Do you think Im using too much heat

J Glazin

New Member
Ive been I using too much heat??? The realize why I say that is because I dc my hair twice a week, put on rollers and then go under the dryer. Is this too much heat. Would you consider airdrying? My pic is the length of my hair now if I do airdry how would I do that. Before I cut my hair I would put it in a bun and now its not that easy. Ladies please help:perplexed
ok, are you experiencing any breakage, thinning, and/or split ends? If not then, keep doing what you do, but I wouldn't use the blow dryer or flatiron if you are doing that much, I read somewhere that hooded dryers are indirect heat which is ok......but if you were blow drying like that, then that would be a problem, but if you are not having any problems with what you are doing now, then I wouldn't stop....but if you feel that you are using too much heat, then I would only try and dc once a week and roller set once a week.....but just my opinion......good luck on your decision......
Your hair looks beautiful and healthy!

I honestly don't think you are. If you're concerned then set the hooded dryer on medium and once in a while airdry. I love rollersetting and was originally going to alternate between rollersetting and flatironing, rollersetting and bunning. But what I have realized is that if I don't flatiron my hair still looks lovely and it has a nice bounce to it. Maybe you can give it a try.
in my opinion, i don't think that's too much heat. you're not using direct heat (flat iron, blow dryer) so that's the healthiest thing you can do without eliminating heat.

your hair looks great!