Do U have a Hair Journal?

I have a fotki with the current regimen and the one I used when my hair was shorter. If something changes, I update the current regimen. I also track my hair progression, styles etc in there too.

Personally, maintaining my fotki (as infrequently as I do it) is quite enough for me. My regimen is simple and my products don't tend to change, so remembering what I used, what I did and when I did them isn't difficult.
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My hair feels so yummy right now that I started to rake my brain about "what" I did differently this week.

I'm a product junkie so just knowing that I moisturized and sealed with "something" is not enough - I NEED TO START WRITING DOWN EXACTLY WHAT I DID TO MY HAIR! THE PRODUCTS AND MAYBE EVEN THE ORDER!

I'm trying to use up my stash, so I need to rememeber what works great, and what works not so great.

Does anyone keep a detailed day-to-day hair journal to keep track of what you do and apply to your hair?

Yes I keep a journal, I'm trying to move away from cones and sulphates so I need to re-evaluate my staples although I still have quite a stash to get through:ohwell: ! I track the things you mentioned as well as how I've mixed things, the length of time I leave things in for, how my hair felt before and after whatever I've done to it and this has helped me get to know what is working and what is not. I got the idea from bimtheduck and it has been invaluable to me in my HJ
I have one. That was one of the first things I made sure I did in when I started taking care of my hiar. I just read my old hair journal last night trying to find out what regimen I had in 2008 that helped me to get over 4 inches in 9 months. I thought that was pretty good for me since I was still learning alot of things about hair.

I think hair journals are a must espically for newbies. You can actaully see just what your doing to your hair and how it reacts to your regimen and products.
Yes, its a spreadsheet, but I'm really not as faithful about updating it as I need to be. I dont know if I need a different format..that might help.

But I'd like to capture what things I did on a given day, what products, how I styled, how my hair felt so I can keep track of things that way.
My hair feels so yummy right now that I started to rake my brain about "what" I did differently this week.

I'm a product junkie so just knowing that I moisturized and sealed with "something" is not enough - I NEED TO START WRITING DOWN EXACTLY WHAT I DID TO MY HAIR! THE PRODUCTS AND MAYBE EVEN THE ORDER!

I'm trying to use up my stash, so I need to rememeber what works great, and what works not so great.

Does anyone keep a detailed day-to-day hair journal to keep track of what you do and apply to your hair?

I spend so much time on my computer everyday that I just made another calendar in my Outlook called "Hair Journal". I use this calendar for nothing but my hair journal. You know how you'd normally put an appointment on your calendar? Well I just use that to plan out my washes, co washes, relaxers or whatever.

I click on a New Appointment> on the subject line I'll put something I did like "Co/washed" on the subject line, click the "ALL DAY" box, quickly color code it by using the label or category feature and then down in the note section I'll put in details like "Co washed with Suave Humectant" or some other description. Then the next day while I'm on my computer, I might add my hair's reaction to it. After awhile I'll have a whole calendar that will tell me what I'm doing right or wrong just by scrolling down my calendar!:rolleyes:

I know it sounds a bit obsessive but anything worth having is worth paying attentioin to and since I'm always in front of the computer anyway, it works for me! :yep:

~ J Blaize
I started using Fotki journal in February this year as I could never remember when I had done a protein treatment as I try to alternate so I decided to keep a record.

I just update my journal when I get my cornrows redone as that is when I pre-poo, shampoo and condition. When my cornrows are in, I just co-wash.

Also I started using Aubrey Organics Blue Green Algae Hair Rescue Mask earlier this year as my hardcore protein treatment and plan to do this every 6 months or as needed so made a note of this also.

On the rare occasions I try something new I will note it down or when I trim my hair. My routine is pretty simple and therefore so is my journal
I do, it's detailed, has my regimen, regimens i have tried, the date of my last relaxer, produts i like, products i want to try again, products i want to try, regimens i want to try, pics of ladies with long hair (to motivate me), and my short term and long term goals dealing with my hair.
I have one. I have always kept one since I went natural, but I have really started being super serious with it in the last couple months. I just used to use a calendar and write down wash days and products, but I have since evolved to using it to get deeper in my hair care than that.

I use it to remember when I hennaed, shampooed/clarified, ACV rinse, detangled, etc. I use it to keep track of products I want to try, or things I'm running low on and want to re-up. I also use the journal to remember which products I used on which wash day, how my hair feels afterward, etc. How did I like that new DC? How did that leave-in combo feel/smell/whatever?

Basically, whatever I feel is important to help me reach my goals. I need to start keeping it next to the comp, so that when I see something interesting on LHCF, I can jot it down and figure out if I want to experiment with it or not.

Warning: hair journaling becomes addictive. :drunk:
Yes, I have a special section in my organizer for it. I stopped it for while, but I recently started again. I like to remember what has worked and what hasn’t.

I just tried new products (samples) over the weekend that gave me results so good I could compare it to the Egyptian Blow Out that I had a couple of years ago.

I have the full size now except for the conditioner. The sample was too small for me to know whether or not it worked, so I had to add another conditioner. It’s tempting to go back and get it though, because my hair was awesome.
If you are really serious about developing a regimen and changing the state of your hair you've got to keep a journal. You've got to keep track of what you've used and the results. I do and its been a tremendous help.
I do, it's detailed, has my regimen, regimens i have tried, the date of my last relaxer, produts i like, products i want to try again, products i want to try, regimens i want to try, pics of ladies with long hair (to motivate me), and my short term and long term goals dealing with my hair.

I do that too! And styles I want to try... :yep:
yes because i am trying to get a solid regimen. its too hard to keep up with all the different products and results they gave without keeping record.
LOVE LOVE My journal. I recently started my journal in September. I started taking care of my hair in May. I found websites in May. However, I quickly became a PJ. I keep the journal on my computer. I track everything except for light maintenance things like putting on some conditioner in between stylings. I think the written journal in addition to the pictures of hairstyles, or the same hairstyles with different products is helpful. The journal can be whatever you make it, and I am trying to make mine as all encompassing as I can. I want to track hairstyles, products, styling tips, hair growth, etc.

I am excited to look back toward the beginning one day and see how far I have come!
Yes i keep a very detailed hair journal. I keep a record of my trims, relaxers, protein and hot oil treatments in addition to my weekly log of what i do to my hair weekly in detail (products used, how long i DC'd, how i styled, etc).

I've learned a lot about "where" products fit into my regimen and what works best and at what intervals.

If anyone ever found it, i must admit, i'd be embarassed :blush: :look: i approach hair with so much detail.
When I'm changing my regimen or experimenting with something I'm very diligent about keeping track of exactly what I used. I've been on here a long time and it's impossible to remember everything I've tried over the years. I've got files saved on DVD of detailed regimens from back in 2003 when I started here :lol: If I've been doing the same thing every week with my staple products I don't necessarily need to write that down, but if I trim/cut or try a new mixture of conditioners or any other modification, I make a note--Especially because sometimes the outcome of a wash day or whatever isn't just about what you did that day, it's about what you've been doing previous days as well, so you need to know what else could have contributed to your results.
I keep a detailed since January. It includes how I feel that day(sick ect), extactly what I did to my hair step by step(how long I left shower cap on before rinsing after steam treatment because of errands ect), and exactly how my hair felt (soft, greasy, whatever) This has helped me sooooooo much. I rarely have bad hair days and stiff with ingredients that have worked or similar to ingredients that have worked.:grin:
Yes, I've kept a journal on and off for years. I can't pretty much link the amount of progress I make to the times when I've remained consistent in measuring my progress against my goals.

Here is where I talk about some basic guidelines to what include in your Hair Journal.
I do not have a hair journal, but I keep track of my hair with the calendar on my MacBook. I try to remember what I do weekly (i.e. when I wash/condition my hair, the products used during the week, growth, etc.)