Does any1 NOT really Care about their hair?


New Member
LOL:grin: ok let me rephrase the question. Does any1 care about their hair but it doesn't make a difference whether your hair is natural, relaxed, tex-laxed, whatev?( I hope I'm making sense here). I transitioned for a year and a month and BC'd Jan 20 of this year. I like my natural hair but I also like my relaxed hair and I'm probably gonna relax next month and just rock a cute short cut via: Keri Hilson. I'm not knocking any natural, relaxed heads or any type of hair that is out there , I'm just wishy washy when it comes to my hair. In a couple of years I'll probably transition again...probably longer than I did this go round. I feel like natural hair just isn't "It' for me right now per se. I do believe you can have beautiful long healthy hair whether chemically treated or not. All in all, I just want healthy hair whether it be long or short, natural or relaxed, color treated, uh, color treated...yeah:look: Anywho I just had to vent a little...HHG!
I guess I can say-yea I do care. I prefer my hair natural opposed to relaxed. I was relaxed for 4 years, loved the convenience but hated maintaining it...although the maintenance of my natural state keeps me on my toes, I just personally like the versatility.
I love my hair in general whether it be relaxed, texlaxed, or's just that I'm single mom who's in college, and trying to achieve her goals and dreams, so right now relaxed hair is better for me because of my time.....I only went natural once, and didn't like it, but I was in the navy and didn't have time to look up information or research on how to take care of my natural hair, so I relaxed it, and now I'm on this site.....I want to achieve my goal and maybe I will decide to go natural.....but I feel you....but the only thing I love about my hair, I can wear it straight or curly with the relaxer......but do what you gotta do!!!
LOL:grin: ok let me rephrase the question. Does any1 care about their hair but it doesn't make a difference whether your hair is natural, relaxed, tex-laxed, whatev?( I hope I'm making sense here). I transitioned for a year and a month and BC'd Jan 20 of this year. I like my natural hair but I also like my relaxed hair and I'm probably gonna relax next month and just rock a cute short cut via: Keri Hilson. I'm not knocking any natural, relaxed heads or any type of hair that is out there , I'm just wishy washy when it comes to my hair. In a couple of years I'll probably transition again...probably longer than I did this go round. I feel like natural hair just isn't "It' for me right now per se. I do believe you can have beautiful long healthy hair whether chemically treated or not. All in all, I just want healthy hair whether it be long or short, natural or relaxed, color treated, uh, color treated...yeah:look: Anywho I just had to vent a little...HHG!

That's my goal. Whether I get to tailbone or midback or stay where I am, as long as it's healthy. Ain't nothing like a tore up head whehter it's natural, relaxed, color treated, short, long or loc'ed.
I didn't care before and still don't to an extent. It just came to a point where I just wanted a head of healthy hair and decided that transitioning to natural would be the last stop on my journey to it. Before it was... Oh I want waist length hair... and over the last month it was screw waist length hair, I want healthy hair. My goals keep changing but I don't think I'll relax my hair again. I have no clue if I answered your question, lol.
I'm kind of like this. I'm very wishy washy with my hair. I was natural, then texlaxed, then relaxed bone straight, now I'm natural with the tiniest TWA ever lol. As long as it's healthy, I'm happy. I enjoy taking risks with my look and fine tuning my signature look. I think I might be on to something now though :yep:.
I prefer for my hair to be relaxed, however Im not scurred of my kinks. I stretch for months on end and I enjoy both textures equally!! I wont stress over my edges if they aren’t as smooth in week 15 as they were in week 3, I wont have a conniption fit if my hair reverts in the rain 5 months into my stretch, I don’t get pissy with my stylist if my NG still has some texture left after my touch-up, and because I love my hair relaxed or long as its healthy and on my head Im happy.
I feel where you are coming from; as long as my hair is healthy I am kinda of indifferent. I am transitioning now but whenever I feel like I need to switch up; I buy a new wig or get a weave. It keeps me from going back and forth now that I am on my natural journey..I just saw this pic of Malinda Williams and I am fighting myself to not just saw SCREW IT and get it all chopped and screwed this weekend...
I care enough to never ever put relaxers on my head again. I care enough to fret over tangles and split ends. Other than that, I'm cool.
I'm kinda like that. I prefer my natural hair, but i'm not scared of relaxers anymore. I've cut my hair off so many times that I know it's a quick & effective fix to anything. I feel free in knowing that my hair is mine, I can do anything I want to do with it, it'll always grow back if I cut it off.

Hair is just like a fun accessory if you ask me. If I wasn't trying to grow it long now, I wouldn't even care as much about health (meaning I wouldn't be doing protective styles and all of this other time-consuming stuff).

And when it gets to MBL, I already know I won't keep it there for long. i have one long-lasting regret that needs to be fulfilled: that i didn't dye it bright pink back in my college days. D'oh. Such a lost opportunity. :nono: Can't get away with bright pink hair in corporate America, college was definitely the time & place to do that. :nono:
I care about my hair and I to am wishy washy, I have been relaxed,texlaxed,natural and the cycle continues, right now I am natural and want to remain natural but I am getting tired of the Twa and might just Texlax again in the summer, But I care about my hair either way!
Yah I see where you're coming from and I guess I don't really care about my hair either :grin:. After a year long battle I have finally won the war with my hair :dance7:. Last year I was all about length length keep it natural long natural la dee da. Now this year all I really care about is the health, and voila all of a sudden my hair gets longer. If I decide to relax it tomorrow meh, I'll do it, if I decide to cut it all of and transition again or rock a TWA like I did this time last year, eh I'll to that too.
It all depends; I'm not obsessed with length or anything like that, just health...I've had long hair, chopped it off to go natural and now i am relaxed again, but my hair has always remained healthy and that is most important to me.

In the same sense, i feel the health of your hair is a big indication of how well you take care of yourself from the inside and out so it is def a big deal
LOL:grin: ok let me rephrase the question. Does any1 care about their hair but it doesn't make a difference whether your hair is natural, relaxed, tex-laxed, whatev?( I hope I'm making sense here). I transitioned for a year and a month and BC'd Jan 20 of this year. I like my natural hair but I also like my relaxed hair and I'm probably gonna relax next month and just rock a cute short cut via: Keri Hilson. I'm not knocking any natural, relaxed heads or any type of hair that is out there , I'm just wishy washy when it comes to my hair. In a couple of years I'll probably transition again...probably longer than I did this go round. I feel like natural hair just isn't "It' for me right now per se. I do believe you can have beautiful long healthy hair whether chemically treated or not. All in all, I just want healthy hair whether it be long or short, natural or relaxed, color treated, uh, color treated...yeah:look: Anywho I just had to vent a little...HHG!

I'm the same way. I don't colour treat my hair but I love my natural texture and I like my relaxed hair. I like taking care of my hair b/c it makes me feel like I'm doing something good for myself. Like drinking water, taking vitamins, etc. I even started painting my nails (something I NEVER did) and exercising...buying myself cute clothes. For me, its about tending to myself and paying attention to myself and healthy hair will come as a result. I believe it.
I used to care when my new growth at 6 weeks post was obviously not blending in with my previously-relaxed hair and my edges were raggedy, so I would get a touchup.

Now, I don't care...even when I stretch to 14 weeks. I use the scarf method to tame my edges (as much as possible), and I must admit that since I'm texlaxing now, the "two textures" thing is not nearly as noticeable.:grin:
I prefer for my hair to be relaxed, however Im not scurred of my kinks. I stretch for months on end and I enjoy both textures equally!! I wont stress over my edges if they aren’t as smooth in week 15 as they were in week 3, I wont have a conniption fit if my hair reverts in the rain 5 months into my stretch, I don’t get pissy with my stylist if my NG still has some texture left after my touch-up, and because I love my hair relaxed or long as its healthy and on my head Im happy.

What she said....
Good responses so far ladies...I for one am def. not concerned about length. I stand by this motto:HEALTH OVER LENTGH<<<<<And that's any and everyday! I believe if you focus on health inside and out first...length will definately follow suit
Now that I know that I can grow it, I am a lot more adventurous with my hair, and just want to try everything! I have been at a TWA, natural, texlaxed, and now relaxed, and in about 4 years i'll probably do a long transition and grow some blonde locs. Who knows? The sky is the limit for me and my hair and i'm young too? Please, my hair is my hobby and and accessory and it does not make me.
A few short months ago I did not care because I could get away with it. My hair had length and looked good in the eyes of others. No one knew how poorly I treated it. Now that I feel better about it and have achieved healthy hair along with the retention of growth, me and my hair are happy! I have always been natural. Styling is yet a weak spot for me, not sure when I will venture out in that area. I do understand what you are saying OP.
I care. I have to say I am a natural hair girl for life and not wishy washy with my use of chemicals or heat on my hair. I have many reasons but I do respect people that "don't" care. I think we all want healthy hair regardless.

I GO back and forth myself. I want health but i want length lol. I want it straight today and then tom i LONG for my puff or twists. I'm chalking it up to being young (i'm 28 lol) but i was never adventurous when i was younger with my hair and now i think im experimenting with everything from color to styling.

Who cares? Do what u want lol. Dye it, fry it, curl it, crimp it, style the hell out of it ...just don't come 'round with no bald edges-cause that ain't cute! :O(