Does anyone else have problems with 'hair vitamins'? (slight rant)


New Member
Even if they seem to only have benefits for everyone else?

When I tried brewer's yeast (biotin) I woke up in the middle of the night with itchy lumps on my legs and arms. I stopped taking it immediately but my skin didn't stop itching for about a week.

I've been taking silica for a few months and while my hair has grown a bit faster, I've been getting a lot more spots on my face than usual. And my skin scars easily so it looks quite bad now. I'm only finishing the bottle because it cost me £10.99. Only 3 more days left now though, woohoo!
The little bit of extra hair growth has not been worth how much worse my skin has become.

I tried flaxseed oil and started to get spots on my chest and back, something I had a problem with as a teenager and wrecked my confidence as I could only wear cetain tops due to the scarring. I'm not going back there.
It also gave me weird stomach pains.

I've had enough. Hair supplements are not for me, other people have reported silica and flaxseed oil improving their skin, well not me. Oh and my body is not going to 'get used to it', it's been several months with the silica, my body has had it's chance to get used to it.
I will be leaving my hair to grow at it's usual slow rate. I want my clear skin back.

Is anyone else better off without hair supplements?
Just a side note: have you tried increasing your water intake significantly? I had an issue with Biotin at first, and then I read on the board that you need LOTS of water if you are taking Biotin. Between the water and the Biotin, my hair and skin are really improving.
Hmmm, well I have been using Vitatress Hair Supplements by Nexxus for a while, and haven't run into any problems thus far. :look: I really don't know if it's actually contributing to any growth though, for that matter, since Im using an array of different things. Somethings been working though, so no real need to give up anything in my regime, ya know?

Hope you figure out whats best for you and your hair soon, though! :)
aileenadq said:
Just a side note: have you tried increasing your water intake significantly? I had an issue with Biotin at first, and then I read on the board that you need LOTS of water if you are taking Biotin. Between the water and the Biotin, my hair and skin are really improving.

ITA here...Uppin' the water intake is key...
You may consider taking a hair supplement already formulated instead of supplementing with single products. Your system may need a gradual introduction. I also agree whenever taking any supplement..drink plenty of H2O.
aileenadq said:
Just a side note: have you tried increasing your water intake significantly? I had an issue with Biotin at first, and then I read on the board that you need LOTS of water if you are taking Biotin. Between the water and the Biotin, my hair and skin are really improving.

No but I already drink a lot of water. If I drank significantly more I'd never get anything done because I'd be constantly going to the toilet.

I'm not wasting my time or money on, or ruining my skin for any more of this crap!

ETA: I know lots of people have had good results with supplements, I just don't think it's for me. I'm just jealous everyone else can speed up their hair growth and I can't ;) :p
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I didn't see any positive or negative changes in my hair,skin,or nails when I was buying vitamins from drug stores like CVS and Walmart maybe the brands that I used had too many fillers in them

Now I use the Vitamin Shoppe and GNC vitamins and I haven't had any problems My nails are stronger and longer than they've ever been
You might want to try carrot juice. A lot of people in the carrot juice challenge thread talked about having improved skin and hair with carrot juice. Also, maybe what you need to do is try getting the added "supplements" in food form instead of capsule or tablet form.
belladionne922 said:
You might want to try carrot juice. A lot of people in the carrot juice challenge thread talked about having improved skin and hair with carrot juice. Also, maybe what you need to do is try getting the added "supplements" in food form instead of capsule or tablet form.

ITA with this, beta carotene is an excellent nutrient for skin and nails AND weight loss :cool:...additionally it's all natural and if you own a juicer you can make it at home. If you still want to take a vitamin I would recommend as one poster suggested one that serves more than one purpose like hair,skin and nails vitamin, those don't overload on one source, which may be what you having an adverse reaction to. There are many out there like Natures Bounty Hair, Skin & Nails, you can do a search, you might be better off with one like that. GL.