to pull her aside this year and show her how long my hair was (and how healthy and thick) and I thanked her for showing me love and support when I did the BC.
No competition, then again, I haven't worn my hair out since it was NL about a year and a half ago. Now that I am APL, I still haven't shown my family the progress my hair has made. But since they are the ones have not been supportive of my journey, I think I'll keep it hidden until I reach my ultimate goal of MBL. That'll show 'em! Thanks LadyPaniolo for planting this idea in my mind today!
No... I've never felt any competition. I keep my hair under wraps so tight that even my own family hadn't seen it in years when I did my Big Reveal on Christmas. MOST of my family had balled up faces when I BCed but they said nothing. This year most of them were :shocked: but again, said nothing. I did get a few supportive comments though.

My one SIL who's a white hair stylist, came and gave me a big hug and told me I was doing the right thing by going natural... that was 3 years ago. I made sure to pull her aside this year and show her how long my hair was (and how healthy and thick) and I thanked her for showing me love and support when I did the BC.

@ the bolded, me too!! :grin: