Do you think I'm getting engaged soon???


New Member
Last week, I went to zales with a friend for her to look at a chain for her SO, so while I was there I saw a ring that was really pretty and I tried it on. When I came home I told my SO about it and showed it to him onliine, and he said that it was nice. Well maybe like ten minutes later he asked me my ring size, and has been looking at rings ever since. Like shape, color, cut and then actual rings. Yesterday he and I looked for a good 3 hours at engagement rings. So I'm wondering if I'm ruining the element of surprise or if I'm really getting engaged soon. We're pretty open about our relationship & we talked about marriage, house, kids & everything else pretty much already. We've been together for 2 1/2 years and it's the happiest I've ever been he's really my best friend. I'm trying not to be anxious, since Christmas & Thanksgiving are around the corner, so please let me know what you think.

It sounds like you could be getting engaged very soon.
Congratulations on finding your best friend.
Being engaged is an exciting time, so when it comes, enjoy every moment of it.
Also don't ruin the suprise.

I'm newly married and I know what it's like. If you have any ? PM me.
Well, at the very least it sounds like you may get a piece of jewelry for Christmas. I'm not sure if it's an engagement ring though, but hopefully :)
It seems as though he's putting in his work and research on the topic of rings. It very well could be coming! :grin: Congrats on finding your best friend!!!!
Thanks ladies, I'm trying not to ruin the surprise, and he's not looking at just jewelry it's actual engagement rings, but I'm not betting on Christmas or Thanksgiving, I'm just saying since he's taken such a deep interest all of a sudden that it may be happening
You're either getting engaged or he is helping a friend shop for a ring...which would pretty silly of him to do with you.

He better not buy you a ring that looks like an engagement ring but not ask you to marry him.

So, it seems like you are!
don't anticipate anything because if he doesnt propose you will probably be upset......just see what happens
I agree with ebonybelle. I stalked my e-ring for three years before he proposed. Then the one he proposed with wasn't the one I stalked or that we've looked at. Just take a picture (online or magazine) of the ring you want, pray over it, and put the picture in the Bible. Good luck.
don't anticipate anything because if he doesnt propose you will probably be upset......just see what happens

Yea, that's what I mean, I don't want to get excited, but I think for me to not be excited or somewhat excited about marrying someone that I know I want to spend the rest of my life with, would just not be realistic. I'm not really expecting anything as you said because I know that it could very well not happen, & I'm definitely not trying to be :sad: for the holidays :lachen:.
I think you're getting engaged for Christmas girl! Looking for engagement rings for three hours hopefully is a pretty good indicator. However, if it doesn't happen at Christmas, don't panic. Since you're 'expecting' it soon, maybe he'll delay it to throw you off a bit.
I think you're getting engaged for Christmas girl! Looking for engagement rings for three hours hopefully is a pretty good indicator. However, if it doesn't happen at Christmas, don't panic. Since you're 'expecting' it soon, maybe he'll delay it to throw you off a bit.

Yup, maybe even Valentine's Day!
Thanks, I'm hoping so, I'm being on my best behavior :yep:, so I hope it does, but I'm not going to rush him like I said, he's a great man and I know he'll be a wonderful husband. I can tell him pretty much anything & it's vice versa, of course we have issues but if I counted up all of the good days & bad days, I think I can count on one hand how many bad days we've had out of 2 1/2 years. "I love me some him" as Toni Braxton would say.
him looking at rings, engagement rings specifically speaks alot about where his mind is, seems to me if anything the idea of marriage is on his mind with you and if you feel as strong about him as you say you do and you can tell/feel the mutual feeling its okay to not set expectations, especially of a time frame of a proposal, but its more than okay to be hopeful and look forward to your relationship eventually progressing to a next step for you two

as with prayers, gratitude blessings.....its more than okay to thank GOD/Universe for all the wonderful blessings you have presently and see yourself having, including being married to him

wish u the best and much love mama....sounds like its all good
Sounds to me like you're getting either engaged very soon or else he wants to get a real good idea of what you do like for when its time to get engaged.
***UPDATE*** Do you think I'm getting engaged soon???

Ok, so today my SO told me he went shopping for rings and talked to a lady at diamond hut for 45 minutes or so while she explained to him all about diamonds & everything else. We went to the mall around 7:30 tonight and he was walking into more jewelry stores and saying things like "oh I definitely need to come back here and at this point he already found something (engagement ring) that he really likes, but I don't know what it is. So, after this, I'm still calm, we go to get something to eat and he pulls out a knot of money, so I'm like babe, why do you have all of that money and he's like basically because he was going ring shopping :blush:. I'm trying not to be so excited :grin::grin::grin:, but I'm definitely thinking Christmas. He's so open I feel like the only surprise will be the ring, but I'm so so excited. Now what do you guys think?
Re: ***UPDATE*** Do you think I'm getting engaged soon???

Ok, so today my SO told me he went shopping for rings and talked to a lady at diamond hut for 45 minutes or so while she explained to him all about diamonds & everything else. We went to the mall around 7:30 tonight and he was walking into more jewelry stores and saying things like "oh I definitely need to come back here and at this point he already found something (engagement ring) that he really likes, but I don't know what it is. So, after this, I'm still calm, we go to get something to eat and he pulls out a knot of money, so I'm like babe, why do you have all of that money and he's like basically because he was going ring shopping :blush:. I'm trying not to be so excited :grin::grin::grin:, but I'm definitely thinking Christmas. He's so open I feel like the only surprise will be the ring, but I'm so so excited. Now what do you guys think?

Whoo hooo :yay:
I have a good feeling about this! :)
Re: ***UPDATE*** Do you think I'm getting engaged soon???

Ok, so today my SO told me he went shopping for rings and talked to a lady at diamond hut for 45 minutes or so while she explained to him all about diamonds & everything else. We went to the mall around 7:30 tonight and he was walking into more jewelry stores and saying things like "oh I definitely need to come back here and at this point he already found something (engagement ring) that he really likes, but I don't know what it is. So, after this, I'm still calm, we go to get something to eat and he pulls out a knot of money, so I'm like babe, why do you have all of that money and he's like basically because he was going ring shopping :blush:. I'm trying not to be so excited :grin::grin::grin:, but I'm definitely thinking Christmas. He's so open I feel like the only surprise will be the ring, but I'm so so excited. Now what do you guys think?

Awww honey, I'm so happy for you :)

I just found out by accident (snooping :look:) that my SO is going to propose for Christmas, so I'm trying to calm myself down too and act like I don't know. Even though I know its coming, I'm still super excited, like you! :drunk::drunk:
Re: ***UPDATE*** Do you think I'm getting engaged soon???

Awww honey, I'm so happy for you :)

I just found out by accident (snooping :look:) that my SO is going to propose for Christmas, so I'm trying to calm myself down too and act like I don't know. Even though I know its coming, I'm still super excited, like you! :drunk::drunk:

Aww. Congrats to you both, Cdixon, Foxxymami! :grin:
Yeaaa & Congratulations Foxxymami!! so I'm not the only one trying to be very calm at a very exciting time. I don't want him to think I'm too anxious, so on the outside I'm calm, but on the inside I'm dying.
You know what I love about this ????
You are in the shop...helping some one else...And
you just happened to see a ring you like AND you mention
it your SO.....

Scenario 1 refuse to go to the store
to help :perplexed
so you never see the RING
it's not even on your mind:nono:

Scenario 2 go to the see the Ring
but since you are not there for yourself...
you ignore the Ring ...and your heart :blush:

Scenario 3 you are at the store
you see the it..but
keep it to your self :yawn:because no one
has mentioned specifically A RING
today and maybe your So would be like this :eek2:
or at the very least like this ..:eh:

Scenario 4 you are at the store ..being of service to your friend
:rolleyes:who is being of loving service to her SO :love: see the Ring! :bling:

you follow your heart :luv2::yep:

you tell your So
..he follows his heart ...:luv2::yep:

since they are one and the same beating....:dinner:
orchestrated perfectly by God :sunshine:

Now it's.....
going to the chapel
and we're going
to get ma-aa- -aaried

and they lived happily ever after :grin:

THE BEGINNING ****:sweet:
You know what I love about this ????
You are in the shop...helping some one else...And
you just happened to see a ring you like AND you mention
it your SO.....

Scenario 1 refuse to go to the store
to help :perplexed
so you never see the RING
it's not even on your mind:nono:

Scenario 2 go to the see the Ring
but since you are not there for yourself...
you ignore the Ring ...and your heart :blush:

Scenario 3 you are at the store
you see the it..but
keep it to your self :yawn:because no one
has mentioned specifically A RING
today and maybe your So would be like this :eek2:
or at the very least like this ..:eh:

Scenario 4 you are at the store ..being of service to your friend
:rolleyes:who is being of loving service to her SO :love: see the Ring! :bling:

you follow your heart :luv2::yep:

you tell your So
..he follows his heart ...:luv2::yep:

since they are one and the same beating....:dinner:
orchestrated perfectly by God :sunshine:

Now it's.....
going to the chapel
and we're going
to get ma-aa- -aaried

and they lived happily ever after :grin:

THE BEGINNING ****:sweet:
Oh my goodness, thank you so much, that was beautiful. Seriously, I'm trying to hold back tears :crying3:. I know this is going to be a great time in my life and my family keeps saying this is going to be my year, and I really believe it. Thanks again.

stories like this make me so happy:grin:
and im glad you are with the love of your life

congrats too foxymami:grin:
Re: ***UPDATE*** Do you think I'm getting engaged soon???

Ok, so today my SO told me he went shopping for rings and talked to a lady at diamond hut for 45 minutes or so while she explained to him all about diamonds & everything else. We went to the mall around 7:30 tonight and he was walking into more jewelry stores and saying things like "oh I definitely need to come back here and at this point he already found something (engagement ring) that he really likes, but I don't know what it is. So, after this, I'm still calm, we go to get something to eat and he pulls out a knot of money, so I'm like babe, why do you have all of that money and he's like basically because he was going ring shopping :blush:. I'm trying not to be so excited :grin::grin::grin:, but I'm definitely thinking Christmas. He's so open I feel like the only surprise will be the ring, but I'm so so excited. Now what do you guys think?

Now this DEFINITELY sounds like something big is about to happen! :grin:
Re: ***UPDATE*** Do you think I'm getting engaged soon???

Awww honey, I'm so happy for you :)

I just found out by accident (snooping :look:) that my SO is going to propose for Christmas, so I'm trying to calm myself down too and act like I don't know. Even though I know its coming, I'm still super excited, like you! :drunk::drunk:

Uhhhh, how can you call snooping an "accident"? :lachen: Give us more details lady!!!!