Do you return hair products or throw them under the bathroom sink?


Active Member
I am a new member to LHCF (this being my first post), and was wondering when you purchase something that you are not happy with, do you keep it or return it back to the store?

I have been lurking on the site for a few weeks now and have had to learn VERY QUICKLY not to run out and buy every product that someone posts a rave review for. I purchased something this weekend that didn't work for my hair at all and returned it to the store. I was a bit apprehensive as I didn't know wether hair care products were something that could be returned but they didn't give me any flack about it.

Just wondering if you ladies typically take things back or just chuck it under the sink with everything else.

It really depends. I returned some wildgro because I thought someone opened it but i got another one. I would return if I could and if not I would give it away. I dont see a reason to keep anything that is not being used. It just takes up space for the good stuff that works for your hair. Also sometimes if you dont weed that stuff out you can actually misplace your good stuff and possibly forget you liked it. Sincerely, recovering PJ
It's a mix. If it's really bad I return it. Just so the manufacturer knows I thought it stank. If it's just ok I save it for a revisit. I've loved a lot of products on revisit. I also like having alternatives so I don't use the same products over and over. For example, I like having 2 conditioners that work ok and 2 that work fantasic. So, even when it's under the sink doesn't mean it doesn't get used. Actually, if it's under the sink and hasn't been used it's given away. There's no room for products I don't like at all.
If I bought it from rite aid I return it, especially if it is shampoo or conditioner. I will keep deep conditioner because my mom's hair loves ANYTHING so I use it for her. If I bought it from the bss I keep it and use it in my conditioner mix, oil mix or prepoo.
JLove74 said:
I return, because I hate having extra "stuff" in my closet.

Me too. if I don't have the receipt (don't call the popo's on me yall) I take it to Walmart and they take it and give me a gift card. Shoot, it's better than nothing. BUT it has to be a brand that they sell.

I will throw away something in the quickness too! i just can't use up anything that me or my hair doesn't like.

We have a exchange/selling board here and most PJ's here would buy it:D
MizaniMami said:
Me too. if I don't have the receipt (don't call the popo's on me yall) I take it to Walmart and they take it and give me a gift card. Shoot, it's better than nothing. BUT it has to be a brand that they sell.

I will throw away something in the quickness too! i just can't use up anything that me or my hair doesn't like.

We have a exchange/selling board here and most PJ's here would buy it:D

Oh my God, MizaniMami, you do this too? So do I!! Wal-Mart is cool like that, as long as they sell that brand they let you return stuff without a receipt. Plus they give me cash back. :look: Don't judge me, y'all! :lol:

If I bought the item a Sally's I will return it, mos def. I also give products away to my mother and aunt. If I have conditioner kickin' around that I want to get rid of, then that's a pre poo right there. I will really slather it on thick just to get rid of it. Or I'll use it to shave with. When I was in "training" for my 1st self relaxing attempt, I was able to use up a leave-in cream and beaucoup conditioners in my "practice sessions." :yep:

But my favorite way to get rid of unused stuff lately, is to give it away to a local women's shelter, it kinda redeems me from my scamming Wal-Mart ways. :p When I suddenly ODed on buying VO5 conditioner for dirt cheap only to come to the realization that co-washes weren't for me, I was able to donate them with some other miscellaneous hair items. :angel:
Priestess said:
Oh my God, MizaniMami, you do this too? So do I!! Wal-Mart is cool like that, as long as they sell that brand they let you return stuff without a receipt. Plus they give me cash back. :look: Don't judge me, y'all! :lol:

If I bought the item a Sally's I will return it, mos def. I also give products away to my mother and aunt. If I have conditioner kickin' around that I want to get rid of, then that's a pre poo right there. I will really slather it on thick just to get rid of it. Or I'll use it to shave with. When I was in "training" for my 1st self relaxing attempt, I was able to use up a leave-in cream and beaucoup conditioners in my "practice sessions." :yep:

But my favorite way to get rid of unused stuff lately, is to give it away to a local women's shelter, it kinda redeems me from my scamming Wal-Mart ways. :p When I suddenly ODed on buying VO5 conditioner for dirt cheap only to come to the realization that co-washes weren't for me, I was able to donate them with some other miscellaneous hair items. :angel:

Whew! I thought I was alone:lol:
I'm so lazy I've never returned a hair product.:lol: If it doesn't work for me I usually give it to one of my younger sisters to try.
Gosh, thats a good question............ now that I think about it, I usually just keep the product and allow it to collect dust in the bathroom. I guess its not worth the hassle.... of trekking back to the BSS just to argue with some strict Asian store owners in downtown Brooklyn. Their store return/exchange policies be hella strict. If anything, I will pass the product along to a friend or one of my sisters. You know what they say: What man's trash is another man's treasure. :)
Hey, I returned over 5 products last week. I mean "everything", used or not!
I realized that I don't need all of that nonsense. :p

I wasn't ashamed one bit I'll tell ya. :lol:
KiniKakes said:
Gosh, thats a good question............ now that I think about it, I usually just keep the product and allow it to collect dust in the bathroom. I guess its not worth the hassle.... of trekking back to the BSS just to argue with some strict Asian store owners in downtown Brooklyn. Their store return/exchange policies be hella strict. If anything, I will pass the product along to a friend or one of my sisters. You know what they say: What man's trash is another man's treasure. :)

This is me too. I'm too lazy to return it. I just give them to my friends since I don't have any sibblings. Most of the time I give them to my boyfriend's best friend since he doesn't take very good care of the hair he's trying to grow. I try to educate him and give him the stuff I don't like that got good reviews.
Wow this is a good thread. I've never returned a hair product. I have always given them away or thrown them away. It never crossed my mind to take them back to the store. For those of you who have taken them back, were there any stores who refused them?
I will return them as long as they give back my cash (most BSS won't, especially Asian ones exchange only if that, lol). But I think in most cases it takes more than one use to confirm if it is working for your hair, some products take atleast 3 wks or more to show full results.
I never take my products back to the store they usally end up under my sink or given to family or friends.
Some of them end up in the trash usally styling products.
ebony757 said:
Wow this is a good thread. I've never returned a hair product. I have always given them away or thrown them away. It never crossed my mind to take them back to the store. For those of you who have taken them back, were there any stores who refused them?

The reason I was nervous to return my purchase is because I started wondering if they are ever concerned with people emptying out the "good" stuff and replacing it with a 99 cent conditioner. I don't ever buy products (other than hair which isn't returnable anyway) from the BSS. I either purchase them from Sally's, Walgreens, Target or Wal-Mart. So I guess as long as I have the receipt I am all good.

But I still wonder about folks taking home a $16.00 bottle of Nexxus, replacing it with Suave, and returning it back to the store. My brother was with me when I made the return so when I was vocalizing my thoughts to him, his shady butt was like, "Dang, that's a good idea." :nono:

Im lazy too....90% of the time it gets tossed...5% gets put under the sink and the last 5% will get returned if I happen to remember or still have the receipt. (this applies to cheap or expensive products)
They usually go under the sink. Sometimes I give them another chance. If they still don't do their job, my friends get them.
I just throw it under the sink. I haven't tried a product that was so bad that I'd want to return it. Usually, I'll just put it under the sink and use it later. :ohwell:
I never knew returning hair products was on option. If I don't like something I just throw it away, or use it on my dogs. Can you return a 8-10oz bottle of conditioner after you've used half?
ebony757 said:
Wow this is a good thread. I've never returned a hair product. I have always given them away or thrown them away. It never crossed my mind to take them back to the store. For those of you who have taken them back, were there any stores who refused them?

I don't buy from stuff from BSS for a few reasons, one of them being their NO RETURN policy. I buy from Sally's, CVS, Target, etc..where I know there is a return policy.