I'm able to air dry my hair loose with no problems. I don't get that heat-silkened look, but my hair is definitely in better condition and my hair thanks me for it.
I also have problems air drying. The first time usually turns out okay, but after that I find that my hair is more dry, too soft, and very fragile. I also end up with more breakage over time. Lately I've been rollersetting on very large rollers with very diluted setting lotion. Using the really large rollers allows my hair to dry very quickly and without too much curl. I have fine hair, and constant airdrying would be horrible for my hair.
my hair HATES being airdried loose, even after a fresh relaxer. It is better for me to put my products in (elucence mb + keracare foam) and either
* air dry rollerset OR
* blow dry and do a dry rollerset
* rollerset and sit under hair dryer for 2 hours
I love airdrying. I used to always use heat on my hair, my hair didn't like it at all. So these days I use heat maybe twice a year (extremely special occasions) After I wash my hair I always make sure to immediately use a moisterizer like carefree curl gold with a small dab of Elasta qp. I detangle that and the last leave in is jojoba or surge potion 9 oil on the shaft and ends. this makes my hair really silky.

When I dry it I pull it back in a (very small) pony tail and roll the ends under and go. This keeps my hair from getting ragged, it actually dries very straight this way without the heat damage and I shed very little. Even after I stretched my relaxer as long as I did I didn't have any problems. If anything the amount of hair lost was less.

I do believe its the tools that you use and have at your disposal that make you hair do well.

I think airdrying is one of those things that is either for you or not. Someone can use the exact same techniques and products as the next person and get awful results and vice versa.
this is a great question/thread ladies. I am beginning to think,for my hair at least, that air drying is causing it to break,shed and tangle more. The problem w/this is that I have put myself on a no heat challenage. But looking back on it I had less breakage,shedding and less tangles when I used my hooded dryer weird,huh?:confused:
I air dry with rollers and it comes out okay, but how would I do this with a layered cut and no rollers? I am trying to decrease the amount of heat I use during transition.
I wont air dry with my hair down again! I do all the time, it usually tangles and i find loose hairs..maybe this is the culprit
I thought airdrying wasn't for me either, but then I kept trying and trying until I got it right.

For me is to:

-Never airdry loose
-Never comb through airdryed hair (even if I have a fresh relaxer)
-Airdry in a ponytail with a roller on the ends, I put the ponytail in while standing in the shower while standing under the stream of water in the shower.
-Airdry using Sylver2's scarf method (you can see pics in my album)
-If I need to resmooth my ponytail after it has dried I spray my soft boars bristle brush with water and LIGHTLY brush the top layer of my hair.
-Try not to manipulate your hair too much or at all
-Use the right leave-ins for your hair
-Tie your hair down with a scarf to make it look as smooth and neat as possible.

I just cowashed and air dryed in a ponytail last night, I am now 11 weeks post (for the first time), and I'm just LOVING the waves in the front of my hair where the new growth is. I'm almost a little disappointed that I plan to relax next week :(.
I'm natural and air drying is all that I ever do. Using heat is just too damaging and time consuming for me. I've never had any problems as a result of air drying. My coils love it! :)
I never let my hair totally airdry until last week and lets just say I found that it was NOT for me..

I usually let it airdry about half way then blow dry and follow with a flat iron or a ceramic curling iron and do a psuedo rollerset.... Because I do NOT have the patience to do a rollerset myself, I just had a baby 2 months ago as well and he wont let me either :lol:

After I let my hair airdry Oh My Gah it was brittle , dry and tangled , EVEN when I put some moisturizing creme in it, :| and I will not do it again... I need to just stick with what works and Keep It Simple..

I blamed it on the new Poo and Conditioner I tried :lol:
I think that is has a lot to do with the position of the hair as it drys and and the products used.

I have air dried then flat ironed my last 2 washes with no trouble. I applied my usual leave ins and setting foam, wet wrapped and allowed to air dry. I had very little breakage and it came out very moisturized and smooth.

Most people don't air dry with their hair hanging down. try a loose ponytail
I agree with Karezone. i've just this second airdryed my hair. i airdry in a pony with mane n tail leave in and added keracare oil moist (with added Wonder 8 oil and jojoba oil) until its about 70% dry. it then take out my loose scrunchy n relax in a warm room. when its fully dry i get lil ringlets and add IC polisher serum for colour treated / chemically damaged hair to them and the ends. until now, airdrying made my hair frizzy and dry, it used to break all over the place and i used to hate whoever came up with the whole idea!!! i definately recommend doing a loose pony, and add your moisturizers too. always use a leave in condioner when airdrying!!!! this helps alot. i also never ever comb my airdryed hair, until its time for my next wash. i simply twist hair in the night and in the morning it looks fresh again... hope that helps!
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Great feedback, ladies. I may try it again. I have used the pony method, but I think I can only do this method if I am going to only wear a bun or wear it curly (which I will not be doing much of). I think I will try it one more time for my buns.

We'll see what happens!