Do you think you could have reached your hair goals if you didn't have the $$$ ......

Re: Do you think you could have reached your hair goals if you didn't have the $$$ ..

ugh, yeah. I grew my hair prior to the forums using cheapies. I honestly think 90 percent of most of the expensive products are overrated. **shrug**

I have tried a lot of expensive brands and the only one worth the money imo is paul mitchell. I still have found cheapies that work just as well, if not better than pauls. Its all about finding what works. Its a hit or miss for both cheap and expensive. Just cause the dc cost $40, trust it is not a guarantee to give you a new head of hair.
Re: Do you think you could have reached your hair goals if you didn't have the $$$ ..

I can't lie. I looked at your site and saw all of the products you used for your pressing routine and nearly fainted, but nonetheless, your hair is gorgeous.
:look:whatchutalkinboutwillis? I listed like literally ONE product for my most recent pressing blog post....:look: lol

But thank ya kindly:grin:
Re: Do you think you could have reached your hair goals if you didn't have the $$$ ..

I probably would have reached it faster because I wouldn't have been able to buy any and every product mentioned in these threads. I would have gotten a few things that work and had no choice but to stick with them. I have found that my hair doesn't like change so my hair would have loved that, I think.
Re: Do you think you could have reached your hair goals if you didn't have the $$$ ..

Yes you can...A gentle shampoo, a deep conditioner...some coconut oil and less heat and good hair care practices specially with the relaxers is all you need.
Re: Do you think you could have reached your hair goals if you didn't have the $$$ ..

Please excuse my ignorance. :blush: Do you mind translating the amounts into US currency?

Hey there. The exchange rate changes daily, but here is the translation at this moment:

25 quid/pounds/sterling = $39.80
10 "" = $15.92

In future if you want to figure it out on your own, just type "** pounds to dollars" in google search and it will convert for you. Hope that helps!!!

Re: Do you think you could have reached your hair goals if you didn't have the $$$ ..

The products that are best for my hair are expensive, my hair does well with all natural products and they tend to be on the expensive side. But I still think my hair would do okay with less expensive items, I just would rather use what is best for my hair.
Re: Do you think you could have reached your hair goals if you didn't have the $$$ ..

My hair seems to like simple things such as coconut oil, shea butter, vo5 conditioner, suave. My retintion is from my technique which is protective styling 90% of the time along with moisture and sealing my ends.
Re: Do you think you could have reached your hair goals if you didn't have the $$$ ..

I don't think it takes a lot of money at all. My products are cheap and I could probably thrive on even less if I wanted to (give me a coconut and I can have a complete hair regimen :lachen:).

I personally think technique (protecting your ends, being gentle, not misusing chemicals or heat) is much more important.
Co-signing all the way. DEFINITELY technique, not necessarily products.
Re: Do you think you could have reached your hair goals if you didn't have the $$$ ..

I say for me, no. I needed to spend the money. I was perpetually stuck between chin and neck length my whole life due to bad products and techniques. It took me months on this board and I'm gonna say at least a grand spent for me to find the right products, tools, hair accessories, supplements, etc.
Now that I am settled on what works for me I can reduce my maintenance costs significantly. Cheapest thing in my arsenal--EVOO. Most expensive--my moisturizers (average $1.50 per ounce). But it paid off. I am below CBL for the first time ever.
Re: Do you think you could have reached your hair goals if you didn't have the $$$ ..

In retrospect, hmmm... yes and no?

My relaxer is something I won't give up. I'm a phyto girl for as long as I continue to relax. I'm sure at some point I'll get sick of doing it. Maybe.:look: The plan is to only relax twice a year.

Re: Do you think you could have reached your hair goals if you didn't have the $$$ ..

You know I really like this topic because I remember pre-lhcf, I used to wear a short pixie wig for 2 years straight (simply because I was hair lazy) and I stretched my relaxer for 4 months at a time when I didn't even know there was a name for it, and I had the best thick head of hair that I have ever had in my life.

I didn't trim often either and neither did I use any heat on it or manipulate it, so that may be the reason why I had such long, thick hair on my head.

To tell the truth, I washed my hair once a month and sometimes once every 6 weeks only, never moisturized, and my hair still grew like wildfire:perplexed:. I still don't understand it, even to this day.

I am thinking now about doing far less to my hair again like I did before to get those same wonderful results.

So the answer to your question is yes, it is possible to have long thick hair on your head with very little money.

I didn't have any hair products save a jar of relaxer and Crown grease:lachen: for my scalp when it was time to relax my hair.

I had no idea I was supposed to moisturize my ends, let alone seal it:huh:.

I must admit though that my hair has way more shine since I learned how to take care of my tresses:yep:.
Re: Do you think you could have reached your hair goals if you didn't have the $$$ ..

i am convinced i could grow my hair from here to my goal length with ACV, aussie moist, and olive oil. do i prefer doing that? no...however, right now all i really use is aussie moist and coconut oil anyway. i used to use kenra mc and switched to gvp conditioning balm because it's my oil is the most expensive thing i put in my hair ($10). heck, i'm over here hyperventilating because the avocado oil i want is $12 :lachen:
Re: Do you think you could have reached your hair goals if you didn't have the $$$ ..

You can grow your hair on a cheap budget. My mother basically used sulfur 8 & and hair grease on my hair and only did my hair every two weeks. I had bsl hair when I was in my preteens. I believe it had alot to do with the technique not the products.
Re: Do you think you could have reached your hair goals if you didn't have the $$$ ..

I've never seen this question asked here and it's a very good one. For the naturals, at least, the price of their stuff is porbably far less than they'd pay if they went to a Black hair salon and got a relaxer on a per annum basis. They probably come out the winner $$$wise.

I've always had long hair, so growth wasn't the issue for me. For me it's about better technique and products (I'm a sucker for natural stuff and it does cost unnatural prices sometimes, unfortunately.
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Re: Do you think you could have reached your hair goals if you didn't have the $$$ ..

You know I really like this topic because I remember pre-lhcf, I used to wear a short pixie wig for 2 years straight (simply because I was hair lazy) and I stretched my relaxer for 4 months at a time when I didn't even know there was a name for it, and I had the best thick head of hair that I have ever had in my life.

I didn't trim often either and neither did I use any heat on it or manipulate it, so that may be the reason why I had such long, thick hair on my head.

To tell the truth, I washed my hair once a month and sometimes once every 6 weeks only, never moisturized, and my hair still grew like wildfire:perplexed:. I still don't understand it, even to this day.

I am thinking now about doing far less to my hair again like I did before to get those same wonderful results.

So the answer to your question is yes, it is possible to have long thick hair on your head with very little money.

I didn't have any hair products save a jar of relaxer and Crown grease:lachen: for my scalp when it was time to relax my hair.

I had no idea I was supposed to moisturize my ends, let alone seal it:huh:.

I must admit though that my hair has way more shine since I learned how to take care of my tresses:yep:.

LOL...6 weeks?! You were going straight Victorian weren't ya? :grin: Your hair obviously does well w/ beign neglect.
Re: Do you think you could have reached your hair goals if you didn't have the $$$ ..

Yes you can...A gentle shampoo, a deep conditioner...some coconut oil and less heat and good hair care practices specially with the relaxers is all you need.

Add to this an appropriate comb. I suspect many women who aren't online hair junkies use combs w/ teeth too fine for their hair. A decent comb needn't bankrupt you. I think it's more an issue of tools for many women than conditioners and stuff. No point in babying your hair w/ $$$$$$$$$ product and then yanking it out w/ a bad comb!
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Re: Do you think you could have reached your hair goals if you didn't have the $$$ ..

my hair will thrive on just black soap, she butter and evoo and evco. cheap conditioners can help too. i dont need much, i just buy because i like to lol.
Re: Do you think you could have reached your hair goals if you didn't have the $$$ ..

I think so, especially for naturals. For relaxed heads, the good products do make it easier, though.
Re: Do you think you could have reached your hair goals if you didn't have the $$$ ..

I absolutely believe that you can grow your hair out just fine without expensive products. I tend to buy more expensive things because it's just a matter of preference (for example, I don't like using gel of any kind in my hair, so I tend to buy things like shea butter that make my twists stay together without the use of styling aids; it also feels better than BSS moisturizers). I never had a problem with hair growth until I started to take care of my hair myself. When my mother was doing it she used Pink Oil and my hair was very long and thick.
Re: Do you think you could have reached your hair goals if you didn't have the $$$ ..

There was a member here that achieved near WL hair w/ S-curl & vaseline on her ends. It has been done and can be done on less than $10.
Re: Do you think you could have reached your hair goals if you didn't have the $$$ ..

It doesn't take a lot of money it takes a lot of care.
Re: Do you think you could have reached your hair goals if you didn't have the $$$ ..

Add to this an appropriate comb. I suspect many women who aren't online hair junkies use combs w/ teeth too fine for their hair. A decent comb needn't bankrupt you. I think it's more an issue of tools for many women than conditioners and stuff. No point in babying your hair w/ $$$$$$$$$ product and then yanking it out w/ a bad comb!

I wholeheartedly agree with this post. Using quality styling tools REALLY goes a long way. I've snagged so much hair w/ those cheap, $.99 combs from the BSS. I will never, EVER use a comb from the BSS again!!!
Re: Do you think you could have reached your hair goals if you didn't have the $$$ ..

To put it simple...NO. :lachen:
Re: Do you think you could have reached your hair goals if you didn't have the $$$ ..

I believe I could. Back in the day when I was younger, all my mommy used on my hair was Bergamont Posner's Hair grease and Johnson and Johnson baby shampoo. No leave ins, no deep condishes, no hair creams, nadda. Trust, my mommy didn't have much money and my hair still thrived. Those two products probably cost about $1 total! :lol:

this has nothing to do with your post. I loveeeeee your hair!:blush:
Re: Do you think you could have reached your hair goals if you didn't have the $$$ ..

A lot of what I use is luxury.

I've thought about this because I plan to be a stay at home mom again in the near future so I won't be able to spend the same amount on products that I do now.

I definitely could get rid of the styling products completely and just wear my hair in twists and twist outs. Theoretically, I can just buy shea butter and aloe vera gel (both available in bulk locally and long lasting) and use that to twist and moisturize my hair. Suave conditioner is a staple that's cheap for cowashing. And I can make a caramel treatment to DC with a trip to the grocery store.

When I am broke, I still want to use quality ingredients. And I think the above plan is a great way to do that.

So to answer the question, I absolutely believe hair goals can be achieved without expensive products.
Re: Do you think you could have reached your hair goals if you didn't have the $$$ ..

Yep. All I use are cheapy conditioners for the most part (I use Elucence sometimes), shea butter, coconut oil, Fantasia IC gel, and Salerm 21 (when I straighten). That's it really. Nothing I use is over 10 bucks basically. I don't think it takes all those products and running out and buying "the product of the moment" to achieve healthy long hair.
Re: Do you think you could have reached your hair goals if you didn't have the $$$ ..

sure I could have. This morning I used rose water, glycerin, aloe vera gel and coconut oil to do my bun. That's less than $10 worth of products if you don't count the coconut oil. That's a $9.99 a jar but I only have to buy it twice a year. All the other stuff I buy just because I like to try new things. I could get by on the basics if I needed to.
Re: Do you think you could have reached your hair goals if you didn't have the $$$ ..

Yes, I could. I don't take supplements for my hair so that's not a factor and I use the same basic products I have used since before I found this forum. I joined the board to talk hair not to change my current regimen!! :grin: