Does anyone else notice a sense of compeition when your hair starts growing??

Ms. Feliz

New Member
I'm just wondering because it's only been about a month since my last perm and my hair seems to be growing pretty quick compared to the past. In the beginning everyone said my hair is gonna fall out and that i'm either buying too much or putting too much in it..when really I know that I wasn't using a lot at all. Every time I go to moisturize my hair someone says I have my hands in my hair too much..when I really don't, it just seems like it. Now that they're seeing my new hair growth my own boyfriend decides he wants to compete and see who's hair will grow the longest, so he took it upon himself to go buy doo gro products..I mean the mega thick shampoo, conditioner, grease..just going all out. In the beginning he just asked if I could put in his hair what I put in mine and I said yea..I figured why not, it was cute that he was interested despite the fact that he always made comments about "me and my hair." Did anyone else notice people around them starting to change when they realized that you're doing something good for yourself?
Not entirely, but when I went home for Christmas and saw my friends, one commented on how long my hair has gotten. Another friend then said "Yeah, I guess that horse stuff is working" :rolleyes: I told her I wasn't even using that anymore but yes, it did help when I was. She said she wasn't saying it in a bad way, but you could still tell she was being smart.

Some friends just say wow and ask what I've been doing, but none have tried to compete, per se.
Not entirely, but when I went home for Christmas and saw my friends, one commented on how long my hair has gotten. Another friend then said "Yeah, I guess that horse stuff is working" :rolleyes: I told her I wasn't even using that anymore but yes, it did help when I was. She said she wasn't saying it in a bad way, but you could still tell she was being smart.

Some friends just say wow and ask what I've been doing, but none have tried to compete, per se.

See, this is why I don't tell anyone about LHCF or what I do to keep my hair healthy and growing. But to answer the OPs question, no I don't notice a competition because I don't put it out there like I'm competing. However, I do have my own secret personal competitions with long-haired girls who cut their hair. I see if I can get my hair to grow at the same rate that theirs is growing back.
My friend (really my friends sister) who is in hair school seems a little more hater-ish towards my progress because she thinks that only licensed beauticians can grow hair.. not some silly forum that says we should use conditioner to wash our hair. :rolleyes:

I love proving bxtches (I mean nay-sayers) wrong.
My s-n-l got upset with me because I jumped out of the chair and told her not to comb my hair with a rat tail comb!:nono: She then said, you dont play about your hair huh??? Sure dont, and she's wondering why her hair wont grow and breaking. Relaxing at the very sight of new growth will certainly lead to breakage!:rolleyes:
I definitely did. Compared to my friends, I have always had the shortest hair. I was doing the same things to my hair that they were doing, using the same products, but my hair never grew. In April of this year I started researching and changed all of my products and techniques. My SL friend constantly told me that my hair was never going to grow because I was doing "white people stuff" (wetting my hair often) and my hair was going to fall out because I don't get relaxers enough (I started stretching). Fast forward to this month, after my relaxer all I heard was "what are you using on your hair, it's getting longer" I have passed my friend's length and my hair is a lot healthier.

It's like as long as I wasn't doing anything and had short hair, no one cared. But now that it's growing longer, others want to know my "secret" to "catch up" to my length. :rolleyes:
I drag my friends it the hair care even though they dont really need it but i needed company on my journey so we dont have that problem
See, this is why I don't tell anyone about LHCF or what I do to keep my hair healthy and growing. But to answer the OPs question, no I don't notice a competition because I don't put it out there like I'm competing. However, I do have my own secret personal competitions with long-haired girls who cut their hair. I see if I can get my hair to grow at the same rate that theirs is growing back.

Yup - that's exactly why I didn't tell them initially - I didn't feel like hearing the smart commments. I just got tired of trying to explain why I kept my hair in a bun, and why I wasn't pressing it so often and why this and why that - finally I broke down and told them. Then they called me crazy :drunk:. So I just said forget it.
Lol at your boyfriend. He actually went and bought products so he can compete.
I am competing with a couple of people in my life but they don't know it. There's a girl in some of my classes who big chopped around the same time i decided to transition, we had around the same amount of new growth. And i'm gonna over take my younger sister one day, i feel bad but i can't really help her, we see each other about twice a year. I'm also competing with a few girls on here , they don't know who they are, but it's anyone who is transitioning and around 18 weeks post.
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I'm competing a few people, but they don't know it lol. They have beautiful bsl hair with no effort. And we're friends. They know where I started from, so they actually like to see me actually try to grow my hair longer. I'm lazy but I can't wait for the day when I can just throw this hair n a ponytail and it still looks good!

I don't have anyone who is competing against me but my friends have jumped on the healthy hair wagon with me and that's always fun. We have hair parties lol and all of us use keracare. They keep me grounded when I'm feeling lazy.
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For years, everyone would ask me questions about my hair. I was totally ignorant about hair care, so I told them about my hair stylist. Most of them didn't want to spend the money to go to a stylist like me. They knew I've been going most of my life, and I've never been obsessed with my hair.

If they are being subtle about competing with me, I would never know because I have more important things to be concerned with. I will let some of my friends know, if I feel they are sincere about getting their hair healthy.

As far as those who have done me wrong and are consistently being spiteful with me, I don't tell them anything. Everyone knows I'm lazy with my hair anyway, so I just let them see the results.
I actually dated a BANGINGLY delicious dude with braids and he kept saying his hair was longer than mine. It got very ****** annoying, which is one of the reasons upon many why we are not 2gether now!
Competition.......nah, that'd make me feel weird lol

My entire family just marvels at the progress I've made, shower me with compliments and are overall very supportive, my friends are the same way.

I have two cousins that have just always been those black girls with very long hair effortlessly, they're humble and they're very supportive of me and remark how much my hair has grown, they both ask me for tips on haircare regularly because they've never really had to try and if they want to know something hair related they ask me.

I started my mom on her HHJ and her hair has taken off like a rocket and she used to tell me all the time that she just has short hair that doesnt get long...she started at chin length or a little above just this summer and is now well on her way to SL...the longest her hair has been in years...I'm proud of that.

Other then my two exception to the rule cousins I dont really know anyone else that has my length hair so I do personal challenges for myself and personal challenges to see how long I can grow other peoples hair:yep:
I'm definitely in a competition with my sisters over our's been going on since we were little kids. We call it Hair War. :look:
Physical sabotage is not allowed, but psychological warfare is okay. For example, you can't cut someone's hair in the night, or tamper with their hair products. But you can repeatedly tell someone that they have thin or split ends (even if it's untrue) and make them paranoid. It sounds awful, I guess...but it's actually pretty fun.
But besides Hair War, I don't compete with people. And I don't think they compete with me either.
i didnt experiance any haters yet....well this one girl in my class just kept looking up at my hair like she wanted to ask if it was my hair. (weave check) i wish she would have just asked instead of checking. my family is happy for me and asks for advice. so no haters yet. yay!!!!
I'm definitely in a competition with my sisters over our's been going on since we were little kids. We call it Hair War. :look:
Physical sabotage is not allowed, but psychological warfare is okay. For example, you can't cut someone's hair in the night, or tamper with their hair products. But you can repeatedly tell someone that they have thin or split ends (even if it's untrue) and make them paranoid. It sounds awful, I guess...but it's actually pretty fun.
But besides Hair War, I don't compete with people. And I don't think they compete with me either.

So funny!!! :lachen::lachen::lachen:
Lol at your boyfriend. He actually went and bought products so he can compete.
I am competing with a couple of people in my life but they don't know it. There's a girl in some of my classes who big chopped around the same time i decided to transition, we had around the same amount of new growth. And i'm gonna over take my younger sister one day, i feel bad but i can't really help her, we see each other about twice a year. I'm also competing with a few girls on here , they don't know who they are, but it's anyone who is transitioning and around 18 weeks post.

im competing with some lhcf girls hahaha. its anybody who is natural and has mbl hair, i call them my hair sisterss...shout out to blackmasterpiece!!!(winks) i love her hair:spinning::spinning:
OP, I hear what you are saying. Maybe your BF will get over it or maybe he just wants to accompany you on your journey. Re your question, I did not notice competition per se. But, I did notic that when I had a TWA, a few people treated me differently (looking at my hair with disgust etc. Now that my hair is growing, those same people are in disbelief that my hair could grow out to my current length. One woman in particular, who claims to be my friend, keeps looking at my hair but no longer makes any comments at all. I told everyone that I had hair goals and I think they secretly thought that I was dreaming :ohwell:. Ain't dreaming no more :drunk:.
but really, im not really competing with anyone perse. i want us all to have long hair together. we help each other, not race against each other. thats the problem with some black girls and hair. they compete instead of helping and lifting up.
I have an older, female, family member who seems to talk constantly about her hair ever since my hair reached mid-back length. She actually has nice, stylish hair. But, it's like she can't stand that my hair is longer.
im competing with some lhcf girls hahaha. its anybody who is natural and has mbl hair, i call them my hair sisterss...shout out to blackmasterpiece!!!(winks) i love her hair:spinning::spinning:
Awe thanks sweety:kiss: your hair is gorgeous!

ITA with the hair sisters thing, I'd rather we all just help eachother out and not worry so much about who has the longer hair, we should all just worry about helping eachother get the healthiest longest hair possible, as sista's:grouphug:
hahah yup! I have an aquaintance who thinks her hair is long....but its just past SL im like ooooookay

So she bout a new chi and goes on to brag about her hair and how thick it is blah blah whatever. I blew out my hair 4 her Xmas party (its APLish). Most ppl gave compliments because I told ppl about my HHJ and they remember my chop

But she was like "oh i need to braid my hair so i can grow mines out too" claiming her BF wont let her "wear weaves like me to grow her hair" like its your hair do what cha want!

I just laughed...guess were in a growth competition now...

I cant wait to win! hahahaaha

But seriously why couldnt she just compliment me.... I compliment her when it looks nice
My mom laughed at me when I brought home a jar of coconut oil, but I caught her using some the other day! Then she acts like she's the one with all the hair knowledge! :lachen:
No, I'm not in competition with anyone, I'm just trying to grow some hair, I'm not really focused on anyone else like that and I doubt they are with me.

I've casually mentioned to my mum that I want to improve my hair and she's very supportive, she's always telling me how healthy it looks and how it has grown.
When I was little I had really long hair and as I got older and had no idea what I was doing my hair got shorter and they got meaner it seems. Saying how I "***'d up your hair" and all this mess. My mom has been natural for about 6 or 7 years now and its been cut cut cut so its not as long as it could be. But I transitioned and after a year was completely natural and we had the same length. We both wanted APL by Dec. I had this mental competition with her and then when she hit it and I didn't she was so happy and shes always talking about it and I'm kinda a sour grapes inside. I'm lik damn...i lost and she doesnt even realize we're even in a competition:lachen: but i get more compliments from her and my family so thats atleast a good thing. I think i should've been more into just trying to reach my goal and not worried about her then always trying to beat her.
I guess competition can be a positive for some. It can give them motivation to reach usually unlikely hair goals. LoL at your boyfriend though. I'm sure you could beat him anyway.
yes!!! some of my friends are trying to grow theirs to and mine is growing faster. i always give them tips on things that i am doing etc however they just tell me "oh yours grows because you have that growing hair" or they say "yours grows faster because you have a better grade of hair" this makes me crazy:spinning: i wish they would spend more time growing theirs instead of hating on my progress and giving me excuses for why mine IS growing. no hateration no hateration!!