Do you throw out expensive products that don't work for you?

I try to give all products 2 or 3 chances before I decide to give them away. Usually I'll try to "doctor" them up with oils and humectants or try blending them with other products (i.e. conditioners). But yeah, if they continuously don't agree with my hair, then they get donated to mi familia.
I say give away to family and friends the products that don't work for you. Maybe you can try holding onto the conditioners and add honey & EVOO to it. :)

Also you can keep these products and use them in rotation. I know how using the same products everyday can make hair dull out.
I was very touched by your prayer. Thank you. I bought the the relaxer stuff online a few months ago. I don't know that they would take it back after all this time. I think you get 30 maybe 60 days tops to return. The KeraCare I got back in May when I was visiting Chicago. I don't even know where that receipt is. I know now that in the future I will hold on to my receipts for a while in case I need to return something.

Everyone has been so helpful. Nothing I purchased is damaging my hair. The products just aren't giving me the results I hoped for. I will try mixing oils and other products together. Does anyone want a large tub of Mizani BB regular? I will try using the super one more time by itself and see if it makes a difference. If it doesn't then I will give all of my Mizani relaxer support products away. Thanks again everyone.:blowkiss:

Can you return the products. I hope so. It seems most will take the products back if it doesn't produce to the customer what it promised.

I'm asking God to 'favor' you and enable you to be refunded for these purchases. Let them know that you believed in their product and gave it every chance to work for you, but the resulsts left your hair worse than before you started using the product and that you are requesting a refund.

This should help you. And again, I'm praying for you to be highly favored.

Hugs and blessings to you. :giveheart: