Well-Known Member
You know, I believe knowledge is power. That being said, there was sooo much I didn't know prior to LHCF. Thanks again ladies, . So you know I never knew before what exactly were in relaxers and never once thought to research it and find out exactly what was being put in my hair.... and I consider myself to be a pretty health conscious person. So when I learned exactly what calcium and/or sodium hydroxide were, I was in complete shock. . I was basically putting Drano on my scalp!!! OMG, that is not good. I actually looked on the back label of the bottle of Drano I have for my tubs at home and saw sodium hydroxide as one of the main active ingredients. So let's just say I am considering myself done with relaxers... I shared this info with my mom and BFF and they both were completely appalled. This is esp appalling bc I recall as a child when my mom actually went to the hospital once after getting seriously burned fr a relaxer. I guess it had gotten into her bloodstream??? not sure, don't recall. But she had to take some big a$$ pills for a while. I'm pretty sure she didn't know what was in the relaxer and perhaps the doctors didn't either. Now I wonder why don't the relaxer kits/tubs/boxes/etc contain a warning on the label that they have drain cleaners as their main active ingredients to warn consumers? Just they way they do with cigarettes and some alcoholic beverages. What do you all think?