Does Anyone Do THIS (???)


Fearfully Wonderfully Made
For deep conditioning...

Instead of applying the conditioner, letting it sit on the hair, then rinsing it out... does anyone just apply the conditioner and just leave it in their hair until their next wash???

I'm thinking about doing this with my Suave Humectant after I wash my hair once a week with a mild shampoo. Would this still be considered deep conditioning?
I sort of do it...

I find that when I deep condition I have to sit under the I put it in my hair, sit under the dryer and rinse it out...but than I put more in my hair as a leave in....
Poohbear said:
For deep conditioning...

Instead of applying the conditioner, letting it sit on the hair, then rinsing it out... does anyone just apply the conditioner and just leave it in their hair until their next wash???

I'm thinking about doing this with my Suave Humectant after I wash my hair once a week with a mild shampoo. Would this still be considered deep conditioning?

IMO, I think that would be considered "leaving-in".

Usually when we deep condition we cover and either let it sit or get under the dryer. Deep conditioning allows the product to penetrate the hair shaft and usually, heat helps it do this, right? We cover to trap the natural heat and/or get under the dryer for additional heat.


DangerouslyShy said:
I sort of do it...

I find that when I deep condition I have to sit under the I put it in my hair, sit under the dryer and rinse it out...but than I put more in my hair as a leave in....
Well I was wondering if there's anyone that just leaves it in their hair without rinsing it out. :yep: And I wonder if it's okay to do this so you don't have to get out the shower and let it sit in your hair just to rinse it out and put it back in if I wanna use it as a leave-in. :spinning:
onepraying said:

IMO, I think that would be considered "leaving-in".

Usually when we deep condition we cover and either let it sit or get under the dryer. Deep conditioning allows the product to penetrate the hair shaft and usually, heat helps it do this, right? We cover to trap the natural heat and/or get under the dryer for additional heat.


Most of the time, I don't use a hair dryer when I deep condition. So isn't leaving it in the same as letting it sit without heat??? That's what I'm wondering... :grin:
Poohbear said:
Most of the time, I don't use a hair dryer when I deep condition. So isn't leaving it in the same as letting it sit without heat??? That's what I'm wondering... :grin:
I agree with Onepraying...when you cover your head with a plastic cap, or a towel, or sit under the dryer the heat/natural heat helps the conditioner penetrate the hair shaft I believe....thats why its deep conditioning...
Poohbear said:
Well I was wondering if there's anyone that just leaves it in their hair without rinsing it out. :yep: And I wonder if it's okay to do this so you don't have to get out the shower and let it sit in your hair just to rinse it out and put it back in if I wanna use it as a leave-in. :spinning:

lol I feel you it's a pain to dry off to sit with the conditoner and have to get back in the shower to rinse :lol:
Poohbear said:
Most of the time, I don't use a hair dryer when I deep condition. So isn't leaving it in the same as letting it sit without heat??? That's what I'm wondering... :grin:

Do you usally cover(w/ plastic cap) when you deep condition? I think this is the difference.

No, I don't think it letting it sit w/out heat would be the same as leaving it in. Why? Because when we add conditioner to deep condition we usually use a lot more than what we use a leave-in. I know I do. I really cover my hair when I deep condition.(I section in fours and use atleast 1 good sized dollop on each section.) I mean, I drench it. :drowning: :lol: It's weighed down with conditioner. :lol: Versus, when I use a leave-in, I just use a quarter sized dollop or two. :yep:

Do you follow what I'm saying?
MsKendra said:
lol I feel you it's a pain to dry off to sit with the conditoner and have to get back in the shower to rinse :lol:

Yeah, I do totally agree that this process is very irritating! I always have to get back and forth in the shower and under the dryer and so on and so forth! :lachen:
Poohbear I know you have concerns about buildup. I think leaving too much of a conditioner that is meant to be rinsed out in for a couple days may give you build up problems. I think you may get that coated feeling especially if you are heavy handed with it.

Maybe you could dilute a little Suave into a spray bottle with a little distilled water and spray on your hair as a leave in. I do this sometimes when I'm in braids. HTH
onepraying said:
Do you usally cover(w/ plastic cap) when you deep condition? I think this is the difference.

No, I don't think it letting it sit w/out heat would be the same as leaving it in. Why? Because when we add conditioner to deep condition we usually use a lot more than what we use a leave-in. I know I do. I really cover my hair when I deep condition.(I section in fours and use atleast 1 good sized dollop on each section.) I mean, I drench it. :drowning: :lol: It's weighed down with conditioner. :lol: Versus, when I use a leave-in, I just use a quarter sized dollop or two. :yep:

Do you follow what I'm saying?
Yes, I deep condition with a plastic cap over my hair. ;) That's true about what you said when using much more conditioner for deep conditioning than as a leave-in. So would it be best that I deep condition with A LOT of Suave Humectant, rinse it out, then apply a SMALL AMOUNT of the Suave Humectant as a leave-in???
simplycee said:
Poohbear I know you have concerns about buildup. I think leaving too much of a conditioner that is meant to be rinsed out in for a couple days may give you build up problems. I think you may get that coated feeling especially if you are heavy handed with it.

Maybe you could dilute a little Suave into a spray bottle with a little distilled water and spray on your hair as a leave in. I do this sometimes when I'm in braids. HTH
Yeah, when I use Suave Humectant as a leave-in, I don't put a whole lot of it in my hair. ;) I love how it makes my hair feel as a leave-in. I'm not doing the "no-poo method" anymore, so I think shampooing once a week is sufficient to prevent buildup. :yep: