Does anyone Deep Condition with Aveda Sap Moss Conditioner


Well-Known Member
I am thinking about purchasing the Sap Moss line this weekend since my DR is running low. However, I've noticed on the site that there are no deep conditioners. I would like to add a moisturizing deep conditioner from this line or can the Sap Moss conditioner be used as a deep conditioner as well?

TIA for your help!
I deep conditioned with Sapp Moss before. IMO it wasn't that good. It isn't thick or creamy enough. It would be good ONLY if I add other things to it like honey, evoo, and such. It's really good only as a rinse out conditioner before you deep condition. But that's my opinion.
iv used it once- it was gr8 for detangling my hair and i felt it added moisture too! i wouldnt buy it again... welll maybe if it was on sale...

***runs out of thread on to ebay hehe***
I just made a post about the Sap Moss line, and I wasn't that impressed. I don't think that the conditioner will be a great DC. It doesn't provide hair with lots of moisture, which is the whole purpose of deep condioning. Save your money, if you haven't alreayd purchased the line, and just get the sap moss concentrate, but even that is a little overrated.
The Sap Moss Line has a pre-poo (the nourishing concentrate), shampoo and conditioner.

Girl, I love your hair! It has grown so much!!!

SerenityBreeze said:
I thought this was a pre-poo?
CoCoGirl821 said:
I just made a post about the Sap Moss line, and I wasn't that impressed. I don't think that the conditioner will be a great DC. It doesn't provide hair with lots of moisture, which is the whole purpose of deep condioning. Save your money, if you haven't alreayd purchased the line, and just get the sap moss concentrate, but even that is a little overrated.

Deep conditioners are not suppose to provide the hair with lots of moisture, but just enough, too much moisture will allow the hair to break/pop more easily and this is something you don't want to happen.

The biggest misconception about conditioners is that it suppose to make your hair "so soft", which isn't true. You just want your hair to feel soft, but not so soft that it can't even hold a curl (if that makes sense).

In regards to the sap moss concentrate being overrated, to me it isn't. My hair came out so much when I detangled that I was starting to get sick. I relaxed my hair on Saturday and after my poo, I applied the DE 6-in-1 reconstructor, I had a lot of hair in the comb, after 15 minutes I rinsed and detangled with a lot more hair in the comb. My hair felt a little stripped. I massaged the sap moss concentrate on my scalp and applied the DR treatment to my strands, rinsed after 15 minutes and detangled. I only had 4 hairs in my combed. I then applied the conditioner to my strands, detangled and rinse again, this time no hairs were in the comb.

I'm not trying to be rude, but it seems like this product line just doesn't work for you. It has worked for me and other members on the board and I don't want some feeling that this isn't a good product, because IMO, it is.

Cocogirl, if you don't want yours, I'll be glad to buy it off of you:grin: , because I'm definitely in :love: :love: with this stuff.:)
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It's good, but like any other expensive product I'd only buy it if I could get it cheap (ebay!) I use it as a regular conditioner before I put the leKair cholesterol in as a deep conditioner because it's ingredients are better for my hair. (I'm talkin relaxed days here, although I still use it in the same way now)

I've never tried it as a deep conditioner but IMO if you leave any decent conditioner on your hair long enough it'll make it feel soft and moisturised. I've never tried the concentrate but maybe that's better for a deep conditioner. Remember if you're gonna buy the shampoo to get max. benefits leave the lather in your hair for a bit before rinsing HTH =)
Thanks Dimpalz!

dimpalz said:
It's good, but like any other expensive product I'd only buy it if I could get it cheap (ebay!) I use it as a regular conditioner before I put the leKair cholesterol in as a deep conditioner because it's ingredients are better for my hair. (I'm talkin relaxed days here, although I still use it in the same way now)

I've never tried it as a deep conditioner but IMO if you leave any decent conditioner on your hair long enough it'll make it feel soft and moisturised. I've never tried the concentrate but maybe that's better for a deep conditioner. Remember if you're gonna buy the shampoo to get max. benefits leave the lather in your hair for a bit before rinsing HTH =)
I woud reccomend you skip the Sap Moss Conditioner and get the Damage Remedy Conditioner instead. My hair :love:'s the combination of the Sap Moss Concentrate, Sap Moss Shampoo and the Damage Remedy Conditioner. Don't let the fact that it has some protein in it keep you away, IMO opinion it is a VERY light amount of protein and provides more moisture than anything else, thought it does leave my hair strong, not mushy.
I agree with SoHo hair. I deep condition w/ damage rememdy and that stuff is awesome. She's right...don't be afraid of the protein, it's very light. It just leaves my hair so fabulous!!!!!
Thanks SohoHair! I have the DR line and have used it since April. I have just a little bit of the DR conditioner left. I think I may take your advice and by another DR conditioner. Arrrggh! Decisions, Decisions, Decisions! I'll decide once I'm in the mall on this weekend. :lol:

SohoHair said:
I woud reccomend you skip the Sap Moss Conditioner and get the Damage Remedy Conditioner instead. My hair :love:'s the combination of the Sap Moss Concentrate, Sap Moss Shampoo and the Damage Remedy Conditioner. Don't let the fact that it has some protein in it keep you away, IMO opinion it is a VERY light amount of protein and provides more moisture than anything else, thought it does leave my hair strong, not mushy.
Hmmm, I don't think I've ever deep conditioned with the DR conditioner and I've had it since April. I guess I figured it was just a rinse out conditioner. I'll have to give the deep conditioning a try.

nychaelasymone said:
I agree with SoHo hair. I deep condition w/ damage rememdy and that stuff is awesome. She's right...don't be afraid of the protein, it's very light. It just leaves my hair so fabulous!!!!!
divinefavor said:
I am thinking about purchasing the Sap Moss line this weekend since my DR is running low. However, I've noticed on the site that there are no deep conditioners. I would like to add a moisturizing deep conditioner from this line or can the Sap Moss conditioner be used as a deep conditioner as well?

TIA for your help!

The Deep Penetrating Hair Revitalizer and the Cherry Almond Bark are pretty good deep conditioners by Aveda as an alternative to the Damage Remedy. I used these for years before switching up. I found the Deep Penetrating Hair Revitalizer to be the better of the two.
Thanks comike!

So do you use any of the Aveda Shampoos?

I'm going to the website now to checkout the Deep Penetrating Hair Revitalizer.

comike said:
The Deep Penetrating Hair Revitalizer and the Cherry Almond Bark are pretty good deep conditioners by Aveda as an alternative to the Damage Remedy. I used these for years before switching up. I found the Deep Penetrating Hair Revitalizer to be the better of the two.
Bumping for response from comike. :)

divinefavor said:
Thanks comike!

So do you use any of the Aveda Shampoos?

I'm going to the website now to checkout the Deep Penetrating Hair Revitalizer.
divinefavor said:
Bumping for response from comike. :)

Oops, I'm just seeing your message. Let's see, I tried:

Brilliant Shampoo - it was OK; love the smell

Black Malva - it was OK; love the smell

Sap Moss Shampoo - loved it; not crazy about the smell but it left my hair so soft and moisturized

Damage Remedy Shampoo - loved it; just like the Sap Moss Shampoo, it left my hair feeling so moisturized it felt as though I'd already applied the conditioner.

Some have said that the Aveda shampoos don't lather that much, but I've found that the key to getting lather without using up a handful of shampoo is to add water. Use a quarter size amount of shampoo (or a little more), rub in your hands and spread throughout your hair. If I don't get a good lather, I throw a little water on my hair.

Let me know what products you decide to choose and the results you get.
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