do you stay in contact with

Of course. There is no reason to not keep in touch and hang out with my friends. My pet peeve is those women that stop talking to their friends as soon as they get a new bf. Then when they're single, they want to start hanging out like nothing nver happened. They were my friends before i met him and will be after. Except if they're trifling.
I keep in close contact with my best gf's but the problem is is that we are so close that we get into details about each others relationships. And my girls (I'm the same way) get really protective when the guy does some thing wrong because they know all of the the history. So for 2008..:look: I'm going to try to limit the details I tell my friends........I'll just let out all my relationship secrets here!:lachen::lachen::lachen:
your girlfriends when you have a new love interest around? if not, why?
Yes, otherwise they won't be my girlfriends for long. I can't stand when women ditch their friends for a man, and friends who do that to me get dismissed for good (and they don't get to come crawling back when the man dumps them either).
I try to stay close with my girlfriends, ignore petty jealousies and just stay friends. But I'm moving states, getting married and I'm in a fix, cause I'm like should I really try to keep those relationships going even though I'm going to be starting a new life in a different state? Or should I focus my energy on making new friends?

My real girlfriend that lives out of me and her have kept in touch for over 10 years.
This reminds me of two friends I use to hang out with...I knew when they would have a man in their life...they would stop calling, going out, etc...and of course when that man would break their hearts...hear they come calling again. But of course I was/still there for them...because they are my girls. However, I do believe just because a woman gets a new beau she should still keep in touch with their family & friends! I've been married almost 11 years and I still have my friends involved in my life.
Yes I do... And I stopped being friends with people that do that. If we've been friends for a long time and before you met him that shouldn't change. It's not fair that you want to be my friend only when you're single. Then all the sudden when you're single again or that man is acting up you want to come back and pick up where we left off? Sorry Charlie... :nono:
Yes I do... And I stopped being friends with people that do that. If we've been friends for a long time and before you met him that shouldn't change. It's not fair that you want to be my friend only when you're single. Then all the sudden when you're single again or that man is acting up you want to come back and pick up where we left off? Sorry Charlie... :nono:

ITA. i think these kind of "friends" are users anyway. they are only really concerned about what they can get out of the friendship, instead of being there for you also. they don't seem to realise your life does not revolve around them.
ITA. i think these kind of "friends" are users anyway. they are only really concerned about what they can get out of the friendship, instead of being there for you also. they don't seem to realise your life does not revolve around them.

Agreed. They are total users.
Girlfriends that only want to hang around you when they're single piss me the hell off. Just because ya'll broke up you wanna come back and act like nothing ever happened, no **** it don't work like that. And I hate when they try to flip it on you like "Well, I never know when you're free", well that's why you ASK, @ss****.

I'm sorry I just hate when people try to use me:nono:
your girlfriends when you have a new love interest around? if not, why?

Friends that disappear when they meet a man and then come crawling back around when it doesn't work out... :nono::nono::nono::nono::nono: NOT FRIENDS.

Folks act like friendships and relationships are mutually exclusive. I'm thinking in reverse. If you can't get along with my friends or don't like hanging with my friends or vice versa, there's probably something wrong with YOU (meaning dude in question).
I keep in close contact with my best gf's but the problem is is that we are so close that we get into details about each others relationships. And my girls (I'm the same way) get really protective when the guy does some thing wrong because they know all of the the history. So for 2008..:look: I'm going to try to limit the details I tell my friends........I'll just let out all my relationship secrets here!:lachen::lachen::lachen:

I feel the same way. My first cousins are around the same age as me so they are my best friends with the addition of 2 non realitives that we've known since for at least 10 years.

We actally all hang out our SOs seem to get along well without us as well
Yes I do, even though it can be harder as the relationship gets more serious IMO. My girls and I always try to make time for eachother once a week. It doesn't always work out like that, but at least we try.
Yes definitley. Guys might come and go but my true friends are there for life. I think less of people who ditch their friends after they start going out with somebody new.
I have been guilty of abandonment :nono: I just get caught up in the relationship but its like when Im single nobody calls me for anything then when I get caked up they decide to start calling. As Ive gotten older, Ive learned to balance it out but before I was guilty as sin :ohwell:
Of course. There is no reason to not keep in touch and hang out with my friends. My pet peeve is those women that stop talking to their friends as soon as they get a new bf. Then when they're single, they want to start hanging out like nothing nver happened. They were my friends before i met him and will be after. Except if they're trifling.

I'm going through this right now. One of my friends has a new boo, and all she wants to do is chase him. I mean I know you're in love and all but you're with him 24/7(they practically live together) would it kill you to hang out with your homegirl once in a while? I'm talking like once a month.

Every time I ask her to hang out, (even on my birthday weekend) she'll say she'll hang out but then she doesnt up and doesnt even call cause she's too busy playing house with the dude she really dont need to be with it in the first place! It really pisses me off. Sometimes I really dont feel like dealing with her at all.

When I was dating a guy, who I really liked by the way, when the weekend came I always though of my girls first. Before even trying to see what he was up to. I would call everyone else but him. i'd never do my friends like that. Men come and go friends are forever.
I met my SO in college at the same time I met my friends...we all hung out together. We even lived together in the same dorms, but then two moved off campus and I lived with one in a dorm...then I moved off campus, so we did not hang out as much. You know how it is, when you get in the latter part of college, sometimes you just grow apart. Now I am the only one still in the city where my college is at. I just graduated, one graduated last may, and the other two are in their home towns...Hell my SO is in another state also bc he is in training for military. And all my old friends from high school, middle school are out state. Hell I need to get some new friends.
you know ladies, i REALLY don't understand this whole thing with women...i doubt that guys do this (at least not as much) it really is a crappy way to be a friend.