Do you see with rose colored glasses?


Well-Known Member
I know most of us have done this at some point....
he's nice to me (but he doesn't have a job)
he compliments me (but minutes later belittles you)
he comes from a good family (but you have been with him for 50-11 years with no marriage talks in the works)

Yall know what I mean? Has it gotten to the point that we will "overlook" some serious red flags just because the pickings are slim? Like I said before at the beginning, I have done it before, lots of times. That's why I don't fault anyone who has set standards of what they want in a mate! Cause men sure do and will STICK TO THEM! They aren't giving us a pass, the first stretch mark, or 10 lbs gained and some of them want to be GHOST!

For example:
I will use my mom....(kind of what led me to think about this kind of stuff)

My mom had my sister and I before she married my dad. I REALLY think that he married my mom because of us. Nevertheless my mom worked hard and stayed at her job for 30+ years....the problem, my dad was a DEADBEAT in every sense of the word! While he was "there" physically, he wasn't involved in our family at all (was even an addict...another story) But after 25+ years of misery, my mom and dad finally got a divorce. My mom was living her life, committed to doing her and really (from the looks of it) enjoing herself.....THEN.....

She meets the UGLIEST man I have ever known in my LIFE! He sweet talked my mom, told her what she wanted to hear (most was lies) and married him within a year....This fool has NO STEADY JOB, is lazy and treats her like a doormat....But she is so proud of her HUSBAND...:nono:
I think she was just lonely because, 10 years later, her house is almost in forclosure, he has gone through all of her money, and had hit her...

What are your thoughts? Have you ever overlooked a lot of the bad qualities in a man for the few good ones?
he's nice to me (but he doesn't have a job)

first of all, my puddi don't even get wet for a broke man..chile puleez.

ETA - i replaced mu'phucka wif "man". :ohwell:
Yeah what is the opposite of those glasses? But the women that do see like this are the ones that will be on IRL and here later even After we told them TO RUN FOREST RUN they will be crying about why I did not see this
I will admit I have looked at a few relationships through rose colored glasses. Especially my most recent relationship. Not that he did really mean hurtful things to me on purpose, but traits that I thought I could accomodate that I found out I couldn't. Better now then years down the rode. I will admit I am a bit slow, but once I get it, I get it and it will not happen again with no one else.
I will admit I have looked at a few relationships through rose colored glasses. Especially my most recent relationship. Not that he did really mean hurtful things to me on purpose, but traits that I thought I could accomodate that I found out I couldn't. Better now then years down the rode. I will admit I am a bit slow, but once I get it, I get it and it will not happen again with no one else.

@ThickHair, you're not talking about the guy you were engaged to, are you?
I don't know that I look at people with rose colored glasses, but I do feel like since I came out of a single parent household that I at times have no clue what the difference is. What is a real man supposed to be doing? What attitudes about life should he have? I think it's hard for women who have had extremely poor examples of what men are in intimate relationships to quite simply believe that there is some other alternative. How can you know something exists if you've never seen it before? And I know for a lot of women in my mom's generation, who came out of families where the dad would beat the wife and kids on a weekly, if not daily basis, having a man who only hits you once in a while and who takes the time to say sweet nothings to you is actually a huge step up. Obviously there is still better out there, you know that, I know that, but not everyone does. And we need to have compassion for those people.
I don't know that I look at people with rose colored glasses, but I do feel like since I came out of a single parent household that I at times have no clue what the difference is. What is a real man supposed to be doing? What attitudes about life should he have? I think it's hard for women who have had extremely poor examples of what men are in intimate relationships to quite simply believe that there is some other alternative. How can you know something exists if you've never seen it before? And I know for a lot of women in my mom's generation, who came out of families where the dad would beat the wife and kids on a weekly, if not daily basis, having a man who only hits you once in a while and who takes the time to say sweet nothings to you is actually a huge step up. Obviously there is still better out there, you know that, I know that, but not everyone does. And we need to have compassion for those people.
In some ways I made some of the same mistakes as my mom, but in other ways I did the EXACT opposite because I didn't want to be like her.
ThickHair Sorry it didn't work out. I'm glad you didn't withdraw from LHCF. I have the same attitude as you. Once I go through it - IT.WILL.NEVER.HAPPEN.TO.ME.AGAIN!!!!

OP, I have looked out of rose colored glasses twice. Two different bad traits I can not put up with. My ex husband was verbally abusive which started creeping towards physical, so I was out. I was so determined not to hook up with anyone like him again, that the smooth talker with potential (code words for broke) charmed his way right in.:nono:
@ThickHair Sorry it didn't work out. I'm glad you didn't withdraw from LHCF. I have the same attitude as you. Once I go through it - IT.WILL.NEVER.HAPPEN.TO.ME.AGAIN!!!!

OP, I have looked out of rose colored glasses twice. Two different bad traits I can not put up with. My ex husband was verbally abusive which started creeping towards physical, so I was out. I was so determined not to hook up with anyone like him again, that the smooth talker with potential (code words for broke) charmed his way right in.:nono:
I think that bolded word is KILLER for us women...if he isn't 22 and fresh outta college, his POTENTIAL should already have manifested!
I see with the exact opposite, which isn't any healthier. I'm working on finding balance though, God help me.
I used to.. right now i'm currently single, but I find myself much quicker to let dudes go and keep it moving. I feel like my mind is sharper, i'm much more shrewd and less forgiving. I def take heed to smaller signs much more quickly than I did say.. a few years ago. Before I can't say it was only naivete, as much as I was moreso dismissive of things, or over thought things and didn't stick to what I believed to be right for me. Since I'm single, I don't know how this will pan out in my next relationship, but from the practice I've been getting from a few dates and speaking to dudes on the phone, my spidey senses are def far more heightened! I'm still working on it, but as of right now... my glasses def ain't so rosey.
I am somewhere in the middle. I try and look through slightly pink shaded glasses, and give one or two passes (benefit of the doubt). But my working with a brotha/ save a brotha/ giving a chance for his potential to manifest card has been maxed out.

As ThickHair said, I've now seen horse manure up close and personal. Can't nobody try and tell me it's chocolate pudding again.
OMG FOR REAL! DANG! That "I better not see you cause I might punch you in the face" stage is a BEEYOTCH!

Aww man.....

Well as long as you're ok. :)

ThickHair Sorry it didn't work out. I'm glad you didn't withdraw from LHCF. I have the same attitude as you. Once I go through it - IT.WILL.NEVER.HAPPEN.TO.ME.AGAIN!!!!

I think we have all been there.

I notice that when a man is putting it DOWN in the bedroom, those glasses get real rosy :love: :love: :love: :brainfog:

Thanks ladies, it wasn't drama filled. Things were put on the table and it was taken from there. I did receive proper closure and we didn't have sex to cloud our judgement either, so a lot of things were avoided. I am doing swell. I have even met another guy, but there will be no thread on him or any other guy that I date or consider marrying. LOL
I sure have, especially in the past but I find it has helped define what I will and wont accept now. I let SO know quite clearly what I wont tolerate and he knows Im quite serious about bouncing if I need to.
I did when I was fresh out of college and hadn't quite learned the rules of dating in the "real world". :rolleyes: After a month of a situation that began as :drunk: (when my "glasses" caused me to ignore OBVIOUS signs), went to :pullhair: (when I got the guts to start asking questions), and and finally to :Run: (when I acknowledged the reality of the situation and rolled out), I made a few quick "notes to self":

1. If his answer to the "what's going on with "us"" question is "we're hanging out", that's what we're doing, "hanging out"... as "friends". :rolleyes:
2. Feeling like we have a connection =/= actually having one.
3. Don't make assumptions; ask difficult questions, accept difficult answers, and K.I.M.

I found out the hard way (but, thankfully, fairly quickly) that a situation that's never been viewed through rose-colored glasses looks MUCH better than the one you see after the reality check that knocks the glasses off. :yep:
I've had on complete blinders. But at least I can say I've never made the same mistake twice with a guy.
The older I get, the stricter I am.
I don't need to be flexible about certain matters. I'm good with that. :)
I sure have, especially in the past but I find it has helped define what I will and wont accept now. I let SO know quite clearly what I wont tolerate and he knows Im quite serious about bouncing if I need to.

This is it right here. As long as you correct it.