Does ANYBODY shop "on the ground" anymore?


Old School Member
I don't know if I'm impatient, not trusting, or just old school, but in spite of all of the glowing reviews of all of the natural, "boutique," products here, I rarely buy hair products online. I really want to try SO MANY of the items talked about on this site, but if I can't smell it, touch it, see it before buying it, or if I can't return it up the street, or grab it on the fly, it falls off my radar.

How do you feel about buying on the ground versus online? Is there anyone still that purchases in the store or am I outdated and need to get with the program? Obviously many feel that shipping costs and waiting for items is worth it, but could you "survive" with just things bought in a store? Am I really missing out? What do you do when something doesn't work out or arrives damaged? Are we then stuck with customer service "gates?" Am I afraid for no reason?

Maybe I'm looking for reassurance or to be convinced. Maybe I want someone to tell me it's not all that. I don't know.
You are not alone. My mother's friend is like that.

She likes to be able to see/feel products first before buying them
I used to feel the same. But the urge to try some things that people were raving about here got strong.

So I started out trying one thing at a time while still regularly picking up my staples on the ground. I was able to slowly try out the online buying while keeping the pjism down. lol

Since I've found things that I absolutely love online I'm not afraid anymore.
For most of my stuff because I'm a coupon clipper.

I still buy online for stuff I can't get from stores around here.
You are not alone. I will say I have noticed a huge increase of products ordered by online vendors since I have been on this forum. I think the variety of products that available is amazing. But I like the ability to pick up a product at a store and if I don't like it, take it right back.
Honestly I think there are some good products to be found on the ground based on others reviews. To completely rule out ground products one may miss out there too...that said, I personally tend to find products that result in longer term hair success online.

When I was natural for a long time I used boutique online hair loved it! My main supplier went commercial (Curls) and the formula changed so they were a no go after that. Thus began my journey into mixing in the kitchen for a while.

Then I relaxed, purchased mainly on the ground :nono: but I admit some of my issues were self-inflicted :blush: In my healthiest relaxed state I'd purchased products online.

Now I'm transitioning and am ALL online...I don't need to learn my lesson a 3rd time.

So are you missing out? I think you may find some really delightful products if you venture into click-n-pay land. It's just about what you are looking for and what your hair responds to.

Shipping and Purchase Remorse? - that's why I 1. read lots of reviews first, 2. try to get a sample 3. then if it works stock up or wait until a sale.

I DO wish there was a boutique shop in my area I could get the stuff I love from. That seems to be the case in ATL which is cool for everyone there.

Disclaimer - Don't let the Slowtanicals and Hairitage Hydrations fiasco's scare you away. This is my first time seeing such....I don't even know what to call it. :lachen:

My preference is to buy products on ground; I will order staples that are discounted online or items I simply can't purchase in brick & mortar stores in my area.
Most of my shopping is on ground. To be honest, I get lost when ladies discuss products around these parts as most I've never heard of....I don't feel I'm missing out....shoooottt my hair is still bomb. I like Salon brands, Carol's Daughter or stuff I can just grab from Whole Foods or Target. Def wont catch me sitting around waiting for products to come in when i can just grab something locally.
Yes I do. I nearly ordered from a newer online vendor that was rapidly gaining popularity. Glad I didnt :nono: I will stick to my commercial products.
I tend to do both, but more online ordering. I am really going to start venturing into more on the ground products and just stick to my tried and true online vendor.
I'd prefer to get things on the ground, but my quality products are all ordered online. The only thing I can get on the ground is Nexuss Emergencee and maybe a bottle of shampoo/shampoo bar. I also could use Kinky Curly leave in or giovanni leave in. But my conditioners, moisturizers, all that stuff -- the meat of my hair products come from online vendors. I can't find this type of quality on ground. I don't even like salon type products as conditioners.
i have been shopping more "on the ground" lately. i havent ordered a hair products online probably since early this year.
I am the complete opposite. The thought of having to mingle with other people, and their annoying sounds, smells and behaviors, to buy hair products sends shivers of revulsion down my spine. I simply will not do it. For me, nothing beats a leisurely shopping expedition within the calm confines of my home – on my own terms. Besides, other than Kenra MC, ORS Replenishing conditioner, Mill Creek’s conditioners, and Elasta QP and Elucence shampoos, the remainder of my rather obese product stash is derived from online vendors.

If a product I ordered doesn’t behave as effectively as I believe it should, I either doctor it up with emollient oils, re-purpose it, or give it away, e.g., less effective DCs become pre-poos, etc. IME, products rarely arrive damaged; and if so, most vendors have been eager to rectify the situation. Perhaps my preference is buttressed by the fact that I’m not an impatient shopper. I can order products and easily wait for them to arrive – even if it takes weeks.

I say, do what you believe is in your best interests. Online vendors aren’t going away any time soon. However, if you ever decide to give one a try, please update this thread and share every minute detail of your experience.:lol:
Most of my shopping is online, but to destressify (is this a word? :lol:) my life, I am moving to half and half. As someone mentioned, I cannot find a creamy moisturizer on the ground where I am so I will continue to order those and deep treatments online. Everything else on the "ground".

/ground in quotes because rather than give WF $14+tax for Lily of the Desert Aloe gel, I will get it from vitacost or iherb.
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I go through phases. I lean more toward buying locally for instant gratification and easy returns.

But lately my online shopping limited to black friday and maybe one other sale during the year.

I like the options for products at WF, Target, Bed Bath and Beyond, etc. now. WF hair care aisle is my bff lol.
I prefer to pick up something at the store.
1. Online prices seem more expensive. What's their overhead? I don't get it.
2. By the time I get the product, I've run out of DC so timing is key.
3. I have no idea what to try first cuz folks recommend soooo many that i get overwhelmed and say screw it! I go buy my Queen Helene or some new DC at TJ Maxx.
4. The quantity of DC is not enough for all my head! The amounts seem to be smaller online.
I prefer brick and mortar as well. I buy online if there's a good discount that also covers shipping. Most of my staples I can find at trader joes, marshall's, target and whole foods.
I would love to skip shipping and get Oyin, SSI, bask, DB, elucence, bobeam, and Camille Rose in the ground.

But no such luck. Therefore majority of my products are online and I doubt I try to find things on the ground that work. Too much effort for me. Lol. If I buy enough during sales and stick to what I need.. Not want... (Yeah right #productjunkie) it's worth the more expensive price.

Maybe if I depleted my stash (yeah right again) I'll try some on the ground alternatives.
I am currently transitioning so in the beginning I only used products on the ground. As I learned about my hair and her needs, I wanted to try more and have different experiences.

From research (aka.....Lurking) I learned that BF sales were AWESOME and if I wanted to try online then BF, SBS, CM would be a good time to try. I prepped(<---:grin:) for months and jumped head first into "pay nah" land.

Take your time, know your tolerances, know your hair and do what you feel is best for you.

I plan to continue to shop both ways as evidenced by my holiday haul, I ordered from 8 online vendors and shopped 4 brick and mortar stores (truthfully I was greedy and shopped in Sally's and Sally's beauty online:yep:
was perusing Walmart, Target and Walgreens websites as well)
Most of my hair products are purchased on the ground. I shop online for just about everything else, but I just don't feeling like dropping $50 on hair products at once just to get free shipping. The cost of shipping is what does it for me unless they're having a free shipping promo.

Also, after the most recent gate here, I'm more reluctant to order from smaller, kitchen type companies.
I don't buy hair products enough to do it online. I buy a huge bottle of shampoo, conditioner (3 different ones), leave in and I'm good for a year, LOL! However, these products were bought in a local store/boutique. I MUST LOVE WHATEVER I PUT IN MY HAIR!!! LOL!!!
Even before people were shopping online for hair products, my family was ordering from the Gold Medal catalog :yep:, so buying everything bricks and mortar had never been our thing. I think buying on the ground actually tempts me more since I can just stop on the way home from work and pick up "just a few things."

My husband says before he met me, he would have never thought to buy electronics and clothes online, but almost everything he buys now is online even when he could just send me to pick it up.

I've fallen in love with some of the products, particularly deep conditioners, that I've found on Like mentioned by caliscurls, do your research on this board along with google and ask questions of the vendors if you're not sure.

Also mentioned by PJaye upthread was having to go into stores and be bothered by people :spinning:. There are only a few people working in the Sally stores around here that are pleasant and able to provide me with any information I need about products.

Mahsiah, everywhere I buy hair products online offers coupons and free shipping codes from time to time not including BF/SBS/CM. Some of the coupons are directed to the LHCF members.
I used to spend a good part of my weekend going from one store to another, but online shopping is increasingly convenient, especially with Amazon Prime offering next day and 2 day delivery. I ordered something around 4 pm yesterday and the box arrived at my door before 9 am. Free shipping and no tax (if it isn't mailed from your state). Can't beat that.
I buy my basic things on the ground..oils,powders, and co wash conditioners but purchase dc's butters,leave ins, and pomades from online...there is so much variety with online vendors now!
I used to spend a good part of my weekend going from one store to another, but online shopping is increasingly convenient, especially with Amazon Prime offering next day and 2 day delivery. I ordered something around 4 pm yesterday and the box arrived at my door before 9 am. Free shipping and no tax (if it isn't mailed from your state). Can't beat that.

Yes that amazon prime is everything lol
OP, I feel you. I have modified my regimen so all but one of my staple products I buy locally. I got tired of paying shipping or having to order in quantities to avoid shipping.
I am the complete opposite. The thought of having to mingle with other people, and their annoying sounds, smells and behaviors, to buy hair products sends shivers of revulsion down my spine. I simply will not do it. For me, nothing beats a leisurely shopping expedition within the calm confines of my home – on my own terms. Besides, other than Kenra MC, ORS Replenishing conditioner, Mill Creek’s conditioners, and Elasta QP and Elucence shampoos, the remainder of my rather obese product stash is derived from online vendors.

If a product I ordered doesn’t behave as effectively as I believe it should, I either doctor it up with emollient oils, re-purpose it, or give it away, e.g., less effective DCs become pre-poos, etc. IME, products rarely arrive damaged; and if so, most vendors have been eager to rectify the situation. Perhaps my preference is buttressed by the fact that I’m not an impatient shopper. I can order products and easily wait for them to arrive – even if it takes weeks.

I say, do what you believe is in your best interests. Online vendors aren’t going away any time soon. However, if you ever decide to give one a try, please update this thread and share every minute detail of your experience.:lol:
Your post made me :lol:. If I get the gumption and order online I'll report on it for sure. :yep:
I prefer to pick up something at the store.
1. Online prices seem more expensive. What's their overhead? I don't get it.
2. By the time I get the product, I've run out of DC so timing is key.
3. I have no idea what to try first cuz folks recommend soooo many that i get overwhelmed and say screw it! I go buy my Queen Helene or some new DC at TJ Maxx.
4. The quantity of DC is not enough for all my head! The amounts seem to be smaller online.
This could be my main problem. I don't know WHERE to start. I was thinking about Komaza since I had an analysis done by them for my DD and she recommended products.

Most of my hair products are purchased on the ground. I shop online for just about everything else, but I just don't feeling like dropping $50 on hair products at once just to get free shipping. The cost of shipping is what does it for me unless they're having a free shipping promo.

Also, after the most recent gate here, I'm more reluctant to order from smaller, kitchen type companies.
I'd hate to buy a whole bunch of items, pay for the shipping, and then not like them. Also, since I have so much stuff, I feel I can't justify spending a lot at once until much of it is gone.

I don't buy hair products enough to do it online. I buy a huge bottle of shampoo, conditioner (3 different ones), leave in and I'm good for a year, LOL! However, these products were bought in a local store/boutique. I MUST LOVE WHATEVER I PUT IN MY HAIR!!! LOL!!!
This is true for me too.
I buy my basic things on the ground..oils,powders, and co wash conditioners but purchase dc's butters,leave ins, and pomades from online...there is so much variety with online vendors now!
The variety is one of the things that scares me. Shame.

Thanks everyone for giving your opinions and experiences. I still don't know what I'm going to do. I did order Silicon Mix, Lacio, and Elucence around the time I first joined. It wasn't a bad experience, but I ordered from established companies.
I am currently transitioning so in the beginning I only used products on the ground. As I learned about my hair and her needs, I wanted to try more and have different experiences.

From research (aka.....Lurking) I learned that BF sales were AWESOME and if I wanted to try online then BF, SBS, CM would be a good time to try. I prepped(<---:grin:) for months and jumped head first into "pay nah" land.

Take your time, know your tolerances, know your hair and do what you feel is best for you.

I plan to continue to shop both ways as evidenced by my holiday haul, I ordered from 8 online vendors and shopped 4 brick and mortar stores (truthfully I was greedy and shopped in Sally's and Sally's beauty online:yep:
was perusing Walmart, Target and Walgreens websites as well)

I know BF is Black Friday, but what are SBS and CM?