Do You Think Guys Can "Sense" When You Like Them??


Well-Known Member
This is sort of a spin-off from my other thread "Do Naturally Flirty Women Finish First?" . you think guys can sense when you are into them/or interested?? :look:

There are two schools of thought:

-Some say that guys/men need some sort of "green light" that you'd be open to being pursued, and that you need to give them lots of HINTS that you're interested

-Others say that a guy can think that you like them just because you smile or are friendly lol... :lol:

I know for me personally I'm starting to wonder whether or not guys DO have a sixth sense when you're into them, because it seems like when I DON'T like a guy (or when I'm just minding my own business) that's when the guy likes me. But when I DO like a guy, the guy doesn't like me back! :lol: Or, they are lukewarm at best. So go figure!! lol!

What has been YOUR experience?
It depends on the man. Some men view interaction as "liking" them and don't realize I am polite. And some men can tell by my tone, light touches, et cetera. And some men don't think anyone likes them unless they are blatant. My ex is one of those men. If you like him, you'd need to show him your vagina or flash him. Anything else, he would figure you were just polite. LOL! Most aloof man ever in that department.
I go by the "women underestimate, mem overestimate" stance. Of course they're able to sense it, just like we're able to sense it.
In my experience, they see what they wanna see, just like us.

If they're attracted to a woman, they'll interpret anything she does as a sign that she's interested until she says otherwise. If they're not attracted to her, they'll assume she's being friendly.

I think most of us do the exact same thing with men.
It depends on the man. Some men view interaction as "liking" them and don't realize I am polite. And some men can tell by my tone, light touches, et cetera. And some men don't think anyone likes them unless they are blatant. My ex is one of those men. If you like him, you'd need to show him your vagina or flash him. Anything else, he would figure you were just polite. LOL! Most aloof man ever in that department.
:lachen::lachen::lachen::lol: OMG!!! Are you serious?? Lol! So, I take it you had to pursue him?? :look:

I go by the "women underestimate, mem overestimate" stance. Of course they're able to sense it, just like we're able to sense it.

Interesting.... :scratchch I kinda have to agree.

What do you think tips them off to the fact that a woman likes them??? Like, say the woman isn't doing anything out of the ordinary other than being friendly, smiling, and engaging. Would they STILL get the impression she's interested??
In my experience, they see what they wanna see, just like us.

If they're attracted to a woman, they'll interpret anything she does as a sign that she's interested until she says otherwise. If they're not attracted to her, they'll assume she's being friendly.

I think most of us do the exact same thing with men.

Isn't this the truth! :lol: When you like a guy, ANYTHING he does makes you wonder: "Ooo...he looked at me for 2.5 seconds, I wonder if he likes me??" :giggle:

On the other hand though, do you really think that if a guy is NOT interested he'll just assume she's being friendly?? Because that hasn't been my experience lol... Sometimes I'll just be friendly and engaging, but if a guy has a gf or something (In other words, NOT interested), he'll start acting strange if I'm just being friendly and bubbly around him. :look:

Look dude, I don't like you like that... :lol: I'm just a naturally bubbly person lol!!! :lachen: I have a knack for being bubbly around guys I'm NOT interested in. But if I am interested then I'm all :hide: lol.... But Sometimes I wonder if guys take bubbly for flirty or whatnot.... What if a girl is just being nice though? :look:
:lachen::lachen::lachen::lol: OMG!!! Are you serious?? Lol! So, I take it you had to pursue him?? :look:

Interesting.... :scratchch I kinda have to agree.

What do you think tips them off to the fact that a woman likes them??? Like, say the woman isn't doing anything out of the ordinary other than being friendly, smiling, and engaging. Would they STILL get the impression she's interested??

@Crystalicequeen123, actually he pursued me. He did not know I liked him until I told him. He was so surprised. I asked why did he think I spent time with him? And would flirt? And find a way to touch his chest or hands? He figured I was polite and was just grateful to be my friend he said. :rolleyes: :drunk: :lachen::lachen:We ended up getting married. :lol: Smart as a whip but dumb when it comes to a woman's signals. :lol:
Isn't this the truth! :lol: When you like a guy, ANYTHING he does makes you wonder: "Ooo...he looked at me for 2.5 seconds, I wonder if he likes me??" :giggle:

On the other hand though, do you really think that if a guy is NOT interested he'll just assume she's being friendly?? Because that hasn't been my experience lol... Sometimes I'll just be friendly and engaging, but if a guy has a gf or something (In other words, NOT interested), he'll start acting strange if I'm just being friendly and bubbly around him. :look:

Look dude, I don't like you like that... :lol: I'm just a naturally bubbly person lol!!! :lachen: I have a knack for being bubbly around guys I'm NOT interested in. But if I am interested then I'm all :hide: lol.... But Sometimes I wonder if guys take bubbly for flirty or whatnot.... What if a girl is just being nice though? :look:

I am bubbly regardless of who it is. I am one of those kind of women. But I think for many women it is easier to be bubbly around a man they could not care less about.
@Crystalicequeen123, actually he pursued me. He did not know I liked him until I told him. He was so surprised. I asked why did he think I spent time with him? And would flirt? And find a way to touch his chest or hands? He figured I was polite and was just grateful to be my friend he said. :rolleyes: :drunk: :lachen::lachen:We ended up getting married. :lol: Smart as a whip but dumb when it comes to a woman's signals. :lol:

Oh okay gotcha lol :lol:

But see, this is even MORE "proof" to me that even the most OBLIVIOUS of men will STILL go after you if they are really interested. :yep: :yep:
In my experience, they see what they wanna see, just like us.

If they're attracted to a woman, they'll interpret anything she does as a sign that she's interested until she says otherwise. If they're not attracted to her, they'll assume she's being friendly.

I think most of us do the exact same thing with men.

This post is the absolute truth!!! They can be blind just like we can.
In my experience, they see what they wanna see, just like us.

If they're attracted to a woman, they'll interpret anything she does as a sign that she's interested until she says otherwise. If they're not attracted to her, they'll assume she's being friendly.

I think most of us do the exact same thing with men.

:yep: I completely agree with this.
I think that men are the ones that have to ask girls out and risk rejections and so they either have to really be pretty sure OR they have to be really ok with the embarrassment of being wrong.

Therefore, if they don't know they probably will try to make sure they have a watertight case mutual attraction before asking a girl out.

I think confidence has a lot to do with it though. Girls are much better at signals than guys I think. I think guys notice less than women.