Does any one REALLY understand the growth resting period?


New Member
Okay, when I 1st started my healthy hair journey in October 07, my hair was growing like crazy! I was growing 3/4 inch in the 1st month and 1/2 each after. Now, its seems like my growth has halted and now I'm only gaining thickness. Am I in a resting period? I've heard alot about your hair grows for a certain amont of time, then it rests. Is this really true? Who knows the details??? Spill the beans please.
Okay, when I 1st started my healthy hair journey in October 07, my hair was growing like crazy! I was growing 3/4 inch in the 1st month and 1/2 each after. Now, its seems like my growth has halted and now I'm only gaining thickness. Am I in a resting period? I've heard alot about your hair grows for a certain amont of time, then it rests. Is this really true? Who knows the details??? Spill the beans please.

The things about growth phases is that all of you strands are not in the same phase at once. Its like each follicule is at a different point.
I've heard of this theory from Cathy Howse... it's her excuse for why it took her 9 years to get to BSL (couldn't be wearing her hair down every single day, now could it?)

I dunno, I've always thought this was a myth. I mean, for the 20-odd years I relaxed my hair, I never had a single month go by with no new growth... has anybody? So it would appear that the hair just keeps growing.

Maybe your hair growth is slowing due to other factors? Did you: recently go on a new medication? start birth control pills? have stress like moving/new job/exams? Do you take vitamins? These are more likely causes of slow growth IMHO.
The things about growth phases is that all of you strands are not in the same phase at once. Its like each follicule is at a different point.

Wow, thats crazy. You're right though, my hair in the front is now sprouting and my bangs are finally growing out, but the hair in the back seems to be at a stand still. It's not damaged and I'm still babying it, but its just not keeping up any longer. Thanks for clearing this up.

And joyousnerd, I'm always having new growth, its just like in some places, like gymfreak said, there's very little growth. But nah, I'm not stressed, perfectly healthy, no meds or anything. I'm definately not stressed. Girl, I live stress free and happily. lol
Wow, thats crazy. You're right though, my hair in the front is now sprouting and my bangs are finally growing out, but the hair in the back seems to be at a stand still. It's not damaged and I'm still babying it, but its just not keeping up any longer. Thanks for clearing this up.

And joyousnerd, I'm always having new growth, its just like in some places, like gymfreak said, there's very little growth. But nah, I'm not stressed, perfectly healthy, no meds or anything. I'm definately not stressed. Girl, I live stress free and happily. lol

Just keep at what you are doing. It should turn back around.
Yes, I agree (as if a newbies opinion would matter :grin:) with GFreak.

I was measuring my hair before doing my bantu knots Friday, and the front is only about an 1/2 inch since November, but in the middle (which is always the longest) that hair really looked two inches.

When I held the hair, stretched then allowed the hair to kinda slump it was all this wavy - scrunchie hair below the relaxed hair.

It looks so weard..the sides dont' even look to be 1/2 inch :perplexed
I know that different individuals have different growth rates. When I started a few years ago my hair grew fairly normally and I reached my goals fairly quickly. However about a year and a half ago my hair growth slowed down alot. I was getting like a quarter inch a month, not the usual 1/2 inch. It slowed down my progress alot and I believe that I was in my resting cycle. IDK what caused it, I was taking vitamins, had a solid regimen but my diet was not the best. I think this maybe the reason why some people grow waistlength hair in 2 years and others 6. I also noticed during this time my hair seemed alot fuller.
I don't think the slow down in growth has anything to do with the resting cycle.

You have hair follicles in your head that are at rest ALL THE TIME. Even when your hair grows faster, thousands of follicles are at rest. A certain percent of your hair is always in each phase of growth 100% of the time.

It's probably just natural growth. We're not robots, our amount of hair growth may not be steady every month. Also, different parts of your hair grow at different rates...
If all your hair was resting at the same time you would be bald. That's what happens to people with alopecia. All their hair is in the same stage at the same exact time and one of those stages is the stage when you naturally lose or shed hair.