Doe this mean anything? (ATTN: texture experts)


Well-Known Member
My natural hair texture(meaning my new growth)resemble 4a/4b hair, but when I get it relaxed it looks more like 3c/4a's hair once it is straightened. Could it be possible that my hair is really 3c/4a rather than 4a/4b, but my hair is just very dense and thick or that I just don't know how to properly hydrate my new growth?
I am asking b/c I am very interested in finding a hair twin or atleast a more accurate way of describing my hair texture.
I guess that I would like to get to know my hair texture
Umm I dont think so. Maybe
. I only say this becasue I am about a thick cottony 3b texture, but when I got it relaxed it resembled a 2 texture (wavy). IMO its hard to figure out your natural hair type, when you have a relaxer without a significant amount of new growth. And even with a significant amount of new growth it still maybe hard to tell. I remember my new growth was really wavy after 20 weeks post touchup, but now that Im finally natural I have all these spiral curls everywhere. I was not expecting my hair to be like this. In fact I didnt know what to expect
hmmm. maybe my hair just reacts differently to relaxers than other 4a hair does. It just always seemed funny to me how the hair stylists would act towards my hair before they relaxed in comparison to after. Before the relaxer they act like it is just incredibly coarse and nappy and after they are shocked at how it comes out. I am starting to think that maybe I just don't know how to properly take care of my natural hair since no one ever showed me and since growing up it was like no one had a clue. I honestly wouldnt know what to put in my natural hair or how to style it. When my new growth gets too long it is unmanageable and so incredibly tangly.