Do you wear a scarf around your BF?


Active Member
I just began what I call "sleep overs" with my BF of six months. I am frightened by the idea of wearing a scarf to bed (I am convinced I look like a boy with my hair pulled back and no make up nor earrings).

Anyway, for those ladies who are relationship newbies as well what can I wear or do to my hair? The thought of him staying over or vice versa has me cringing when I think of bedtime. We both have cotton pillow cases so it's doing a double whammy on my hair!


number one, I'd get a silk/satin pillowcase and just take it with you. My BF actually steals it from me in my sleep, so he definately doesn't mind it. Also, I wear a silk black scarf to bed around my BF (we live together), and he doesn't have a problem with it because he was used to seeing his mom tie her hair up when he was growing up. Also, he doesn't like my hair in his face while he's sleeping.

At first I was like you and really nervous, and one time he actually asked me why I didn't do it
. He cared less about it than I did. Just ask him what he'd think about it to get an idea of how he'd react.
My bf is white and doesn't think it is weird.I just explained to him that I need to wear them for my hair to retain moisture and not break in the night.

Just tell your bf you need to use them or your hair will drop off.That should get rid of any opposition from him.
Awwww! New b/f's are so cute... I've been with my man for 8 years and I slap a scarf on and call it a night without a second thought.
I agree with the other ladies though. Your b/f's mom probably wore a scarf (if she's a normal black mom she did). Or just talk to him about it. You're probably more concerned about your appearance than he is. Think about it like this: You're comfortable enough to share a bed with him, but not comfortable enough to let him see you with a scarf?
Thank you, ladies. Isis, I will definitely look at that site. ThickNBeautiful you are absolutely right. I have asked him and he has no problem with it. I just don't want to get comfortable or introduce certain looks to him too early. It's bad enough I've gone from silky pj's from Victoria's Secret to a t-shirt and socks!
But that's the fun of it! We all go through that stage with a b/f at some point. Now, my man is my best friend. I feel like I can look like Whodunitandwhy around him and still be okay with it. You'll be fine.
All the time, LG.
When I'm really tired, he'll even remind me of it. I also found that doing it as early as possible in the relationship will take most of the pressure off - he'll get used to it quickly
Yep in front of him and his roommate(they're both white)- sometimes I wear it all day and all nite :-) I wear a black wrap velcro strip and a cheetah print bonnet. I don't like for my hair to rub up against their rough couch :-)
I absolutely wear my scarf around my boyfriend. Actually come to think of it I never had a problem and never gave it a second thought. In my situation my relationship was long distance for the first six months so we spent a lot of time talking and going back and forth visiting. But I think because it was long distance and the time we had together was so special I dont think either one of us cared. I think most guys dont care and dont see it being as big a problem as you do.
Girl, don't worry about that. He won't think you are any less beautiful. If you want to break the ice or break him in; just tell him in a joking way, "If you make one crack you die"