Do you use anything other than Vaseline for relaxer basing?


New Member
I bumped vaseline for Profectiv Root Health. And for the first time in years no burns not even a niggle, with Vaseline I'd always end up with some burn or sore/tender feeling post relaxer, but even after the full 20-25 mins on each section I'd be burning to wash it out. Not even a peep from the root health on my scalp. It's uber moisturising too. I usually use this if I have a dry scalp over a growth aid but will be using this from now on to protect my scalp during relaxers. This stuff is like butter on the scalp.

It's soyabean oil based, no mineral oil or Petroleum.


* Stops dryness, itching and flaking.
* 7 x Stronger hair.
* RootHealth stops dryness, itching and flaking, before damage starts.
* Penetrating and re-moisturizing deep inside the hair follicle.
* RootHealth infuses natural stimulants that stop dryness, itching and flaking.
* RootHealth exclusive ProStrength formula stops hair and scalp dryness caused by chemicals, braids, extensions and the lack of natural scalp moisture.
dayumn!! I wished I saw this before relaxing!!!!!!! I have this sitting right in the house. I used my old base product from optimim relaxer. It worked fine though . no problems. I just would have rather used something more beneficial to the hair rather that petrolatum/ mineral oil.
I use Summit Sensitive Scalp Base Creme. My mom has used it in her salons for years, since I was a kid. Its tingly. I add it to my scalp, forehead, ears, nape, and hairline - the night before and the day of the relaxer. Its an oldie, but a goodie.

I have not used a Profectiv product in a while. I used the pink label but after a while, I found that one to be a bit too heavy. Is this the purple label? It it is, never tried that one before. Smart way to use it.
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Bumping this to attest to its wonders! I was due for a relaxer today so before my appointment, I rushed out and picked up the Profectiv Root Health from Sally's. About 1 hour before my appointment I applied it as a base all over my scalp and massaged it in. I hardy burned except for the front edge of my hair where I forgot to apply the product.

I don't know what's in this product which helps prevent relaxer burns but this product is a keeper!:yay:
Thanks OP, I'm trying to keep away from mineral oil and petrolatum. I won't be relaxing until end of march but I intend to pick some of this up
I use Hawaiian Silky Herbal Pre-cream w/ aloe vera scalp and skin protectant or Vital base cream w/ shea butter. Both come in am applicator bottle for easy use. Slight tingle but never feel my relaxer burn.