Does anyone else keep a detailed hair journal?


New Member
I do.

I take note of everything that I do to my hair: protein treatment, touchups, flatironing ,etc. I journal how my hair is acting, any problems, new products, all of that stuff.....

Anyone else?
ME!!! I did last summer and that really helped me stay focused from week to week. I had written down what I planned on doing to my hair for the following week and I stuck to it since I had written instructions right in my face. It kept me on the right track and it sure paid off!! :D I dont keep a journal anymore, but I should start one up again to keep me focused to reach BSL in december:grin:
Although my journal is pretty thorough, it doesnt go into details of the day to day upkeep, simply because my regimen is so simple = bun 7 days out of the week, wash/deep condition weekly, moisturize nightly.

But hmmmmm.... im always looking for more ideas to get even more obsessive compulsive with my journal.... so im sure i could break that stuff down even further. :lol:
Thanks for the idea, ladies. :lachen:
I do. I have a calendar and I mark the dates that I wash my hair, condition it, etc. And I also note what products I used and whether or not I blowdried or flat ironed.
I keep a hair journal. This makes it easier to determine what products and methods are the most beneficial to my hair.
I do, but not so detailed.

I have a calendar that I print out monthly from

I keep them on a clipboard and write down what I do.

It helps me with scheduling and with relaxer applications.
I keep track on a calendar. My routine is simple and I basically do the same things with my hair each day. But sometimes, when I have a problem with my hair, I start documenting what I am doing to try to correct it. I also have an online hair journal.
I dont' have a specifically dedicated hair journal, but I do have a daily planner that I print out every Sunday. It has one sheet for each day of the week and I'll go over my schedule Sunday and put the tasks on the appropriate date. Every day has a space for me to take my supplements and put in my MN and a check box next to it to make sure I've done that task before going to bed, but I have other tasks on it as well, not just hair-related ones.:)
As my regime become more and more simplified, I use it less and less. But I do use a calendar to keep up with retouches, treatments, and how many weeks post-relaxer I am.